ANT2416 Exam 3 Review Sheet o Most common form of modern slavery child sold into labor to pay off family debt but debt builds up never ending cycle o Work by child that harms him her physically psychologically morally or by denying that child access to education and a chance to develop fully that forecloses a child s opportunities in life Key terms Bonded labor Child labor Notes The 5 7 year shift Body o Eruption of first molar o Mid growth spurt prolonged slow growth o Adrenarche adrenal androgens o Less susceptible to communicable diseases Brain Emotion Cognition o EEG rhythms stabilize into an adult pattern o Myelination is complete providing adults levels of axon conduction o Cortical energy consumption peaks o Sobering up less emotional turmoil o Piaget period of concrete operation Conservation quantities stay the same through appearance o Theory of mind someone else s view of reality may be different than changes one s own Jean Piaget 1937 The origin of intelligence in the child immature humans have a different kind of mind at different ages Sensorimotor preoperational concrete operation formal operation Sensorimotor period 0 2 years o Reflexive 0 1 months Circular reactions Primary body movement w repetition Secondary reach grasp objects Coordination look for disappeared objects object permanence Tertiary relation among objects trial error o Intelligence 18 24 months Mental combo new means symbols Engage in active manipulation exploration of surrounding Infants hard at work constructing their brains minds This internal representation of the external world Hyper responsive to experience revise reshape restructure Preoperational period 2 7 years o Object permanence o Limits to problem solving in this stage Can t pay attention to multiple properties of an object Can t conserve quantity break 1 cookie think amount of Period of concrete operation 7 11 years cookies has increased o Now child can conserve quantity through this transformation o Same as Barry Bogin s Juvenile Stage 7 12 years Period of formal operations 11 15 years o Development of intelligence Cultural Content Human kids are good learners have cultural intelligence o Great at learning from other humans o Ability to learn from other members of species is NOT found in other species Human adults have propensity to teach immatures o No other primate teaches like us o We have many teachers parents siblings friends etc Humans have language o Duality of patterning syntax open system o Able to transmit kinds quantities of info o Displacement transmit info about things not present at the time Humans have extended period of immaturity o 20 years to become mature adult o Infancy 0 3 childhood 3 7 juvenile 6 7 12 14 adolescence 12 14 20 adulthood old age o Juvenile stage is especially long in humans 6 8 years Schools formal education enhance quantity of cultural info that is transmitted from one generation to the next Importance of Middle Childhood Juvenile Stage Elongated this period between eruption of first molar and puberty o More time for cultural acquisition Does acquisition speed up in this time Rogoff children between 5 and 7 years begin to be teachable o During these ages parents relegate responsibility to kids Konner a vessel into which knowledge skill and tradition can be steadily and reliably poured Human Ape 2008 Victoria Horner human kids are good at copying and will continue to do it because they trust the info provided by adults o Her experiment comparing human kids and chimps working to get a reward out of a complex box o Human kids copy exactly what the human does they apply ALL steps to the black clear box ignore easy path for reward trust instruction o Chimps able to copy but not as precise abandon copying when clear box shows them easier path to reward direct evidence is more important to chimps than blind copying Michael Tomasello immature humans expect cooperation are willing to extend cooperation ton adults Why We Cooperate o For humans there is a shared intentionality consisting of a tripartite cognition of the form teacher learner object of knowledge o For chimps only a set of dualities Skilled individual object Unskilled individual object Skilled individual unskilled individual o Humans benefit from out cooperation but only if we work together Human children vs immature chimps Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology o Human kids expect adults to donate info chimps expect competition not help o Humans kids are biased toward learning from others chimps don t look to adults they solve problems on their own from paying attention o Human kids are cooperative from an early age If the juveniles can survive Salaam Bombay why do they need parents Human children depend on adults for care and guidance Research demonstrates that human kids o Trust info by adults expect help from adults copy adults and extend cooperation to adults Barry Bogin s o Children 3 7 cant survive w o parents o Juveniles 7 12 can survive but focus on immediate problems stuck solving problems of the moment and cant make long term plans o Older children still need parents for guidance for longer life plans Parents have better understand of long term trajectory of a human life Barbara J King 1991 Social info transfer in monkey apes and hominoids America Journal of Physical Anthropology 1995 The Information Continuum o Primate learning is an individual enterprise these parents don t teach Konner M 2010 The Evolution of Childhood How immature chimps learn to fish for termites o Infants observe mothers o Mother tolerate observation but don t facilitate learning Unique Human Teaching Teaching requires effort by adults older juveniles to facilitate info transfer Being observable isn t enough teaching also requires o Deliberate modeling o Active encouragement o Exaggeration of the movements involved in the task o Simplification of the tasked to provided graded steps Such behavior is rarely observed in non human primates Konner UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Mobilizing for education Building intercultural understanding for diversity between nations and societies Protecting freedom of expression development and human dignity Pursuing scientific coop every child has human right to access quality education through protection of heritage and support early warning systems for storms etc to strengthen ties essential condition for democracy UN Child Soldiers Global Report 2001 Estimates 300 000
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