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Study Guide Exam Three Social Organization of Deviance Characteristics of Organizational Sophistication What we see in legitimate organizations can be mirrored in illegitimate organizations o Size of membership o Division of labor Tends to revolve around delinquency o Stratification There are leaders and influential roles and responsibilities o Authority Structure Chain of command Best and Luckenbill s typology of deviant organizations o 1 Loners Do not associate with other deviants mostly solitary Although they interact with other people they keep their ABCs of deviance a secret EX People who engage in self injury cutters Thirteen movie Supply themselves with the skills to engage in deviant behavior Go onto websites that instruct people how to become anorexic and hide it from others Develop online communities o 2 Colleagues Enter deviance as a defensive response to private troubles EX In movie Thirteen cutting was a response to her private troubles with father Associate with others involved in same kind of deviance Face to face relationships Form a simple group that provide services for each other Associate but don t need that other person for them to engage in the deviance EX Individuals who are homeless have cooperation since residing in similar areas and provide info on police or shelters Learns a set of norms that provide rules of conduct for deviant and respectable activities Within group there are certain rules Gain support from colleagues EX Where they may sleep or hide their things o 3 Peers o 4 Crew Associate with each other and participate in deviance together Maintain a loose unwritten code of conduct Network is used to supply members of the group with goods and services Peers act as equals No leader everyone has equal standing EX Prostitutes not working for a pimp cars to avoid safe places to engage Small groups of professional career deviants organize to pursue profitable goals 3 12 members Operations are coordinated and planned On the job training required for highly skilled positions Training because jobs tend to be highly skilled Members have complex links to outsiders Complex links because they maintain distance and focus on being member of this group Members may bribe agents of control Bribe police guards to gain access to places o 5 Formal Organizations Large of members Ex Mafia can have 100 or more Operations coordinated to handle deviant acts over longer periods of time Extend over time and space have history legacies generations Do deviant acts over longer periods of time Share features that characterize respectable bureaucracies Members are delegated responsibility Hierarchical division of labor Vertical and Horizontal Communication Vertical Communication From low members to president Horizontal Communication Between members at the same level Members tend to be kept under control using violence to punish EX Gangs Bloods Crips o 6 White Collar Crime Crime directly related to privileged persons and groups CEO manager VP Deviance may be financial but may also include Bodily Injury Death Two Subcategories 1 Occupational Crime o EX Ford Pinto was developed in 70s as economy car gas tank was near the rear so would explode in crashes cheaper to pay off lawsuits than redesigning gas tanks to make safer o Pursued by persons acting on their behalf Acting by o Employees at all levels of organization who steal from their themselves workplace o Examples Pilfering teacher steals packs of paper and supplies for their own benefit Embezzlement PTA organization steals money using travel funds to pay for family to attend ENRON tax sheltering keeping money in offshore accounts 2 Organizational Crime o Crime committed with the support of a legitimate formal organization o Examples Unsafe products China toys with lead medicines that are recalled Work Safety Violations Tyson chicken plant there was a fire and many could not get out coal mining OSHA violations Government Activity FBI secret files on leaders illegal monitoring NSA privacy Deviant Subcultures o A deviant subculture may be considered deviant because it is involved in behavior That threatens the mainstream population Or because it is labeled as deviant by the mainstream population maybe for having different perspectives EX Counter culture movement Gothic Hardcore Rock Chapter 34 Cooks are like Gods o Describe the hierarchies present within Methamphetamine Producing Groups o Part of a larger study of women involved with Meth use sales and production o Study sheds light on How meth producing group functions over time Sample exclusively female investigate gender relations o Every action is connected with the production process of the drug and used to rank the people who make it o All had similar hierarchies in their group o Describe the hierarchies in terms of prestige and risk taking behavior o The more involvement and or risk you take the more you are valued higher status o Characteristics of the Sample demographic data drug involvement and employment history o Demographic Data 31 women incarcerated in county jails in Missouri and Arkansas 2 women refused to participate Study sample N 29 18 to 48 years old Mean Age 36 Majority of the women were white N 28 1 African American 2 Latinas Marital Status 19 women single 4 women separated 4 women married 4 women divorced o Drug Involvement 18 women had cooked meth These same women reported selling or trading meth for money or items of value Of the 18 cooks 16 currently used meth All 31 women reported using meth at least one time o Employment History All of the women were employed before incarceration 15 women had legitimate jobs 11 women worked in seasonal or family businesses 5 women drifted between minimum wage jobs and illegitimate jobs o Cooks Gas Man Juicer The Shopper The Dope Ho The User o 1 Cooks o 2 Gas Man Juicer Cook holds the highest prestige and privilege Seen as goal for non cooks Have a constant supply of meth Others show deference to the cook give them anything they want Cook most valued member of the group Learning who has the most power is important for new members to understand group structure Can t make the drug without a cook who knows the process Assume the most risk They supply the anhydrous ammonia Run the risk of being arrested Assume the risk of potential injury and death The higher risk leads to more status in the group The person who supplied the integral ingredient held a higher status One woman Elizabeth was involved in a group that did not

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