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Part I My greatest strength is the ability to communicate successfully Communication in the work place has gotten to be very complicated with e mails text messaging and voice mail Through this program and through my experience I have learned to always read any communication I have written before sending it to determine if I were the receiver how the message would be taken I need to stay more informed on health care policy and the legal and regulatory requirements surrounding health care I tend to find this subject matter tedious but it is so important to be informed if I want an important leadership position I am very organized and the research I conducted during my program was usually very thorough My goals were to view any subject objectively and during class discussions I tried very hard to listen to my classmates and take their side of an issue into consideration I have come a long way in that area since the beginning of my program It can be very difficult to listen to someone else s opinion if you have already decided you don t agree with them I always try to listen and view the subject in a different light Since beginning this program I have learned so much about different people and that fact that we don t all learn the same or think the same I can honestly admit that I was much more closed minded in the beginning I don t really think my ethical values have changed but my perspectives are broader and I feel so much better prepared to be in a leadership position I choose a mentor where I work she is the director of my department and I have watched her handle situations in such a diplomatic professional manner I have learned that it is important to always remain calm and stay in control while keeping it real with employees Sometimes you have to sit back and let that unhappy person unload or vent show compassion and then solve the problem whether it is an employee or a patient Setting a personal goal will help me to be more aggressive when it comes to studying topics that can be boring but are very important I find it very difficult to stay focused when it comes to policy and regulation updates and I hope this changes a little when I am done with my program Setting a personal goal will help me to be more outspoken in a group and not be so hesitant and insecure about sharing my opinions I feel that I have a lot to add during conversations surrounding my work and depending on the group of people I am usually hesitant to open up and share I don t have this problem with my team and I really feel that my team members appreciate my input so I don t know why I have a hard time sharing with people I don t know very well Setting a personal goal will help me stay on track with what I am planning for my future I do have several personal and professional tasks that I would like to accomplish in the next year and I will create an action plan for each task I am going to set up short term and long term goals I want to better understand the role technology will play in the future of health care I will read trade journals and magazines and talk to people in different positions in health care Myself and those I interview I would like to find a way to stay more informed about health care policy and legal and regulatory requirements surrounding health care Me I am going to discuss this with my director through networking and my searching various websites It will really be ongoing but the initial phase should be done in 6 months by June 15 2011 This will be ongoing throughout my career in health care I would like to have my initial research completed by April 23 2015 I need to join some trade organizations in order to read their articles I also need to find people in different health care careers to interview I am going to update my profile on Linkedin research on the website Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the website Health Care Administrators Association and ask for advice People may not have an opinion or their opinions may differ from the trade journals I might have a hard time finding journals or magazines I think developing really detailed questions and being consistent will help Also I might have to contact trade organizations to ask for help The obstacle I fear the most is creating a boring or an average profile I am not normally creative so I am going to ask for my brother in laws opinion he is very smart and last year he completed his MBA I will also look for advice on the web I would like to learn how to be a I am considering taking a public Me my husband for support and I really don t have a date for Local school information Finding the time and having the I will make this a priority and keep confident public speaker I feel that public speaking is a very important part of my future in healthcare I will complete a personal action plan for each goal that I am wanting to accomplish both in my personal life and professional life I am going to start with my personal life as these accomplishments will contribute to my future professional goals To live a completely healthy lifestyle so I can be a good example to others in health speaking course or a speech course at the local college instructor and students in mind how important it is to my future to be able to speak in a large group desire to take another class The cost might be an issue because I will be paying on my student loans also Me I will accomplish this goal by using the University of Phoenix Life Resource Center and the tools offered there My computer and my time I don t foresee any obstacles in completing this goal I am going to complete this goal and on time this I haven t looked into it yet and don t plan on checking it out until I am finished with my program I have four more elective classes after this one and I will get my BSHA in March 2015 I have already started this goal and it will be completed by September 26 2014 I started a program called CHIP 4 weeks ago through my work I am currently eating a Me and my husband for support and to hopefully get healthy with me I have already started this goal and will finish the CHIP program October 17 2014 but will continue Healthy recipes healthy food my dog to take walks with my treadmill willpower and Travel will be difficult eating out and my love for chocolate I will plan ahead when I travel to find places to eat that serve vegan foods I will …

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UOPX HCS 449 - Part I

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