1 Describe the concept of ubiquity in relation to contemporary media environment What does it mean to say media is ubiquitous The media is everywhere It is always with us and also a part of us 2 What is semantic web How is it helping us reaching information Is it necessarily a good thing or a bad thing Connects idea to idea Works how a human brain works Sources don t matter but data does Google knows everything 3 What is the downside of Google knowing everything In other words what is the main concern that people have voiced against one big machine that knows everything What is a digital shadow There would be no privacy for anyone because all information would be on the internet A digital shadow displays how much Facebook actually knows about you 4 What is the alternative way of thinking about the old idea of media affecting humans and human behavior Where should one position the media in relation to human behavior Are new information and communication technologies degenerating human morality the world that we experience throughout our lives is heavily influenced by the media 5 How does the idea of panopticon gain importance in the current media environment What are the alternative forms of surveillance What are the advantages of increased opportunities for surveillance in the current media landscape for the larger masses Can surveillance be beneficial The idea that we are always being watched by today s media through surveillance 6 What are the four predictors of social protest revolt What do people protest react against Restrictions preventing basic needs from being met Perceived inequalities Restrictions of liberty Perceived injustices 7 How is social community an important factor in instigating social change It is a place for people to speak up Need for collective action to overcome barriers Perception of the critical mass 8 What is the role of technology here Social media Specifically what has been the role of social media in revolutions through the last decade e g The Arab Spring Spread of information more easily The networked internet gatekeepers less important People were able to show the world the injustice that was taking place in the middle east and persuaded other people to join the movement 9 How did Facebook use influence protest participation in Chile Valenzuela et al article What do the different uses of Facebook tell us in general about the role of social media in social protests The link between overall Facebook use and protest activity was explained by using the social network for news and socializing rather than when it was used for selfexpression 10 How should you approach the statement Social media provides the ingredients necessary for social revolutions and protests Social media does provide a public forum to discuss revolutions and protest 11 How is social media more efficient than traditional means for mediating social protests It spreads the message much faster and much farther than any other method possibly could 12 How do memes matter during social protests Exemplars Visuals make more persuasive arguments Easily shared Attract attention 13 What is cyber utopianism The Net Delusion What are some of its dangers that we discussed in the lecture The belief that online communication is in itself emancipatory and that the Internet favors the oppressed rather than the oppressor has accompanied the Internet from its beginnings Information Internet does NOT necessarily lead to democratization and more freedom 14 What are the potential dark sides of new information technologies What features of technology do authoritarian regimes make use of How does this strengthen the argument that media is a mediator Authoritarian regimes use these tools as well Spread misinformation Identification of activists It depends who is using the media as a mediator 15 What is digital divide Which demographic groups in the society are especially at a disadvantage People who use digital technology v those that don t Poor people people without an education and old people 16 What is the distinction between the concepts of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Is either generally considered as the ideal or better than the other Why Geimenschaft is the traditional small community where everyone knows your name Gesellschaft is a larger more urban and modern society 17 Define communities What are the defining features of communities Forms of expression us Identity part of one s identity how you define yourself Relationships ties btw members Norms regulating the community 18 Based on the class discussion why are communities important Why are we seeking out communities Why do we want to be part of communities Increased effectiveness Collective action Information flows Identity building Social support 19 How do information technologies affect community building What effect does the virtual world have What are the two key differences between online and virtual community Hint These are the two important questions that people ask in analyzing online communities Increased effectivenessCollective actionInformation flowsIdentity buildingSocial supportHow important is geographical proximity neighborhood How important is richness the Bowling League 20 Why do strong ties matter Why do weak ties matter In which of the two is there more anonymity In the context of community building and group cohesion is anonymity more or less beneficial What are three results of anonymity in group context Strong ties Comes with proximity closeness attachment repeated exposure Important for social supportWeak ties Important for spreading information horizon Bridging social capital networking easier in virtual world for low self esteem individuals 21 Does quantity or quality matter more for our psychological well being i e loneliness self esteem when it comes to the number of online friends we have Explain Hint Refer to the reading for the day Quality of interactions with virtual friends matter more than quantity of friends reading Facebook 22 How can interacting with virtual friends e g Facebook friends through social comparison impact one s self esteem 3 different ways Parallel comparison surveillanceDownward comparisonUpward comparison inspiration 23 What is bridging capital Which kinds of ties are implicated in this term Is bridging capital easier or more difficult for individuals with low self esteem Refers to cooperative connections with people from different walks of life more valuable than bonding social capital Weak
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