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CCJ4938 Deviance Crime and Social Control Exam 1 Review Sheet WHAT IS DEVIANCE 1 Relationship between Deviance and Criminology 1 Criminology is the study of the origin nature extent cause and the control of criminal behavior In order for a behavior to be criminal crimes need to be committed or attempted All crimes are deviant and deviance is any actions behaviors and or conditions that go against social norms set in place in a society Therefore deviance and criminology are related because even though not all deviant acts are criminal or illegal all crimes are deviant Absolutist vs Relativist Perspective vs Social Power Perspective 1 Absolutist black and white right and wrong Shaped by religion do not look 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 at social context 1 Meaning that if someone murders someone as self defense the absolutist would see it still as wrong because murder is murder Relativistic nature of labeling and social content where behavior occurs 1 Looks at the situation of what happened social context Social Power where they stand on the social ladder Those in power determine what is right wrong ABC s of Deviance Attitudes beliefs Behaviors breaking the rules Conditions physical disabilities Definitions Norms cultural expectations that vary from culture to culture 1 Four types of norms 1 Folkways 2 Mores 3 Taboo 4 Law 1 Customs that are socially approved Everyday behavior such as not belching at the dinner table 1 Strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior Based on definitions of right and wrong such as not attending church in the nude 1 Strict norm that when violating results in extreme disgust Such as eating pork in Muslim cultures or incest 1 A written down norm that is enforced Driving while drunk theft and murder are examples in the U S Readings 2 1 Erickson On the Sociology of Deviance 1 Functionalist approach to deviance 1 Deviance is not functional because our culture has supported the flow throughout history 2 Then why is it considered a functionalist approach or is it not 3 Community 1 Deviant behavior is present in different social units 2 Sociologists would say that community is boundary maintaining 3 The deviant is the product of group differentiation 4 Deviance and the social reactions it evokes are the key factors of community 5 Erickson believes that the agents of social control who manage deviance also reinforce it 1 This questions its function 3 Boundary Maintaining 1 Allows a person to know what is acceptable and unacceptable 2 Basically puts a restrain the community 3 It is declaring how much variability and diversity can be tolerated within the group before it loses its distinctive shape and unique identity 4 Boundaries are never fixed they change 3 Shifting Boundaries 1 Changes within the group 1 Boundaries shift when leaders change and or when moods change 2 Changes within the environment If they community expands it affects changes in boundaries 1 2 The media causes us to redraw boundary maintaining 3 Commitment Ceremony 1 Criminal trial 1 Example of a confrontation that takes place within a community that goes against the boundary maintaining and demonstrates what is unacceptable 2 Example of confrontation between a deviant person and member of social control 3 Formal example 4 Irreversible because the label that it gives the individual to the public 1 Explains Merton s self fulfilling prophecy 5 criminals labeled as deviant 5 Court martial 1 military court 2 3 Becker Labeling Theory Primary Deviance 5 initial act with no consequences yet 1 Ex I hit someone and my consequence isn t received yet like I haven t gone to trial for being charged with battery 3 Secondary Deviance 3 Understanding the labeling Process 5 5 The act is committed and gets attention label comes from act 1 Ex I hit someone and am labeled deviant How do social groups create deviance 1 Reactions to deviant behaviors create deviance not the act itself 2 By making the rules whose infraction causes deviance 3 Depends on the nature of the act 4 Deviance isn t the behavior but in the interaction between the person who commits the act and those who respond to it 5 We don t know what actions will be labeled until we see others 3 Effects of Labeling responses to the act Labeling separates 1 The good from the bad 2 The conventional from the deviant 5 5 5 5 What do people who have been labeled as deviant have in common 1 They share the same label and experience of being an outsider What is the definition of master status 1 The status you are most known by What are some of the consequences of being labeled deviant 1 Most important consequence is change in the individual s public identity 1 Given a new status 1 A group of individuals objects or items from which samples are taken for measurement 1 Example the total number of U S Presidents 1 A subset of people or other entities selected for a study 1 Example presidents who served in office between 1930 3 Sample 3 Survey 2000 1 Information is obtained through the responses that a sample of individuals gives to questions 1 Face to face interviews and telephone surveys have a higher response rate than NCVS or self report surveys 3 Response Rate 3 Field Research 1 Attempts to discover what people think how and why they act within a STUDYING DEVIANCE 1 Methodological Concepts 1 Population particular social setting 3 Official Statistics 1 UCR 2 3 Comparison of Survey Designs Advantages Disadvantages 1 Face to Face Interviews 1 High response rates 2 Longer questionnaires 3 More complex questionnaires 4 The interviewers control question order 5 The interviewers can probe respondents 6 High costs 7 Respondents give socially desirable answers 8 9 Low response rates in central cities Interviewer presence may make it more difficult to answer 2 Telephone Interviews 1 High response rate 2 Lower costs 3 Random digit dialing 4 5 Visual aids cannot be used 6 Interviewers deal with distractions 7 Multiple call backs often required Impersonal nature of the phone call 3 Mail Interviews 1 Good for reporting criminal or deviant behaviors 2 Avoids interviewer distortion 3 Preferable for answering sensitive questions 4 Low response rates 5 Higher costs 6 Incomplete response to surveys 2 3 Field Research Designs The Observation Continuum 1 Complete Observer 1 Sees things as they happen without disruption by the researcher 2 Complete Participation 1 Keep research agenda secret 1 Example Covert Observation 5 Participant Observation 1 Researchers adopt a role between complete

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FSU CCJ 4938r - Deviance, Crime, and Social Control Exam 1 Review Sheet

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