Chapter 1 Why is social order important Consensus viewpoint It is necessary in order to keep people in control and maintain a fair and just society Commonly held set of beliefs and values Social control maintained by shunning and punishing those who don t oblige to set societal norms Conflict perspective Due to power and coercion Control is maintained by a small minority group setting laws and punishments to those who do not follow their rules They manipulate the system to their advantage Norms Folkways Mores Standards for how people should behave Pertain to behavioral expectations that deal with minor norms Not holding the door for someone not leaving tips Violation of folkway usually deals with generally mild sanctions Normative standards that that evoke strong reactions if violated Incest murder cannibalism Deviant behavior Informal social control Set by people to reward or sanction behaviors Reward Dean s list honor society Sanction Gossip ostracism Formal Social Control system Refers to statutes legislative initiatives ect Criminal justice system Gemeinschaft Any action that exceeds social tolerance levels or oversteps the boundaries established by the folkways and mores Describes small network of persons who interact with each other in primary relations More close and personal than Gesellschaft Gesellschaft Primary relationship Secondary relationship Social interaction that takes place in secondary relationships Ability of people to behave in a close and intimate way Social discourse between strangers or people who do not share a very close bond Modern society hustle and bustle Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group the state of Normlessness Benefits of shift from Gemeinschift to Gessellschaft Expanded division of labor diversity more skilled labor Little villages where people did their farming Units within tuns consisting of tens families Formal method of social control Mutual pledge system establishes an organized system of community self responsibility in which people pledge to help protect their neighbors Consisted of ten tithings Chief Tithingman rounded up all the members to look for a wayward individual who became errant Hundreds grouped together President of a village or town council Anomie Tun Tithing Hundred Hue and cry Shire Reeve Shire reeve Forerunner of the sheriff Night watch system Townspeople took turns watching over the city and guarding the gates against unwanted intruders If there were an intruder or a fire they would sound the alarm and awake the citizenry to mobilize the threat Statute of Winchester in 1285 Established the office of the parish constable Entrepreneurial avocational policing Private citizens perform law enforcement takes on a part time basis and get paid for their productivity Soon began to seek rewards for lying about and framing innocent people Thief hunters Bounty hunters Robert Peel Father of modern policing Chief of London police force Robert Peel s Principles for Policing a The police must be stable sufficient and organized along military lines b The police must be under governmental control c The absence of crime will best prove the efficiency of the police d The distribution of crime news is essential e The deployment of police strength by time and area is essential f No quality is more indispensable to a policeman than a perfect command of tempter a quiet determined manner has a more effect than violent action g Good appearance commands respect h The securing and training of proper persons is at root of efficiency i Public security demands that every police officer be given a number j Police headquarters should be centrally located and easily accessible to the people k Policemen should be hired on a probationary basis l Police records are necessary to the correct distribution of police strength 3 major issues with Robert Peele s System No firearms Whether or not militaristic style uniform was overly intimidating or trusting and symbolic Activities that would occupy the attention of the officers Go out and about in the public view Vigilantism People take the law into their own hands in order to regain control and to secure values that they think are appropriate 1 Social constructive model Vigilantisms arise from genuine concern over social tranquility 2 Destructive Model nothing more than elevated instances of lynch mobs KKK Nazis 3 What caused the need for more private security Unavailability of effective law enforcement created a demand for specialized protection Chapter 2 Problems from the Wickersham Commission Use of coercive tactics Policing in exchange for political favors rank and file employees o 75 of police did not have mentality to perform their duty Brawn v brains issue No training during job Lack of communication Third Degree o Raise entrance standards Use of coercive tactics in an effort to force unwilling people to make self incriminatory remarks involuntarily Wickersham on selection and hiring process Too much reliance on brawn as opposed to intelligence brains More job training Shortcomings in police training in Wickersham Commission Didn t test whether or not the trainees knew how to shoot a gun Placed officers on the street without any training at all Technological issues from the Wickersham commission Communications with sirens and lights for officers to go to station for calls o Need for radio Shortcomings in police personnel in the 1967 President s Police Commission Rude and sometimes hostile relationship with citizens Tension between poor and or minority population and the officers Need for better educated officers Need for more diversity How would the Community Service Officer proposal formulated by the 1967 Presidents Commission address personnel problems within law enforcement CSO youthful person between ages of 17 21 Responsible for social services such as juvenile liaisons neighborhood centers community image builder Racial tensions from Kerner Report Need to be more sensitive to problems and frustrations of ghetto lifestyle Police brutality and harassment on minorities Recommendations from Kerner Report Establish a review board that was independent of the police agency Deploy sufficient police presence in the ghetto areas National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Goals for Combating the Crime Problem The prevention of Juvenile delinquency Improved delivery of social services Streamlining the criminal justice process Increasing citizen participation in crime
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