BIOL 460 1nd Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Mesolimbic Dopamine System II Norepinephrine III Amino Acid Neurotransmitters Outline of Current Lecture II Inhibitory Amino Acid NTMs A GABA III Polypeptide Neurotransmitters IV Lipid NTMs V Gaseous NTM end of Chapter 7 VI Autonomic Nervous System beginning of Chapter 9 Current Lecture Inhibitory AA NTMs continued 1 GABA gamma amino butyric acid a Chemically modified form of glutamic acid b Receptor is ionotropic contains Cl channel c Common in brain i Purkinje cell cells in cerebellum enormous dendritic tree d Does in brain what glycine does in spinal cord Polypeptide Neurotransmitters short chains of amino acids 1 Neuropeptides a Substance P i Involved in neural pathways that are involved with pain sensations b Endogenous opioids i Bond to receptors in brain ii Opium and its derivatives are exogenous agonists iii analgesia and euphoria receptors that bond to opium and its derivatives iv Three endogenous opioids discovered 1 Endorphins 2 Enkephalins These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 Dynorphin v Turned on during periods of stress 1 Childbirth runners high Capsaicin high chemical in hot peppers vi Cause analgesia 1 Blocks release of substance P via axoaxonic synapse 2 Releases endorphins 3 Antagonists for Ca2 voltage gated channels no substance P is released via exocytosis Lipid Neurotransmitters 1 Small nonpolar hydrophobic no exocytosis needed 2 Tetrahydrocannabinol THC can relieve nausea exogenous cannabinoid a Endocannobinoid NTM i Anandamide 1 endogenous lipid NTM causes euphoria and analgesia 2 Ananda bliss or delight 3 Possibly a retrograde NTM Gaseous Neurotransmitters 1 Nitric Oxide NO a This is not laughing gas which is N20 given by dentists b Produced from L argenine by nitric synthetase c Roles i Paracrine factor in blood vessels causing vasodilation ii NTM of some neurons in PNA and subneurons in CNS iii Macrophages use NO to kill bacteria d FIGURE 20 22 Possible Essay Question i Parasympathetic axon innervates blood vessels in penis arterioles ii Action potentials open Calcium voltage gated channels iii Calcium turns on NO synthetase iv L argenine produces NO v NO diffuses through plasma membrane through synaptic cleft and into smooth muscle cell vi Turns on guanylate cyclase makes cGMP and pyrophosphate vii cGMP is a 2nd messenger it closes calcium voltage gated channels prevents muscle from contracting causing vasodilation viii vasodilation increases blood flow and causes an erection ix system is turned off by phosphodiesterase by hydrolyzing cGMP x Viagra inhibits phosphodiesterase 2 Carbon Monoxide a Produced by HEME oxygenase which is turned on by calcium calmodulin complex b c d e f Breaks down HEME group of hemoglobin Retrograde transmission Calmodulin is similar to synatotagmin CO diffuses right out of the axon Involved in learning and memory in the hippocampus CHAPTER NINE MATERIAL Autonomic Nervous System ANS 4 types of neurons 1 2 3 4 Somatic sensory Somatic motor innervates skeletal muscles conscious control Visceral sensory Visceral motor ANS a Supply cardiac muscle smooth muscle and glands b No conscious control c Involuntary effectors ANS neurons 1 2 3 Two neuron pathway a Preganglionic neuron cell body in CNS b Postganglionic neuron in PNS cell body is in autonomic ganglion Sympathetic fight or flight response Parasympathetic rest and digest Visceral Effectors 4 5 6 Smooth muscle cardiac muscle Destroy skeletal muscle axon flaccid paralysis atrophy Somewhat independent of innervation have a resting tone
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