CSU MGT 305 - Theories, Organizational Behaviors and Employee Attitudes

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MGT 305 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Manager s role in training and ethical behavior II Best practices in training III Types of training methods IV Climate for transfer V Presentation tips Outline of Current Lecture II What are theories and how are they developed A Why have theories B Stages of development C Correlation not causation III Organizational Behaviors A Levels of analysis B Goals of OB IV Employee attitudes A Three components of an attitude B Why do we care about attitudes C Attitudes and Behaviors V Festinger s Cognitive Dissonance Theory Current Lecture Chapter 15 Understanding Individual Behavior Theories statements predicting which actions will lead to what results and why Theories help us make predictions understand the present and understand what is happening and why Theories develop in stages Observe and describe a phenomenon Classify aspects of the phenomenon into categories identify possible correlations Formulate a hypothesis of what causes the phenomenon and why Analyze failures Goal to apply results toward improving organization effectiveness Correlation degree of relationship between two things Correlation does not equal causation Cannot only focus on what attributes are associated with success and create a theory out of that correlation must ask under what circumstance will the use of this theory lead to failure Organizational Behavior OB the study of actions of people at work Levels of Analysis in OB Individual Group team Organizational Societal Goal of Organizational Behavior to explain predict influence behaviors These are the goals of the management team Main outcomes management are interested in o Employee productivity High productivity o Absenteeism Low absenteeism o Turnover Functional bad employee quits Dysfunctional losing top employees o Organizational Citizenship Behaviors OCBs Behaviors that aren t a part of an employee s formal job requirements but which promote the effective functioning of the organization Contemporary Management Principles Examples helping other s with their work staying late avoiding unnecessary conflict o Employee attitudes Job satisfaction o Workplace misbehavior Counterproductive work behaviors Employee attitudes evaluative statements concerning statements or judgments concerning objects people or events Three components of an attitude Cognitive o Part of the attitude made up by beliefs opinions knowledge or information held by a person Affective o Part of the attitude that s emotional or made up of feelings Behavioral intention o Part of the attitude that refers to the intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something Why do we care about attitudes They are often a goal in and of themselves They are a prediction for other goals behaviors How and why attitudes relate to behavior People seek consistency between their attitudes and behaviors Therefore they try to reconcile inconsistencies by either changing an attitude or a behavior Moderators of attitude behavior links determines whether people will change the attitude behavior Importance of the attitude Specificity of attitude and behavior Accessibility Social pressures Direct personal experience Festinger s Cognitive Dissonance Theory Cognitive dissonance any incompatibility between attitudes and behaviors Attitude Motivation to reduce dissonance Behavior Theory states that how hard we try to reduce dissonance is based off three things Importance of the factors creating the dissonance Degree of influence involved in dissonance o Do they have a choice or is it required by the job Rewards that might be involved in dissonance

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