Law enforcement exam 1 page 1 Law enforcement exam 1 study notes 1 Social order 2 ways a Conflict perspective b Consensus perspective 2 Norms i Small groups of power dictates law social advantages lead to control i Common value system people agree on standards of behavior major norms 10 commandments prohibition against murder a Mores i b Folkways a Informally b Formally i Minor norms etiquette niceties 3 Controlling social behavior i Praise recognition gossip ostracism i Law criminal justice system 4 Social development switch from Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft i Social relations between individuals based on close personal family ties a Gemeinschaft community b Gesellschaft 5 Durkheims model i Social relations based on impersonal ties as duty to a society or organization a Emphasis on growth and expansion b Divisions of labor was being created because populations started to grow People would now do specific jobs so society would benefit people could become more specialized milk man farmers market etc vs farming yourself or having your own dairy cow c How we live in society today 6 Early England a People lived in villages or tuns b Policing was through a form of self policing for the public like a national guard i Tithings group of 10 policing males ii Hue and cry people could cry for help and all these men would immediately drop what they were doing and help iii Hundred 10 tithings iv Shire county v Reeve Person in charge of hundred vi Shire reeve sheriffs that s where the word derived from because they would police an entire county vii Statute of Winchester 1 Created a militia Assize of Arms for and by the townsfolk 2 Formalized the hue and cry response 7 Growing England a Faced the challenge of urban growth Law enforcement exam 1 page 2 i Established metro police of London replacing the disorganized system of b Night watch system was put in place c Paid policing d Entrepreneurial avocational get paid but not full time job 8 Sir Robert Peele a Father of modern policing b Policing ideals we still use today c London metro police act 1829 watchmen d 3 major concerns i Weapons to arm the police or not ii Uniform distinctive garb or plain clothes iii Activity public patrol on undercover 9 Developing America a Daytime and nighttime watch police b Philadelphia adopted daytime policing in 1833 c Boston in 1838 d By 1870 all major cities had 24 hour police departments e f g h Corruption insensitivity ineffectiveness Line of duty deaths Political appointments Labor strikes 10 The frontier a Gold rush b Vigilante police c Socially constructive model d Socially destructive model 11 Some Terms study or analyze a given question c Review committee 12 Wickersham Commission 1931 a Third degree i Torture and deprivation tactics ii Coerced and involuntary statements iii Pre curser to the Miranda 1966 decision b Minimum standards a Task force is a unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity b Blue ribbon commission is a group of exceptional people appointed to investigate or i over 7 of the police force in this country are not mentally fit for duty ii Brawn dominated over brain in officer selection iii No background investigations or record checks c Political patronage i Post election spoils system ii No pre service job training Law enforcement exam 1 page 3 iii No weapons qualification d Wireless radios i Replaced the old fashioned light or siren system sirens used to help officers know when other officers need help and used to just follow the sounds ii Response time now an operational concept 13 President commission a Establishing the commission b Extremely poor police community relations c Need to upgrade personnel quality i Officer education ii Higher salaries d Minority recruitment i Community service officers ii Police officer iii Police agent e Pre service training needed 14 The Kerner Report 1968 a Civil disorder rampant i 164 race riots in the first 9 months of 1967 b Hostile race relation i Brutality harassment discourtesy ii More tolerant postures in ghetto areas iii No adequate complaint process iv Few minority officers c Police riots i Officers would not arrest the person they just abused so they in turn would be no actual record of it ever happening and they would also not receive any medical assistance ii No report file it never technically happened 15 Standards and goals 1973 a Civilianization important to future policing b Education training portable radios as opposed to just car radios for backup and communications within force c Chief and sheriffs now in executive leadership i But 1 16 in office less than 1 year 2 11 had not completed their second year in office 3 13 had served fewer than 3 years 4 This all means less than half of the leadership for policing has been in officer very minimal years 5 Bad or inadequate leadership leads to bad policing 16 Knapp commission 1972 a The serpico story police corruption b Meat eaters Law enforcement exam 1 page 4 i Go looking for money to be paid for protecting neighborhood c Grass eaters d Rotten apple theory i Will accept money for protecting the neighborhood i Apples that go bad multiple when around other apples 1 Firing crooked cops will lead to less of that plague spreading e Agency policies 17 Mollen Report 1994 a More problems post Serpico crooked NYPD i Shake downs booming doors code of silence b Suggested reforms i Improved screening recruitment recruit education more in service training better first line supervision ii Attack against corruption and brutality by increasing sanctions for such wrongdoings iii Strengthened intel gathering iv Prevention and detect drug abuse 18 The Christopher report 1991 a Rodney king incident b Car to car messages containing racial sexual and ethnic slurs c Suggested reforms i Racism and sexism to not be tolerated ii Better recruitment selections iii More stringent recruitment psychological testing iv Pre service and in service cultural diversity training v Stream light complaint procedures 19 Christopher sequel 1996 a Use of force incidents declined b Shooting incidents declined c Drop in baton usage fewer suspect injuries d Flagging violence prone officers e Upgrading internal affairs investigations f g Continue to monitor agency Increasing minorities in supervisory position 20 Hurricane Katrina 2005 a Category 5 hurricane b Mandatory evacuation snarled traffic leaving 100 000 residents behind to ride out the storm levees holding water back are breeched c 175mph
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