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The history of Korea Day 24 Monday March 16 2015 9 02 PM Ancient Korea Geographically distinct This idea of distinction is very powerful The Korean State Shang refugees some of the refugees moved to Korea however we do not considered them to be the founders of Korea Han Korea 109 BCE 220 CE Han dynasty is the foundation of the Korean State when the Han dynasty falls Korea stays independent for most of the time until 1910 The middle Ground japan is influenced by Koreans who are very close They instill political and cultural ideas that are a mix between China and Korea China Korea Japan Medieval Korea The three kingdoms Silla Koguryo Paekche Silla Tang victory with the help of the tang the silla are able to unify korea the tang are very interested with China They take over Korea The Silla becomes a tributary to China this relationship is often more beneficial to the tributaries than to China It worked out really well for the Silla Vassal relationship the influence of China is very powerful The family structure is pretty holigatarian there is no hierchy in the family structure thus they do not fit into Confucianism ideas Still distinct Silla koryo Mongols the mongols invaded korea really easily Not a great time of Korea development Since korea was culturally infused by china which was being attacked by the mongols korea enthusasm for culture declines The rise of the Yi 1350 1910 they did get conquered by the Mongols but nonetheless they are pretty independent Yi Korea golden age of Korea Initially resplendent younger brother china considers Korea to be a younger brother and they maintain a friendly relationship The rise of Confucianism The problem of the family Economics this tributary system gives many advantages to Korea in terms of economics and culture this is the period in which the korean language develops The identity of what it means to be korea is around the idea of writing and language ASH Page 1 be korea is around the idea of writing and language Still distinct Yi and imperialism Yi does not react really well with imperialism Yi relies on China army to be protected by imperialism Traditional Korea the same process that is happening in china is also taking place in Korea Looking backwards to traditional korea The hermit kingdom they do not communicate with Europeans unless through China which does not communicate with Europe Korea is becoming heavily dependent on china and they do not realize how weak china is becoming Japanese imperialism japan takes advantage of the hermit kingdom and invades korea Japan and korea 1894 japan vs china korea cannot keep up with the massive industrialization Korea asks help to china and china comes in and losses against the japanese 1910 Japanese annexation the europeans do not care that much and they are happy that they are now able to trade with that territory crappy time in korea Characteristics of japanese rule Politically repressive 1919 demonstration oppressive regime really in your face type of rule Culturally domineering koreans are considered to be inferior it I ironical that the japanese culture actually came from korea and china Exploitative korea has coal and iron thus japan take over these minerals to continue its industrialization they just take everything they can this leads to some progress in the korean territory Overall it is a negative period Ends in 1945 japanese leave and 2 powers come in Korea and the cold war The 38th parallel A temporaary solution Russia vs USA russia and USA divide the country equally Korea in the middle again The korean war 1950 1953 the north invaded the south Macarthur and China initially the invasion comes way down They fight their way up and they continue to china communist China reacts by pushing back the army back to the 38th parallel china had to make a defensive stand to show their power on the world stage this could had been the spark for ww3 Truce ASH Page 2 Korea divided Truce north and south korea are still at war They remain divided Still distinct Will in the middle south korea remain united and language as well as culture remains distinct ASH Page 3 Ancient India day 25 Wednesday March 18 2015 12 21 PM Indus valley civilization geographical influences There are mountains that cut them off culturally There is little interaction with other cultures due to their isolation India is surrounded by water Urban Having cities is civilization Massive cities They have indoor plumbing Legit civilization Economy based on trade Very peaceful Literate Trade Economics Cows are considered like money This idea then mixed with religion Wheat based agriculture while china is rice based Religion Very important in politics Shiva starts to emerge as well as yoga The Vedic Age The Aryan invasion 1500ish Some people believe it actually did not happen Aryan is a language group originated in the middle east An invasion of language and people New ideas come in Tribal Mobile Militaristic Establishment of caste system Priests Warriors Merchants landowners these have special knowledge on religion Servants Untouchables How do you know who is who Skin color city where you live clothing family name In the beginning it is very fluid It becomes difficult to change caste in the village where you are born due to your family name one way to move in the caste system relies in marriage The caste system really defines India What is the role of this in society Politics The status of the priest is very important Instead of having military as the top force there is a religious part Warriors are very important above merchants Merchants are above the peasant class There is no test or examination to enter a specific caste How is this different from other examples The principle is that to be in caste is to be born in the caste Religion The Rig Veda It I very long similar to odyssey it is epic poem This religion is very circular You can earn priesthood by doing good things ASH Page 4 priesthood by doing good things There is the belief that you can earn priesthood in the next life if you behave correctly and do good things You can increase your caste by worldly actions for the next life Sacrifice Social constrain Private vs public You can worship in private If you want to do something public you have to go to a priest Thus priest become very important politically and socially Samsara karma dharma moksha Dharma is what you should do depending on your caste Politics From tribes to kings Centralization City states need a military to

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