CCJ 4938 04 Deviance Crime and Social Control Exam 1 Review I What is Deviance Deviance any behavior or action that departs from social norms o Can vary in degree anywhere from premarital sex to robbery ABC s of Deviance o Attitude deviant based on a belief being too extreme o Behavior deviant based on outward actions ex dress code violation o Conditions deviant based on a condition acquired from birth A and B are achieved deviant statuses earned by actions cheat on exams lots of tattoos etc C is an ascribed deviant status automatically assigned to you who you are race gender etc ex female military cadet at all male academy Social context circumstances that will deem things to be deviant or not Criminology studies the origin nature extent cause and control of criminal o More focused on hard deviance criminals more likely to be in prison What is Criminology behavior Deviance v Crime Crime o Involves law violation o Violation of formal norm o Can only be behavioral in nature o All crimes are deviant or unusual acts o but not all deviant acts are illegal or criminal 3 Types of Norms 1 Norms rules that we follow and adhere to 2 Folkways norms with least severe consequences custom or tradition not to violate a Blowing nose in a restaurant standing facing door in elevator 3 Mores based on societal morals may be harmful to society if violated 4 Laws most extreme norm predetermined sanctions codified a Promiscuity incest drugs a Subject to arrest if violated 3 Perspectives to Defining Deviance 1 Absolutist grounded in religion naturalistic background assumptions o Black and white there is no in between right or wrong o Moralistic base o Deviant acts always viewed as deviant circumstances do not matter o Ex Murder is always wrong cannot justify 2 Relativist deviance is an idea thought image expressed as a label o Circumstances matter behaviors can be justified o Deviance is in the eye of the beholder 1 CCJ 4938 04 Deviance Crime and Social Control Exam 1 Review o Ex burning a couch after a huge game Usually deviant but since in celebration mildly acceptable 3 Social Power builds upon Relativist o Powerful groups get to define deviant behaviors o Dominant groups create laws in their interests Will be deemed deviant criminal if not in their favor Drawn from Marxist theory II Defining Deviance Erikson on Sociology of Deviance Functionalist approach Community o Society as interworking parts everyone has their necessary role to play o People with the same beliefs values practices o As a community we are responsible to figure out deviance and what the punishment consequences will be for deviance o Ex FSU campus v single classroom Boundary Maintaining o Determine who is and isn t apart of the group all groups have this o Deviants are to remain separate from group because of violating group rules Shifting Boundaries o Boundaries that are not fixed o Changes with the group or in certain environments o Ex Campus groups and bylaws making sure group is still doing what it set out to do Commitment Ceremonies o When someone is officially labeled as deviant o Helps to reinforce boundaries of a community o Criminal trials court martials o Helps show where the lines are and which not to cross Labeling Perspective Labeling separates o Good from bad o Conventional from deviant Deviance is determined by the audience and if they find it deviant Assumptions of Labeling Perspective o Primary Deviance little impact on rest of life often not caught minor offenses deviance no consequence Truancy petty theft etc o Secondary Deviance social control agents teacher parent cop formally catch someone engaging in behavior labeled deviant 2 CCJ 4938 04 Deviance Crime and Social Control Exam 1 Review Becker and Labeling Theory How do social groups create deviance deemed deviant What do deviants have in common actions Definition of master status o By creating norms and standards when someone violates those they are o Alienated from group social outcasts deviant label shared unapproved o Once labeled as deviant this individual will be seen first and foremost as a deviant above all else Once an ex con always an ex con Lady doctor lady comes first Consequence of being labeled deviant o Society believes that if you have even one small deviant trait that you may possess all the others or be able to commit all acts of deviancy o Often self fulfilling and this deviant label consumes the individual Society s reaction to deviance o To ostracize shun and look down upon those who are labeled as such III Anomie and Strain Theory Anomie Theory Developed by Emile Durkheim 1857 1917 Founding Father of Sociology Anomie state of normlessness state of crisis or rapid social change Mechanical vs Organic Solidarity o Mechanical Solidarity Small close knit community more homogeneous Agrarian societies small towns Same shared values o Organic Solidarity More complex societies detailed division of labor force Connected through their dependence of others to get their work done Everyone has certain rules less likely to have consensus More modern post industrial Contains different ethnicity race religion background Durkheim on Suicide Rates in France o Found that suicides increase during economic change or any rapid social change or o Such changes bring a up a questioning to social order and rules o More anomie more suicide Ex Lottery winners stock market crash Merton s Perspective on Strain 3 CCJ 4938 04 Deviance Crime and Social Control Exam 1 Review Strain a disjuncture between social cultural goals and institutional means Cultural goals people believe they should strive for success Institutional means accepted ways to achieve desired cultural goals Strain Theory Common success as goal of all society members Unequal distribution of means to achieve goal Gap between cultural goals and institutional means Deviant Behavior Merton s Modes of Adaptation to Strain Means Examples Adaptation Conformity Innovation Ritualism Retreatism Rebellion Goal Critiques of Merton s Strain Theory Theory does not explain o Why people choose to commit certain types of crime o Why young people stop crime when they reach adulthood Additionally Non institutionalized criminals have irregular ways of succeeding Reject idea of success still abide by cultural means Ex midlevel manager who doesn t want to go further Happy at work good family Not material Drug addict someone who has checked out of society Civil rights leaders Member of militia Have idea of success but think
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