Buddhism Buddha Indian origins city states developed Religion of renunciation Develops around same time as Jainism 5th century BCE Response to Vedic religion and changing political context as Founded by Gautama Buddha Prince in NE India Sheltered by father from experiencing any misery Left palace and discovered age sickness and death Nirvana endless state of nothingness no more rebirth o Revelation questions upbringing and renounces life as Begins meditation starvation etc until discovering his truth Founded 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path Renounce desire and attachment non violent Became wandering monk taught his religion to others until ir o End suffering and desire by following 8 fold path was recorded and became an alternative to Vedic religion prince Buddhism spreads Mauryan Empire 324 187 BCE India o Ruler Ashoka Maurya 268 231 BCE o Warrior horrified by violence converts to Buddhism o Set up monasteries Buddhist texts commissioned o Royal vegetarianism o Ashoka is major political figure of Buddhism o As a result Buddhism spreads to SE and East Asia including along the silk road Buddhism splits into many sects o Main 2 Mahayana China and Japan and Theravada Buddhism and Jainism in India drawn into new religious traditions Hinduism Political context of Hinduism Burma and SE Asia Greeks nomads and regional kingdoms develop o Greek influences from Middle East go into India o Nomads continue to influence in India More tribal and militaristic Overrun India multiple times Political context is fragmented o Vedic nomadic Buddhism etc all exist as a result o Religious traditions begin to intermingle Hinduism is the result Regional rulers supported Brahmins and Vedic rituals but Jainism and Buddhism creep in an alter Vedic rituals o Mostly vegetarianism and non violence New development popular devotional religion exclusive Previous religions were not as mass developed accepted Development of cities meant religion became popular not New images and adoration of gods and temples Grace of god superior to automatic justice rebirth and Freedom of binding effects of deeds o Prayer etc is more influential towards rebirth than Popular devotional religion pairs with Brahmin learning causation karma o Hinduism incorporates worshiping and learning together Gods Brahma is the creator god Bhakti 2 main gods Shiva destroyer and Vishnu rebuilder twin many incarnations of these gods are seen as local gods foci Hinduism is enormously diverse and flexible non canonical Effect on politics The Gupta Empire 320 550 CE Temples are built like palaces King earthly counterpart of gods Hinduism spreads to SE Asia o By 12 1300 CE Hinduism is prevalent in SE Asia and Buddhism is eradicated in India
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