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CCJ 4938 Drugs in the Justice System Final Exam Lecture 13 Hallucinogens Classifying Hallucinogens In general most hallucinogens can be classified in terms of the particular neurotransmitter in the brain that bears a close resemblance to the molecular features of the drug o We are speaking of three possible neurotransmitters serotonin norepinephrine and acetylcholine o A relatively small remainder of hallucinogens however bears no resemblance to any neurotransmitter 1 Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to serotonin o LSD psilocybin morning glory seeds DMT and harmine 2 Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to norepinephrine o Mescaline and DOM 3 Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to acetylcholine o Atropine scopolamine hyoscyamine and ibotenic acide 4 Miscellaneous hallucinogens o PCP ketamine and salvia divinorum Lysergic Acid Diethylamide LSD Acute Effects LSD is considered one of the most if not the most powerful psychoactive drugs known Its potency is so great that effective dose levels have to be expressed in terms of micrograms one millionth of a gram o The typical street dose ranges from 50 to 150 micrograms The effective dose can be as small as 10 micrograms with only one hundredth of a percent being absorbed into the brain o Asprin contains 325 000 micrograms of asprin Taken orally LSD is absorbed into the bloodstream and the brain and its effects begin to be felt within 30 to 60 minutes Its concentration peaks in about 90 minutes Within 5 to 12 hours LSD effects are over Generalizing from studies of animals given varying doses of LSD we can Surprisingly given its extreme potency the toxicity of LSD is relatively low estimate that a lethal dose of LSD for humans would have to be roughly 300 to 600 times the effective dose a fairly comfortable margin of safety To this day there has been only one definitive case in which a death has been attributed solely to LSD overdose Street forms of LSD may contain color additives or adulterants with specific flavors but the drug itself is odorless tasteless and colorless LSD is sold on the street in single dose hits It is typically swallowed in the form of powder pellets microdots or gelatin chips windowpanes or else licked off small squares of absorbant paper that have been soaked in liquid LSD blotters LSD initially produces an excitation of the sympathetic autonomic activity CCJ 4938 Drugs in the Justice System Final Exam o Increased heart rate elevated blood pressure dilated pupils ad slightly There is an accompanying feeling of restlessness euphoria and a sensation that raised body temperature inner tensions have been released There may be laughing or crying depending on one s expectation and the setting Between 30 minutes and 2 hours later a psychedelic trip begins characterized by some distinctive features o Images seen with the eye closed o An intermingling of sense called synesthesia which involves sounds being perceived as hallucinatory visions seeing sounds hearing colors etc o Perception of multilevel reality seeing molecules o Strange and exaggerated configurations of common objects or experiences towel looking like lizard 3 to 5 hours later is the final phase o Great swings in emotions or feelings of panic o Feeling of timelessness o Feeling of ego disintegration or separation of one s mind from one s body Good trip or bad trip depends entirely on mental mindset environment health of individual etc Facts and Fictions about LSD Will LSD produce Substance Dependence o LSD and other hallucinogens cause the body to build up a tolerance to their effects faster than any other drug category One cannot remain on LSD induced high day after day for an extended period of time o LSD is not the drug for someone seeking an easy way to get high 8 hours of sensory bombardment psychic turmoil emotional insecurity alterations insight incredibly draining Will LSD produce a panic attack or psychotic behavior o One of the most notorious features of LSD is possibility of having a bad trip Perhaps greatest risk is when person is slipped LSD and begins experiencing effects without knowing the drug is in their system Panic reactions may occur even in those who took drug on purpose Probability of bad trip is hard to estimate very few regular LSD abusers who have not experienced a bad trip or had disturbing experience Best treatment Companionship and reassurance of others throughout period when LSD is active Despite possibility of LSD panic no strong evidence that the panic will lead to a permanent psychiatric breakdown CCJ 4938 Drugs in the Justice System Final Exam o One study in 1960 showed no greater probability of person s attempting suicide or developing psychosis after taking LSD than when undergoing ordinary forms of psychotherapy o Incidents that do occur typically involve people who were unaware they were taking LSD showed unstable personality characteristics prior to taking LSD or were experiencing LSD under hostile or threatening circumstances o Unusual visual effects may lead you to assume that your creativity is enhanced but that s not the case While on LSD it may seem incredibly amazing however once the drug has worn off it is just a regular creation nothing particularly out of the ordinary Only feel creative under influence once it wears off realize it s just Will LSD increase creativity Will LSD have residual effects flashbacks ordinary o One of the most disturbing aspects of taking LSD is the possibility of re experiencing the effects of the drug log after the drug has worn off sometimes as long as several years later These experiences are referred to as hallucinogens persisting perception disorder or simply flashbacks The likelihood of LSD flashbacks is not precisely known Some studies estimate its rate of incidence as only 5 whereas others estimate it as high as 33 It is reasonable to assume that the range of estimates is related to differences in the dosage levels ingested o Flashback effects sometimes can be frightening and at other times quite pleasant can occur among LSD novices and experienced users alike Can appear without any warning but there is a higher probability that they will occur when the individual is beginning to go to sleep or has entered a dark environment o Because they are not common to other psychoactive drugs the reason they occur is not well understood Possible that LSD produces some biochemical changes that remain dormant for some period of time and then suddenly reappear or that

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