Chapter 1 Drug A chemical substance used in the treatment cure prevention or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well being If it helps the body it is a medicine if it hurts the body it is a poison Drug potency is how much is needed to cause an effect All drugs become dangerous at high enough dose Four Categories of drugs are Opioids and opiates majority of illegal drugs fall into this category Opiates are derived from the opium plant oldest drug heroine morphine codeine Opioids are completely synthetic drug that is not derived from the opium plant but are similar in structure and biological effects Demerol and fentanyl Main feature is to alternate perceptions create visual distortions or other changes in senses Hallucinogens LSD PCP marijuana Stimulants Depressants Drug Terms prescribed use Drug that excites central nervous system Cocaine amphetamines Inhibit the central nervous system sedatives barbiturates GHB sleeping pills Illicit drugs not necessarily illegal but drugs that are taken outside its regulated or medicinally Drugs of abuse any drug that is used in an irresponsible or harmful way Psychoactive drugs affect the central nervous system and stimulate or dull the senses promote a feeling of euphoria or alter perceptions Recreational drugs drugs taken for non medicinal purposes usually for pleasure Narcotic refers specifically to drugs related to opium or its synthetic forms Danger to self a dangerous drug is on that is toxic and injures the mind or body causes harm to Danger to others illegal drugs are restricted because they can cause harm to families and society Danger to society drugs may be physically harmless but cause a threat to society of they lead to Why are drugs illegal the functioning of a person a breakdown in social peace Chapter 2 History of drugs Opium Known history of drugs begins with opiates back to 4000 BC in Mesopotamia Opium is the milky white fluid that drips from the cut bulb of the ripening opium poppy Paracelsus father of scientific medicine brought a concoction of opium in alcohol and called it laudanum this was available in America until 1800 and commonly called black drop valued for its calming effects and for remedy for gastrointestinal illnesses lead to the invention of the pipe and syringe In 1803 a pharmacist assistant isolated the active principle from opium and called it morphine which lead to the invention of the hypodermic needle and became very popular in the suffering of the civil war The other isolated compound in opium was codeine Originated as a wild plant in Asia At first was used for religion or medicine public became concerned when it was used for fun Cannabis hemp was a dominate fabric because of its strength and durability Mid 19th century became more popular for recreational use by writers poets and artists Marijuana Cocaine Native Americans chewed a green leaf mixed with a white powder Coca leaves were and integral part of trade between villages After pure cocaine was isolated from coca it started to be used as a local anesthesia Was also used for mild allergies and hay fever remedies In 1900 cocaine was removed for coca cola and caffeine was added Hallucinogens do not necessarily bring hallucinations but instead bring an altered perception or Hallucinogens increased awareness Unusual and unpredictable The set of a drug event refers to prior expectations of a drug user and the frame of mind in which the drug is taken The setting refers to the physical and social environment Chapter 3
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