control behavior by marginalizing a population Study Guide 3 forms of legitimation law 1 God 2 Nature 3 Blaming the victim Not blamed the Oppressor There are many changes but few corrections Trauma of Black males 1865 proliferation of prisons black males went from plantations to prisons one exception that holds you bondage against your will commission of crime overtime racism occurs unintentionally and indirectly still suppressing minorities 3 Needs to Black males 1 Love security a feeling of belonging 2 Help simply means cant do everything along guidance direction 3 Ability to apologize accountability my fault not unique to black males just scars that are mostly with black males Good man educational employment stigma fatherhood Effort Ubunto I am because we are collective consciousness Conceptual incarceration Being A Black Man Ch 1 At the Corner of Progress and Peril According to Fletcher what percentage of African American kindergartners who are largely alike in intelligence talent and character are likely to succeed ten years late 3 African American boys stats show that at least 1 will be incarcerated 1 will be close to it and pointed to an uncertain future and 1 will be successful How does Fletcher describe the condition of poor black men in the decade following the strong economic conditions of the 1990 s conditions of young poor black men has worsened in the past decade Black men BM in the country number 18 million Ralph Ellison Invisible Man According to Fletcher what are the dueling realities of the history of black men the dueling realities of the history of BM steady progress and devastating setbacks Stats that spell the status of BM s in the country are con icting percentage of BM graduating from college has quadrupled since the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act but yet more black men earn their HS equivalency diplomas in prison each year than graduate from college According to Fletcher what is the economic effect importance of black families with men in the home Black families were men are home earn median incomes but more than half of the nation s 5 6 million black boys live in fatherless households 40 which are impoverished there were 78 000 BM engineers in 2004 33 increase in 10 years but 840 000 BM are incarcerated Justice Department projections show that the chances of black boys serving time has nearly tripled in 3 decades fewer than half of black boys graduate from HS four years after entering the 9th grade What was the Million Man March wherever BM congregate there is often a comfort level that crosses class and generational lines In 1995 MMM lead by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan drew hundreds of thousands of BM to Mall in DC to show unity and concern for one another The Covenant a book charting plan for black self improvement Corner men black men who did not want to work years ago if you were a BM and didn t want to work there was shame today the shame is gone What was the disturbing gures used by Fletcher to describe the likelihood of black men being slain or becoming homicide victims compared to white men Aids Describe the fear fascination relationship that the nation has with black men a BM is 6x more likely to be slain than a WM BM between 14 24 were implicated in a quarter of the nations homicides and 15 of the homicide victims in 2002 although they were just 1 2 of the population BM are 9x more likely to die from AIDS than WM life expectancy for a BM is 69 2 years more than 6 years shorter than a WM some people feel that a policeman who focuses his attention on black men will uncover far more crimes then to someone of another gender or race Rapper 50 Cent built his career on having been shot 9 times and being drug dealer in NYC Snoop Dog has ridden music referring to his gang life past and as a pimp in some ways BM have always stood on the leading edge of popular culture How does the author describe the similarities between Rapper 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg minstrel shows depicting and stereotyping BM these shaped societies perception of African Americans When you look at American popular culture it is really driven by hip hop and young African American men are the face of hip hop It speaks to the fear fascination relationship the nation has with black men What was one outcome that black men fared worse in than white men Black boys were more likely than any other demographic group to be left behind a grade than white boys to be assigned to special education to score poorly on standardized tests than white boys to drop out of school Black men were compared to white men p 9 More likely to be killed Were more likely to be implicated as suspects in homicides More likely to die of AIDS Expected to die sooner More likely to be jobless More likely to be incarcerated Ch 2 A Portrait Shaded With Promise and Doubt How does Holmes and Morin s discussion of black men in America relate to W E B Dubois notion of dual consciousness discussed in class suicide rate among young black men have doubled since 1980 1 in 4 BM have not worked for at least a year twice the proportion of male non Hispanic whites or Latinos 1 3 of BM born today will spend time in prison According to the survey results covered in chapter 2 what percentage of black men demonstrated a strong belief in the American dream Black men strongly believe in American dream 9 in 10 BM would tell their sons they can become anything they want in life 2 3 would also warn their sons they would have to be better and work harder than whites for equal rewards What percentage of black men surveyed attribute their collective problems to what they have failed to do rather than what white people have done to blacks 6 in 10 BM said their collective problems owe more to what they have failed to do themselves rather than what white people have done to blacks According to the survey results which group prays more daily Which group worries more What do black men in the survey tend to worry about 2 3 said they pray at least once a day higher than whites 59 work full time being successful in a career is most important to BM BM worry more than virtually everyone 4 in 10 BM said they are fearful they will lose their jobs educated BM are more worried about being red or laid off than their WM counterparts more than half BM are fearful their family will get AIDS 6 in 10 fearful they ll be treated unfairly by the police T F The suicide rate in America has remained steady over time according to Holmes and Morin Among
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