Study Guide Test One SPA 2001 Chapter One Define Communication Disorders impairs ability to both receive and send and also process Communication disorder and comprehend concepts or verbal nonverbal and graphic information Affects all aspects of communication hearing language and or speech manage and prevent disorders of hearing and balance specialists who measure hearing ability and identify assess Audiologist o cochlear implant activation and fitting o evaluate and assist those with auditory processing disorders APD o select fit and dispense hearing aids and other amplification devices Schooling needed Beginning in 2012 doctorate o 4 year graduate training program After formal training o Clinical experience o Pass national exam praxis o ASHA CCC A o State License o Where do they work Schools Outpatient clinics Government agencies and hospitals Industry OSHA Independent professionals no prescription from another healthcare provider is needed o Who do they work with Infancy through old age ASHA American Speech Language Hearing Association o Who awards Certificates of Clinical Competence in Audiology CCC A Speech Language Pathologists services related to communicative disorders professionals who provide an assortment of identify assess treat and prevent communication disorders in all modalities including spoken written pictorial and manual participates in the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders Schooling needed Master s degree including clinical practice After formal training o Additional clinical experience CFY o Pass national exam praxis o Where do they work Who do they work with Public school certification ASHA CCC SLP State License All ages School systems almost half of all SLPs Hospitals Outpatient clinics Rehab centers Skilled nursing facilities SNF Independent professionals no prescription needed from another healthcare provider needed Speech Language and Hearing Scientists o Where do they work Industry Schooling needed Usually have a doctoral degree PhD or EdD Universities Government agencies Research centers And clinics They extend knowledge of human communication processes and disorders Speech scientists sound production Language scientists adults explore anatomy physiology and physics of speech investigate nature of sound noise and hearing Hearing scientists investigate nature of language disorders in children and o What do they do Professional Aids Speech Language Pathology assistants SPLAs SLPAs may perform screenings do clerical work assist in preparation of materials and work along side an SLP Audiology aides may perform screenings calibrate instruments do clerical work Aides work ONLY with supervision What is ASHA What are it s roles in communication disorders o ASHA is American Speech Language Hearing Association o Founded in 1925 o 135 000 members and affiliates o Promotes scientific study quality clinical services high ethical standards advocacy for those with communication disorders o Largest organization of professionals working with communication disorders Know the basic objectives of PL 99 457 IDEA ADA PL 99 457 Education of All Handicapped Children Act o Formed in 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act addressed the multicultural IDEA nature of US society o Formed in 1990 reauthorized in 1997 2004 o Also established birth to 6 programs as well as early intervention services ADA Americans with Disabilities Act o Formed in 1990 Chapter Two Define communication speech language communication the exchange of ideas between sender speaker and receiver listener language a socially shared tool rule governed and dynamic symbols are arbitrary speech acoustic representation of language communication can take many forms speech is only one of them Know the characteristics of language and its three components 1 FORM a phonology into words b morphology sound system of a language how sounds can be arranged i morpheme smallest grammatical unit AKA the smallest unit that structure of words carries meaning free morpheme cat ii iii bound morpheme s in cats c syntax how words are arranged in a sentence 2 CONTENT 3 USE a consists of semantics which are the meaning of language that come together to define a word a pragmatics driving force behind all language refers to how and why we use language i ii ASHA defines pragmatics as social language use iii Pragmatics vary with culture 1 Some cultures have other rules that differ from other cultures a Ex American English one person speaks at a time no interrupting listener should provide feedback b 3 communication skills of Pragmatics i using language for different purposes ex greeting informing demanding requesting ii changing language depending on the situation ex infant directed speech talking to peers vs teachers sarcasm following rules for conversations or storytelling ex stay on topic take turns iii Know and understand 3 features of speech 1 Articulation how speech sounds are formed Begins with a motor plan that is carried out by the muscles of our articulators o Articulators are Tongue Lips Teeth velum 2 Fluency smooth forward flow of communication Speaking rate the speech with which we talk can be expressed in terms of syllables words per second Rhythm the timing of speech production The fluency of one s speech may change depending on the social context of the communication event 3 Voice tells us much about the speaker For example we can gauge the age sex and emotion of a speaker from their vocal features alone Components of voice include 1 Pitch acoustic correlate is frequency Listener s perception of how high or low a sound is a Habitual pitch pitch a speaker uses most of the time Intonation pitch movement within an utterance b Children women men c d Rising or falling intonation may cue message type varies like pitch may signal emphasis a Louder syllables in speech tend to be stressed syllables which may change meaning b Ex PREsent vs present c Record vs reCORD vocal quality may inform us about the speakers lifestyle 2 Loudness 3 Quality or emotion Know different forms of non verbal communication About 2 3 of human communication is nonverbal Nonverbal communication includes o Prosodic voice features that convey meaning ex tone stress intonation Nonverbal Features o Artifacts appearance clothing furniture cars music o Kinesics body language facial expressions gestures body positioning Explicit clearly defined gesture sign language Implicit general or subtle leaning into a conversation vs backing away
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