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Poultry Lab Define and identify the function of the following organs in a bird Keel bone provides anchorage for the attachment of large breast muscles in birds allowing them to flap winds and provide ventilation for their lungs during flight Liver synthesis and metabolism of fat Spleen largest peripheral lymphoid organ in chickens provides antibacterial and antiviral immune responses against acquired antigens Gall bladder storage of bile Proventriculus aka the true stomach is the glandular stomach where digestion primarily begins hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes such as pepsin are added to the feed Gizzard the mechanical stomach of a bird this muscular organ sometimes called the teeth mechanically grinds and mixes the birds feed Crop pouch in the esophagus used to store food temporarily before moving in on to the stomach Duodenal loop enzymes convert digested food into amino acids and glucose Meckel s diverticulum remnant of the yolk sac that gets filled with infiltrated lymphoid tissues after the yolk has been absorbed it supplies nutrients first days after hatching and acting as a secondary lymphoid organ hereafter Cecal pouches 2 bacterial action helps break down undigested food passing through the intestine breaks down woody fibrous and tough bits of food Oviduct long tube containing many blood vessels and glands produces the albumen shell membranes and the shell around the yolk to complete the egg Infundibulum engulfs the ovum which is released upon ovulation this is where fertilization takes place and the first layer off the egg white is secreted Shell gland formation of the eggshell takes around 20 21 hours in the chicken Define and identify the function of the following structures in a developing chick egg or embryo Stigma the area where the follicle normally splits to release the yolk into the oviduct Chalaza spring like structures that project from the equatorial region of the vitelline membrane into the albumen they act as balancers maintaining the yolk in a steady position in the laid egg Cuticle protein layer that covers the surface of the egg prevents bacteria from entering the egg and forms its first line of defense against infection Air cell a tiny shock absorber during early embryonic development when the chick hatches it takes its first breaths of air from this space Be familiar with the following milestones through the development of the chick embryo Appearance of heart beat around day 2 the heat forms and begins to beat Appearance of eyes and brain around day 4 limb development begins eyes and brain Days to hatching 21 days from development to hatching Be familiar with the following things used to assess both product quality and welfare Egg shell grading know some of the common internal and external defects of eggs Know how the following terms are used to assess poultry welfare Keel bone damage Feather or Plumage Coverage Footpad scoring Be familiar with the biosecurity measures discussed in lab Given an egg carton be able to explain what the different prints mean on the outside How are eggs scored internally and externally Be able to know when an egg is a B or A 2

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MSU ANS 110 - Poultry Lab

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