Study Guide Exam Three Social Organization of Deviance Characteristics of Organizational Sophistication Deviant groups organized like legitimate groups Size of membership division of labor degree of stratification w in the group type of authority structure see below for specifics in each type Best and Luckenbill s typology of deviant organizations Loners do not associate with other deviants keep the deviant ABC s secret supply themselves with the skills to engage in deviant behavior can be provided by the web ex Pro anorexia sites learn eating disorder habits enter deviant culture as a defensive response to private troubles ex self injurer cutter Colleagues associate with others involved in same kind of deviance form a simple group that provides services to each other share information do not need to have the other ppl around to participate in deviance learns a set of norms that proves rules of conduct for deviant respectable activities try to support new members ex homeless community Peers associate with each other and participate in deviance together maintain a loose unwritten code of conduct network is used to supply members of the group with goods and services peers act as equals ex Prostitutes Crew small groups of professional career deviants organized to pursue profit 3 12 members operations are coordinated and planned on the job training required for highly skilled positions members have complex links to outsiders members may bribe agents of social control ex bank robbers Ocean s 11 Italian Job Formal Organizations large number of members could have up to 100 operations coordinated to handle deviant acts over longer periods of time members have delegated responsibilities share features that characterize respectable bureaucracies hierarchical division of labor vertical and horizontal communication have history or a legacy tend to keep in control violence keeps people in line ex Mobs long standing gangs White Collar Crime crime directly related to privileged persons and groups deviance may be financial but also may include injury and death Ex Ford Pintos gas tank in dangerous position but kept there because cheaper 2 sub categories of White Collar Crime Occupational and Organizational Organizational Crime crime committed with support of a legitimate formal organization Ex unsafe work products lead from China Pinto Meds recalls work safety violations Tyson food fire secret FBI files gov activity Occupational Crime pursued by persons acting on their own behalf pilfering is the most common ex Stealing from your job employees of all levels of organization that steal money from work place embezzlement tax sheltering use off shore accounts Deviant Subcultures deviant subculture may be considered deviant b c it is involved in behavior that threatens the mainstream population or b c it is labeled as deviant by the mainstream population EX Frat Sororities Chapter 34 Cooks are like Gods Describe the hierarchies present within Methamphetamine Producing Groups Focuses on maintaining a supply of the drug High to Low Cook Gas Man Juicer Shopper Dope Ho simple user Describe the hierarchies in terms of prestige and risk taking behavior o Cooks held the highest position of privilege and prestige do whatever you can to keep the cook happy from food to sex o Gas Men most risky job fear of arrest and injury from the anhydrous ammonia the risk of this gives them a higher status and privilege o Elizabeth the person who scrapped and got the red phosphorus was below a Gas Man but above a shopper o Shoppers went out and got stuff like pills buckets lithium tubing etc A good one would buy stuff and great one would hold up a store and steal everything o Dope Ho there to have sex with cook to keep him happy in return for meth nobody really cared about them o Simple User lacks any prestige Simple user does not do anything for the group just a pain in the ass A user helps the group Characteristics of the Sample demographic data drug involvement and employment History 31 incarcerated women in county jails in Missouri and Arkansas 2 declined to participate Asked to make up a new name Average age was 36 and ranged from 18 48 28 white 1 black 12 Hispanic Majority were single 4 married 4 separated 4 divorced All had used meth at least once Everyone was employed prior to incarceration 15 had regular occupations 11 seasonal or family operated businesses 5 drifted b w low level minimum wage jobs or illegitimate occupations All had HS diploma or GED 5 had AA BA or post secondary school Lower working class Many most had illegitimate job as well Chapter 35 Young Women in Gangs Characteristics of the sample 20 female members from mixed gender gangs in Columbus OH Subjects ranged from 12 17 were black 4 were white Sample came from places working with at risk youths ex juvenile detention centers shelters for girls local community agency school 46 total were interviewed in order to compare non gang members Of the 46 21 were in a gang and 3 hung out with people in a gang In depth interviews and follow up interviews Semi structured How were members of the sample recruited Drawn primarily from several different local agencies at risk youths county juvenile detention center a shelter care facility for adolescent girls a day school within the same institution and a local community agency How was gang membership determined It was asked in the interview after about 50 pages if their friends were involved in a gang and then if they were involved in a gang or gang members How do gangs provide girls with protection The gang has your back feel protected and beat someone up if something happens There to protect them How does gang membership contribute to the victimization of young women Have to identify with your gang and that could mean being beaten up slapped if talk back Victimization lessened when it was girl on girl Exclusion from gang crimes puts the girls at less of risk to victimization If you don t seem tough or don t stand up for yourself you will be victimized Sexed in to the gang have sex with multiple members to be included into the gang all of gang sees you like this and stigma can be attached to other girls Describe the leadership qualities that were viewed as desirable for gang members Being able to stand up for yourself cousin or sister of a gang member tough Chapter 39 Trading Sex for Crack wanted to look at health problems in the culture Demo Study done in Ohio 3yr period recruited hidden population 97 people
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