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Program Reflection Answer I was very happy with the program content and the teaching staff I was unaware of certain things about the program when I signed up for it that I wish would have been explained the biggest thing being that I would not complete my program online I was told after my 2nd or 3rd class that I would still need 12 credits when my program finished and that I would have to make arrangements to test on certain subjects to earn the credits Then at the end of my program I was informed that I couldn t get financial aid for my last class after being previously told I would have to only pay for 1 class so I had to extend my program to take the last 12 credits online so I could get the student loans to cover them I feel that all of these things should have been covered with me before I made the decision to enter the program I liked the variety of classes and the structure of the 5 week classes I thought the instructors should have played larger roles in the team process I understand that the team is supposed to work things out together in a team fashion but this was also a learning experience I personally felt abandoned by all of the instructors when it came to the team assignments and interactions I also think that the team should be made aware of all team members grades for each assignment submitted It is unfair to think that a team member who did nothing is going to get the same grade as the rest of the team If everyone on the team can see each other s grades it might impact the work they do and the anxiety that is felt by all I feel the program was very thorough and prepared me to meet the outcomes listed I feel very prepared for a career in the health care industry and I also feel prepared to handle the many changes that occur in health care

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UOPX HCS 449 - Program Reflection

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