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Chapter 11 South Asia from 1947 to 1980 Legacies from Colonial Period Institutions Ideas and Practices o Political Framework Government of India Act 1935 The whole legal structure create by Britain is accepted and further developed by India and Pakistan India passes its first constitution in 1950 Draws from aspects from England and America Pakistan does not have its constitution until 1956 then was rewritten in 1962 and 1973 It was difficult for Pakistan to pass a constitution because they wanted to include Islam into it o Social Structure and Conflict Disadvantaged groups Minorities India Muslims tribals Dalits Pakistan Hindus non Sunni Muslims o Visions Blue Prints for Future Secular Religious There was a sizeable group in both countries asking to pass laws that benefitted one religion more than the other o Boundaries refugees resettlements There is no historic precedent for the boundaries created between India and Pakistan For a long time people were unsure if they were in Pakistan or India Relationship India and Pakistan Division of Assets o Reserves and Resources Ideally India and Pakistan received an equal amount of assets and debts from British India however this process of passing out all the financial resources how not successful o Dispute of Kashmir 1948 Kashmir was a princely state on the border of Pakistan and India The ruler of Kashmir wanted to be independent from India or Pakistan but was refused from both Both claimed it for themselves Kashmir s ruler was Hindu Kashmir s population were Muslim Pakistan and India go to war over who gets Kashmir Pakistan received 1 3 and India received 2 3 Out of this conflict both Countries started developing their military affecting Pakistan Alliances their relationship o USA 1950s 1960s o China 1960s Present Pakistan forms an alliance with China because China was the big power in Asia o Middle East 1970s Present Because East Pakistan became Bangladesh made its foreign policy more inclusive to Muslims communities o US 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan o 1998 Pakistani nuclear bomb India s Alliances o 1950s Onwards Nonalignment NAM Did not want to support and side in the Cold War Involved in the peacekeeping operations and newly independent countries Self reliant economically under Nehru 1971 Friendship with the Soviet Union to counteract the partnership between Pakistan and China Partnership with US Israel since 1998 Nuclear bomb 1974 1998 International Developments India 1st Period Jawaharlal Nehru 1947 1964 o Prime Minister o INC Domination o Secularism socialism and non alignment Chapter 12 China 1600 BCE 200CE Shang Kingdom Religion 1523 1028 BCE Superpower of the Day o Organized and powerful o Living and dead connected Oracle bones They write questions on bones and heat it until it cracks They view the cracks as predictions to the future The Shang King was the linchpin between the living and the dead also was the connector between the people and the gods o Political legitimacy 5 centuries of power The Shangs were in power simply because they were the most powerful and defeated all their enemies Ensured that heaven and Earth o Fall of the Shang Dynasty The peasants were not happy with the way the government taxed their grains rice and rebel The Shangs fade away and leave the explanation to the next dynasty Zhou Kingdom and Religion 1027 256 BCE Rise of Zhou o The Zhou explained why the Shang ell out of power They were no longer looking for the wellbeing of the peasant o Invented the Mandate of Heaven each dynasty rules because they were ordered to rule by heaven As long as they are doing their jobs well the dynasty will keep on governing However when the dynasty is not doing well that dynasty will be pushed out of power and replaced by another Moral Governance o Ru teachings moral teachings that looks out for the people o Confucius 551 479 BCE Filial piety You had to rule through virtue and goodness Personal perfection is possible through education o Han Fei 280 233 BCE Responds to Confucius ideas with negativity Believed that people were deeply flawed evil and lazy Lived in a period of civil war and where government is not very string sees how human beings really are Rule strictly through laws Legalism Qin Dynasty Religion 221 207 BCE Unification Warring States era 471 221 BCE o Many smaller states fighting each other to fight to control each other o The Qin originally came from the Central China Steppe area and moved further east Made strategic alliances with each of the competing powers Used legalist principles while the other powers used Confucius principles Direct communication with each person with direct extraction rom the population Qin Shi Huang Di 259 210 BCE became China s first emperor o Unification measures weights currencies administration etc He standardized writing measuring language throughout China o Building work Emperor s tomb Terracotta Army First Great Wall of China o Legalism VS Confucianism Confucianism is for losers Not only wants to impose legalism on everyone directly but also has a hatred of Confucianism Books burning of Confucian ideas and massacre wanted to start a new civilization with no memory of the old system o Fall of Qin Dynasty by 207 BCE Instability and revolts after the first emperor died his son was assassinated People were fed up with forced labor and relocation Han Dynasty Religion 206 BCE 220 CE Han Synthesis o The Han blended together Confucian moral rhetoric and Legalist efficiency Lecture 13 China Spread of Religion and Culture China A Cultural Model for East Asia Center periphery relations China s sphere of influence o Vietnam o Korea o Japan The Center China 589 1279 CE Restoration of centralized rule o Sui Tang and Song dynasties The Sui dynasty built the Grand Canal Forced people into labor This just like the Qin made people very unhappy o Impact of centralized rule on society Growth of agriculture Peasants can peacefully produce more food This increases to population and frees up time for other people to specialize in craft Equal field system they take away everyone s land and redistribute it The redistribution is based on the family s needs the larger your family the more land you would receive Tightening of patriarchal structures Now because people do not have to work they could focus on status Most prominent is the status of men o Foot binding of women Technology Porcelain China had the most valuable and exquisitely crafted porcelain at the time A highly demanded

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