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ANT2416 Exam 1 Key Terms Anthropology Review Sheet o The study logos of humans anthros o The progressive inc in the secretion of adrenal androgen hormones Adrenarche Child Childhood o A version of human humans 3 7 years old Distance curve o One stage in a sequence of stages that occur over the lifespan of all o Shows pattern of size change during maturation o An explanation for the origin of organisms o A species homo sapiens o A term for the study of all parts of the life span Evolution Human Life history Species o An important concept in biology that has helped us to organize and understand the variety of life on Earth Velocity curve o Rate of growth gen body mass Notes How can you identify a child Body size proportions Expressive behavior lively vs sedate Voice quality high vs low pitch Speed of speech rapid vs slow Body movements energ wasteful vs energ efficient Big dreams vs acceptance of limits Are we the only species that childhood is an important stage for No many species go through changes such as us don t have childhood though Species vary in the number and duration of life stages Stages of human growth and development o Infancy childhood juvenility adolescence adulthood What is a human Identification o Class Mammalia o Order Primate o Superfamily Hominoidea o Reproduction live births Mammals Lactation Extended parental care emotional bond play behavior Internal gestation o Homeothermy fur hair o Mastication teeth to chew Primates o Emphasize vision not smell o Manipulation w eye hand coordination o Large brains o Reproduce slowly slow maturation and long life Physical eyes face forward depth perception eyes close together overlapping fields of vision boney eye protection stereoscopic color vision reduced snout Hominoid o Brachiation form of locomotion that only uses arms pendulum swings o Forearms adapted for suspension and have versatile range of motion Long muscular arms Rotator shoulder joint 360 Fully extended elbow Extended motion in wrist 180 rotation of forearm o Physical apes stiff and short body broad torso no ext tail long arms Species Traits Unique to Humans o Habitual striding bipedalism hand use brain size power speech culture Habitual striding bipedalism Hand use o Homo Faber the tool user and tool maker o Most versatile hands of all primates Brain size and brain power o Our brain is 6 7 times larger than expected for a mammal of our body size 3 4 times larger than expected for a primate of our body size Speech and language o Language is Learned arbitrary cerebral cortex dependent displacement open system duality of patterning grammar quantity and quality of info humans transfer w language is huge o Words are Symbols representations of physical objects concepts shared Enable us to communicate shape what we experience provide us Cultural dependence w thinking tools o Behavior learned shared by a group and intergenerational Shared Traits o Animal vertebrae mammal primate hominoid Stage Traits Humans are a multi stage species o Not all species have stages as many stages Berry Bogin s life stages are o Embryonic shared w all mammals o Infancy shared with all mammals only mammals o Childhood unique to humans o Juvenile all primates but not all mammals o Adolescence maybe uniquely human some features shared w primates o Adulthood all animals o Old Age Embryonic gestation birth Childhood 3 years old 7 years old Infancy birth termination of lactation o Milestones food dependence body growth steady not rapid dec of infancy brain growth continues rapid rate then stops locomotion gains adult efficiency gait eruption of 1st perm molar chewing power mid growth spurt Adrenarche As food dependent as primate infant but receiving special provisions not mother s milk Juvenile 7 years old 12 years old o Feeding independence but lacks sexual maturity Life History Species vary in patterns of o Total life span short vs long o of stages during immaturity length of each stage o Age of 1st reproduction early vs late o Rate of maturation of offspring Tools for thinking about life history are o Growth proportionate change in size o Development inc complexity and progress towards maturity Path of maturation in humans is o Change in size change in proportion Human pattern of velocity changes during maturation o Infants grow very fast child juv long interval of slow growth adolescent growth spurt adult growth stops Why humans have a childhood stage but other primates don t Apes Humans o Interbirth interval 5 5 6 5 years o Mature slow live long o Mothers invest heavy in few offspring who take a long time to mature 1 baby every 5 years o Conclusion apes are barely able to replace their s every year o Interbirth interval 3 5 4 years o Mature slower live longer slower life history Have multiple immature offspring dependent on parental care and feeding simultaneously o Conclusion better at producing more offspring per female than apes Why a childhood stage o Inc rate of reproduction prod More per female o This stage freed human reproductive from constraints which plague apes Movies 28 Up o Elite 14 British children filmed in 7 year intervals starting in 1964 John Barrister ct room lawyer DEC Bruce sensitive math teacher Andrew Solicitor people s lawyer Charles BBC prod DEC Suzi chain smoker to happy mother o Working Class Tony jockey to cab driver Nick farm to physics Paul children s home to Australia and bricklaying Lyn librarian grammar school Sue happy mother comp school Jackie doesn t want kids comp School Children from Heaven Children o Ali 9 years old Good son brother student citizen Always sad never plays Lots of work outside of the home errands o Zahra 7 years old Ali s sister Good daughter sister student not much of citizen Mostly does house work doesn t run errands o Roya 7 years old Zahra s schoolmate who has her shoes o Alireza 6 years old lonely rich boy who wants a playmate Adults o Karim Ali s dad Yelled expected a lot but good father Worked hard and used money on his kids o Roya s father blind garbage man o Alireza s granddad pays Karim nicely for yard work Growing up in Tehran o Children respectful to adults o Adults constantly remind kids about rules make demands o Children expected to help parents adults o Play is not valued by adults o BUT adults are overall good kind to kids Gender differences in expected behaviors o Gender segregated schools o Boys do more errands work for everyone in community o Girls have to wear a uniform to school Central Station Central do

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