BIOL 460 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I NTM in ANS continued a Norepinephrine i Adrenergic neurons ii Adrenergic receptors 1 Alpha 1 2 Alpha 2 3 Beta b Nonadrenergic noncholinergic fibers Outline of Current Lecture I Reflex II Endocrine System Chapter 11 a Exocrine glands b Endocrine glands III Hormone classification a Chemical b Solubility IV Mechanism of Hormone Action Current Lecture Reflex 1 2 3 4 Sensory structure sensory neuron CNS motor neuron smooth muscle Must be controlled by motor neuron in CNS Must have sensory input Must consider sensory structures These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a b c d e f Chemoreceptors send info to CNS respond to pH of blood Largely stretch receptors Carotid artery baroreceptors detect fluctuations in blood pressure Info goes to brain stem vasomotor center and cardiac center Increases sympathetic output vasoconstriction and increased heart rate Center nuclei control ANS visceral sensory neurons i Many are in medulla oblongata ii Also centers in hypothalamus Chapter Eleven Endocrine System Glands 1 Exocrine a Form from epithelia b Released by a duct c Salivary glands in pharynx d Out folding of pharynx 2 Endocrine a Developed in embryo from epithelia b No duct c No connection to body surface d Thyroid in pharynx was a result of invagination folding 3 Originally believed pituitary was master gland 4 Now it is known that there are several organs that are also glands a Table 1 1 b Include skin heart etc Endocrine glands produce hormone 1 Release into blood stream 2 Act on specific target cells 3 Target cells have receptors for hormone Hormones can be classified in two ways 1 Chemical classification a Amines i Catecholamine norepinephrine epinephrine adrenal medulla ii Thyroid hormone b Polypeptides proteins i Insulin ii ADH anti diuretic hormone iii Growth hormone c Glycoprotein i Protein with carbohydrate bonded ii FSH iii LH d Steroids i Sex hormones ii Corticosteroids produced by adrenal cortex 2 Solubility Classification a Lipophilic i Non polar hydrophobic ii Diffuse right through PM iii Have intracellular receptors iv Thyroid hormones 1 Retinoic acid vitamin A derivative 2 Calcitriol vitamin D derivative v Steroid hormones synthesized from cholesterol 1 Sex steroids a Produced by gonads b Progesterone c testosterone d Estradiol 17 B estrogen e Corticosteroids i Secreted by adrenal cortex ii Cortison vi Can be taken orally won t be digested b Polar i Water soluble hydrophilic ii Cannot cross PM iii Bond to receptors protein in membrane of target cell turns on STP cause hormone effect on target cell iv Polypeptides glycoproteins and monoamines v Catecholamine hormones vi Can t be taken in pill form c Prehormone i Endocrine mcl released by endocrine gland that is altered by target cell which converts it to functional hormone 1 T4 thyroxin enter target cell converted to T3 3 Mechanisms of hormone actions a Lipophilic hormones i Steroid hormone family 1 Sex steroids 2 Corticosteroids ii Thyroid hormone family 1 Thyroid hormone T3 and T4 2 9 cis retonic acid a Produced from vitamin A 3 Calcitriol modified form of vitamin D
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