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Test 3 Review Marriage trends and how they have changed non marital births Around the 1950 s the ages were lower than they are now They have increased since Childbearing is less tied to marriage than it was before Trends in divorce when was the peak of divorce how have divorce rates changed after the 1950 s the divorce rate increased and reached a peak in 1980 It reached its peak between 1975 and 1980 Divorce rates have increased High after war low after great depression higher among lower income couples Marriage and family trends in LDR s are they all similar multiple variations in marriage marriage polygyny cohabitation and stable childbearing relationships Second demographic transition change from traditional idea of marriage to more cohabitating and out of wedlock parenting Consequences of living in single parent families children are more at risk for poverty How do children of divorce fare Pre divorce trauma the crisis period sleeper effect Why is marriage important for demographers to study Refined rates and why they are beneficial a rate whose numerator contains all of the specified population events in a given year but whose denominator contains not the total population but some subset more narrowly defining the at risk population the denominator is only the people at risk not the entire population So it depicts the current status accurately First marriage curve most are married by age 30 at 50 you re pretty much forever alone The older you get the less likely it is someone will get married 3 common features of marriage across cultures and countries women in all countries still form stable marital sexual unions there are worldwide similarities Trends in age at first marriage in the US when were they high Low Marriage market composition of the marriageable population Marriage squeeze when there are shortages of the correct age category of potential mates Definitions of ever married never married formerly married marital dissolution currently married divorced or widowed single people divorced or widowed the process of spouse mortality and divorce Know types of migration and what causes them Internal within a country interregional internal International between countries Immigration entering a country Emigration exiting a country Sunbelt vs Frostbelt states where are people migrating Sunbelt states are the 15 southern states from California to Florida Frostbelt states are in the Northeastern US Great Lakes region people from the northeast and the Midwest are moving to the south and the west Which cities are projected to be the largest mega cities in the world in 2015 the ones in LDR s Donor and host society Donor area of origin Host area of destination What three conditions migration must satisfy it must involve a permanent or semi permanent change in one s residence it must cross some administrative boundary it must occur during a given time or period Figure 9 1 in the text be able to identify the in migration number out migration number and net migration Migration streams what were trends in the past Now In terms of LDRs and MDRs What influences modern migration streams Migration streams consist of the people who migrate from one specified area to another specified area in a given period of time Past trend Europe to North America Latin European to Central and South America Great Britain to Australia and Africa Current trends Latin Americans to North America Shift from migration streams from MDR s to LDR s to now being LDR s to MDR s Global economic development demographics of post transition countries and conflict within the developing world Refugees and forced migration Refugees people who are forced to migrate to avoid persecution war or disaster Forced migration results indirectly or directly from state expansions or conflicts slavery the colonies Brain drain the loss of the most highly educated individuals to migrations most likely to migrate from LDR s are the educated Remittances workers abroad send money to their families which may improve national income in their home country Positive selectivity certain people are more likely to migrate than others but the impact is positive for the host country brain drain Neoclassical macroeconomic theory neoclassical microeconomic theory mass migration will tend to flow from countries with an oversupply of labor to those with unmet demands for labor individuals make rational choices on whether to migrate based on cost benefit calculations Migration systems theory once migration stream has begun systematic effects can arise that supports continuing migration Mega city size and characteristics size city over 10 million characteristics density squatters socio economic disparities risks and vulnerability urban governance large population mainly LDR s dynamism of growth Urban corridor cities of various sizes linked through transportation and economics 3 main components of urban growth urban natural increase net migration reclassification Policies to limit urban growth Maldistribution in LDRs tendency for the largest city to grow the most disproportionately large The benefits from urbanization are not spread evenly across a country Problems of urbanization in LDRs Governmental concerns unsustainable due to poverty crime etc Policies to control migration limit growth and redirecting migration from mid size to smaller cities Migration out experience brain drain in coping with speed of growth Maldistribution Reasons for limited success of urban growth policies the strength of the attraction that urban areas have for migrants weak and conflicting population redistributions continuing high rates of natural increase in LDR s Examples of urban corridors Mumbai and Delhi in India Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Klang manufacturing and service industry corridor Ibadan Lagos Accura in West Africa Migration and contribution to urban growth as cities grow migration makes proportionately less of a contribution to urban growth

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