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Study Guide for Biology 120 Final Examinations The science of life 7 characteristic of all living things Organization patterns from atoms to systems The cell theory and the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning Steps involved in the scientific method and their definitions Louis Pasteur experiment to find out the origin of cells spontaneous generation vs all cells from cells Evidence to support natural selection and taxonomy Life radioactive decay valence electrons and bonding between atoms Water and its properties Energy transfer Endothermic and exothermic reactions Carbon Macromolecules and their constituents Proteins structure of amino acids the peptide bonds and characteristics and their four levels of structure Protein folding protein function and molecular chaperones Enzymes process of enzyme action Activation energy and transition states Nucleic acids and its monomer constituents nitrogenous bases and its polymerization method Definition of phosphodiester linkages purines pyramidines Basic structures of DNA and RNA and their differences Function of DNA and its replication Carbohydrates and lipids Types of polysaccharides and their functions and composition Lipids types and their functions Difference between saturated and unsaturated lipids Biological membranes its composition function and differential permeability Osmosis and diffusion definition The fluid mosaicmodel of membrane structure Mechanisms of membrane transport Organelles in the cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and their structure and functions The cytoskeleton and the endomembrane system In depth study Cell Cell interactions adhesions and recognition Extracellular matrix desmosomes tight junctions cadherins and gap junctions Cell Cell communication hormones steps in cell signaling for lipid soluble and lipid insoluble hormones Definition of g proteins Cellular metabolism thermodynamics metabolism anabolism catabolism biochemical pathways feedback inhibition Steps in cellular respiration In depth study of glycolysis the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain and the molecules involved Fermentation and anaerobic respiration Photosynthesis function and structure of the photosynthetic pigments enhancement effect and study of the photosystems The Z system and cyclic phosphorylation The workings of the dark reaction and the steps in the calvin cycle Photorespiration and how plants store carbon dioxide in dry climates C4 plants CAM plants C3 plants and their differences Cell cycle and mitosis Steps involved Definitions Homologous chromosomes chromatids genes alleles loci tilomeres cytokinesis karyokinesis Cell control and cancer Proteins involves in cell cycle regulation and inhibition Tumors benign and malignant tumor suppressor genes proto oncogenes Meiosis Mendel and the gene Hypothesis to explain tansference and inheritance of traits In depth study of Mendel s experiments human traits and pedigree analysis Definitions Dihybrid crosses test crosses reciprocal crosses monohybrid crosses independent assortment Principle of segregation Replicating the genetic material in prokaryotes and eukaryotes in depth study Definitions replication fork DNA gyrase Topoisomerase DNA helicase DNA polymerase Okazaki fragments Functions of the above mentioned How genes work and the central dogma Definitions transcription translation and replication Draw the model of the central dogma Definition Codons interons extrons frameshift mutation Types of RNA and their functions This study guide is created to highlight the most important parts of the overall lecture It is short and concise and should be expanded on while reading I advise you to read more than what is put here Good luck on your finals and happy holidays in advance

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