UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Voting

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POLS 2312 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I The Rise of the Republican Party A Realignment B Dealignment II Tea Party III Precinct A Precinct Chair B Precinct Convention IV County Executive Committee A County Chair B County Convention V State Executive Committee A State Chair and Vice Chair B State Convention Outline of Current Lecture I Testing II Qualifications to Vote III Registration A Motor Voter Law IV Early Voting V Contributions to low participation rates in voting A Traditionalistic B Individualistic VI Political Structure and Political Culture Current Lecture l Both Leticia Van de Putte and Dan Patrick want less tests in high school Instead of 15 tests Patrick wants 5 and Leticia wants 1 ll These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute To vote one must be 18 years of age a U S citizen a resident of Texas for 30 days and a resident of the county for 30 days lll To register to vote you can register by mail or in person up to 30 days before an election You may register when renewing a driver s license a spouse parent or offspring may register an applicant provided they are qualified voters However making registration easier did not increase voter turnout Turnout in the U S is lower than in most countries The U S is fourth to last with only 56 6 of Americans voting Italy has the highest voter turnout with 92 5 A The Motor Voter Law is a national act passed in 1993 that requires states to allow people to register to vote when applying for a driver s license lV Early voting is a procedure that allows voters to cast ballots during a 2 week period before the regularly scheduled election date V Things that may contribute to low participation rates in voting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Low levels of educational attainment Low per capita income High rate of poverty Location in the South Young Population Traditionalistic and Individualistic Political Culture Candidate centered elections and little party competition Lack of media attention to substantive political issues Large numbers of undocumented residents and felons A Traditionalistic is the political and economic elite discouraging others from voting B Individualistic is when people believe there s a real or perceived corruption in the government so they don t vote Vl Some deterrent factors in the political structure is the length of the ballot the number of elections and a fragmented government In the political culture participation in politics is not highly regarded and voters feel like they make little impact in politics

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Voting

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