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Records Management University of Phoenix HCS449 Records Management Urgent Care Clinic Merger Problem records management systems differ Challenges Strategies Implementation Collaboration Roles Teams Barriers Solutions Challenges Combining clinics Separate staffing groups Charting systems Keep both or choose one Challenges of ERM Hire outside trainers Challenges Sam s clinic Uses number code system Serial Unit Serial unit Other clinic EMR Efficiency Expensive Uses alphabetical system Also uses electronic records Strategies to Avoid Conflict Manager meetings Staff training File auditing Have employees choose a system Paper vs electronic If paper choose type sub type Start with new files Increase joint understanding Benefits to Strategies Employee to employee training Saves time Less missed work Builds trust Helps morale Great at integrating both facilities staff Implementation Reducing Barriers Practical Strategies Training Implementation of Two Systems Implementing Policies Procedures Implementation with Little Disruption Communication Essential Eliminate disruptions Patient Care Satisfaction Paramount Integrations Implementation Encourage staff feedback Computer Software System User friendly Collaboration Establish Guidelines Avoid duplicating efforts Responsible Resources Structural Efforts Organized not squandered Orderly Expansion synergistic results Collaboration Acquire Vital Information Recognize Dynamics Address Priorities Emphasize Implementation Value Support Development Success Team Roles Determine team goals Pick medical records system Determine best implementation Identify needs for success http www meddatacarepro com blog wp admin images emri jpg Individual Roles Being the Right Person Being a Positive Person Having a Good Attitude Willing to Work Hard Barriers Solutions Poor teamwork Slows implementation Solution Encourage respect trust Foster team environment through events Lack of Communication Creates confusion discontent Solution Encourage open communication Q A sessions Conclusion Overcome Challenges Pick a System Involve Staff Solicit Feedback Continuously Utilize Collaboration Techniques Rapidly Address Concerns Encourage Communication Promote Positive Environment References Alberto J Herth K 2009 Interprofessional Collaboration within Faculty Roles Teaching Service and Research Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 14 2 5 Retrieved from https ehis ebscohost com eds detail vid 2 hid 109 sid a79d7870 acc8 47cc a5d5 753a9c79d127 40sessionmgr110 bdata JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU 3d db rzh AN 2010504672 Chaivetta KA 2005 October 25 Merger integration strategies planning for success is crucial part of m a process Retrieved from http wraltechwire com business tech wire opinion story 1163237 Colvard M Charles S Kraft S 2004 Productivity Software On the Cheap Review of Ophthalmology 11 11 23 26 Retrieved from http ehis ebscohost com eds pdfviewer pdfviewer sid 66b3292a 4b74 46fd a304 391759d50b2f 40sessionmgr113 vid 3 hid 121 Curtis R S 2001 Successful Collaboration Between Hospitals and Physicians Process or Structure Hospital Topics 79 2 7 Retrieved from https ehis ebscohost com eds detail vid 2 hid 109 sid 561a6b7e 5c2f 4cfb ba50 4ed18ee11231 40sessionmgr111 bdata JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU 3d db rzh AN 2002114474 References Free Management Library 2011 Basic Overview of Various Strategic Planning Models Retrieved from http managementhelp org strategicplanning models htm Furukawa M F 2011 Electronic Medical Records and Efficiency and Productivity During Office Visits American Journal of Managed Care 17 4 296 303 Retrieved from http ehis ebscohost com eds pdfviewer pdfviewer sid 66b3292a 4b74 46fd a304 391759d50b2f 40sessionmgr113 vid 7 hid 121 Harvard Business School 2002 Your Company Strategy Retrieved from http hbswk hbs edu archive 3020 html HCareers 2009 How employee training benefits everyone Retrieved from http www hcareers com us resourcecenter tabid 306 articleid 324 default aspx O Daniel M Rosenstein A H 2008 Patient Safety and Quality An Evidence Based Handbook for Nurses AHRQ Publication No 08 0043 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Rockville MD Retrieved from http www ahrq gov qual nurseshdbk University of Phoenix 2011 Case Studies Retrieved from University of Phoenix HCS449 Health Administration Capstone website

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UOPX HCS 449 - Records Management

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