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Chapter 1 Early Efforts at Policing Social Order Why is social order important o It is necessary in order to keep people in control Conflict Perspective and maintain a fair and just society o Small group in power dictates law o Social advantage leads to control o Control is maintained by a small minority group setting laws and punishments to those who do not follow their rules They manipulate the system to their advantage Consensus Perspective o Common value system o People agree on standards of behavior o Social control by shunning and punishing those who don t oblige to set societal norms Norms standards of behavior o Types of Norms Mores normative standards that evoke strong reactions if violated Ten Commandments Prohibitions against cannibalism Folkways behavior expectations that deal murder etc with minor norms Etiquette Niceties o Holding the door for someone tipping etc How do we control social behavior o Informally behaviors Set by people to reward or sanction Rewards Praise recognition gossip Sanction Gossip Ostracism The group isolates the transgressor and refuses to o Formally involve that person in social activities Refers to statutes legislative initiatives etc Criminal justice system Societal Development Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft with each other in primary relationships relationships Gesellschaft form o Describes small network of persons who interact o More close and personal o Social interactions that takes place in secondary How does society transition from a Gemeinschaft to a o As the population size grows and physical density increases a larger number of people cram into limited space People are less likely to know one another This loss of a Gemeinschaft flavor means that most people must interact within the context of social roles o Refer to the ability of people to behave in a close Primary relationships and intimate way Secondary relationships o Describes social discourse between strangers or people who do not share a very close bond o Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group Benefits of shift from Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft o Expanded division of labor diversity more skilled Anomie labor Durkheim s model o Emphasis on growth and expansion o Production of anomie or normlessness o Loss of attachment Early England Villages or tuns Tithings groups of 10 males Hue and Cry Posse Hundred 10 tithings led by a chief tithingman Shire county Reeve Person in charge of the hundreds o Shire reeve or Sheriff Statute of Winchester 1285 o Constable o Assize of Arms o Formalized the hue and cry response Growing England The challenge of Urban Growth Night watch system o What was everybody s business became nobody s duty president s Commission 1967 p 4 o Townspeople took turns watching over the city and guarding the gates against unwanted intruders If there were an intruder or a fire they would sound the alarm and awake the citizenry to mobilize the threat Paid Policing o Entrepreneurial Avocational Policing Entrepreneurial get paid Avocation but not a full time job o Thief takers and ensuing problems Sir Robert Peel Father of Modern Policing Peel s Principles for Policing along military lines o The Police must be stable efficient and organized o The Police must be under governmental control o The absence of crime will best prove the efficiency o The distribution of crime news is essential if the police o The deployment of police strength by time and are is essential o No quality is more indispensable to a policeman than a perfect command of temper a quiet determined manner has more effect than violent action root of efficiency be given a number and easily accessible to the people London Metropolitan Police Act 1829 Three Major Concerns o Good appearance commands respect o The securing and training of proper persons is at o Public security demands that every police officer o Police headquarters should be centrally located o Policemen should be hired on a probationary basis o Established the police o Weapons Arm the police or not o Uniform Distinctive garb or plain clothes o Activity Public patrol or undercover Developing America Daytime vs Night Watch Police o Philadelphia adopted daytime policing in 1833 o Boston began daytime policing in 1838 o By 1870 all major cities and 24 hour police departments Line of Duty Deaths Political Appointments Labor Strikes Corruption Insensitivity Ineffectiveness The Frontier Gold Rush Vigilante Policing that people take the law into their own hands in order to regain control and to secure values that they think are appropriate o Socially Constructive Model arises from a genuine concern over social tranquility Their goal is to wrestle control away from the grips of the outlaws and to establish an orderly existence free from terrorism and fear of crime o Socially Destructive Model Give vigilantism a bad name Were nothing more than elevated instances of lynch mobs e g KKK Nazis o What caused the need for more private security Unavailability of effective law enforcement created a demand for specialized protection Chapter 2 Terms What is a o Task force o Blue ribbon Commission o Review Committee What do they do Their significance Wicker sham Commission 1931 Third Degree Minimum Standards o Torture and deprivation tactics o Coerced and involuntary statements o Pre cursor to the Miranda 1966 decision o Over 75 of the members of the police force of this country are not mentally endowed to perform the duty assigned o Brawn vs brains dominated officer selection o No background investigations or records checks o Post election spoils system o No pre service job training Political Patronage Wireless Radio o No weapons qualification o Replaced the old fashioned light or siren system o Response time now an operational concept President s Commission 1967 Establishing the Commission Extremely poor police community relations Need to upgrade personnel quality o Officer Education o Higher Salaries Minority Recruitment o Community Service Officers Youth person between 17 and 21 Responsible for social services such as juvenile liaisons community image builder etc o Police Officer o Police Agent Pre service training needed The Kerner Report 1968 Civil Disorders Rampant Hostile Race Relations o 164 race riots in the first nine months of 1967 o Brutality harassment discourtesy o More tolerant postures in ghetto areas o No adequate complaint process o Few minority officers Police Riots Criteria force was used or provide medical

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FSU CJE 3110 - Chapter 1: Early Efforts at Policing

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