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SYD 3020 Assignment 3 Fertility in Nigeria 1 You ll see when you browse the table of contents that the first chapter includes a discussion of the survey methodology This kind of discussion is standard in research reports Skim through it to learn about the four questionnaires used in the NDHS What were they the Household Questionnaire the Woman s Questionnaire the Man s Questionnaire and the Biomarker Questionnaire 2 a What percentage of women ages 15 49 had no education in 2018 28 b What was the percentage for men 22 c What percentage of women and of men had completed secondary high school The net attendance ratio NAR is 49 at the secondary level Secondary school or higher level attainment among women has increased slightly from 16 to 23 while among men it has increased from 24 to 30 The secondary NAR drops drastically to 47 among girls and 52 among boys Table 2 14 d Is the association between number of children born and maternal education similar to or different from the association you observed in Assignment 2 3 a What is the median age at first sexual intercourse for women What about the age at first marriage b What are the median ages at first sex and first marriage for men The median age at first marriage among women age 20 49 is 19 1 years Men marry later than women with the median age at first marriage among men age 30 59 being 27 7 years The median age at first sexual intercourse among women is 17 2 years while the median age among men is 21 7 years 4 a What is the average median age at first birth among Nigerian women aged 25 49 b What does this number indicate The median age at first birth among women age 25 49 is 20 4 years This means that half of women age 25 49 give birth for the first time before age 21 5 a What percentage of births to Nigerian mothers were characterized as wanted b As wanted at a later date c As not wanted at all Unwanted births Of all births in the past 5 years and current pregnancies 90 were wanted at the time of conception 8 were mistimed and 3 were unwanted 6 Contraceptive use is the most important proximate determinant of fertility a What percentage of currently married women aged 15 49 are using a modern contraceptive method b What percentage of sexually active unmarried women are doing so Modern contraceptive use is higher among sexually active unmarried women 28 than among currently married women 12 7 What percentage of currently married women who are nonusers i e do not use contraception report that a The decision to not use was their own 38 b The decision was made jointly with their husband 41 c The decision was mainly their husbands 19

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