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Chapter 1 1 Why is social order important Review Questions a It is necessary because it maintains a fair and just society 2 What is the consensus viewpoint and how does it relate to maintaining social order a Theorists who adopt the consensus viewpoint emphasize the degree to which people agree about what is right and what is wrong Widely held beliefs or community standards guide the way in which everybody behaves Consensus viewpoint social order was best described as emerging from a commonly held set of values and beliefs common value system people agree to standards of behavior 3 What is the conflict perspective and how does it relate to maintaining social order a Small minorities of powerful persons manipulate the legal system in order to preserve their advantage Conflict perspective social order was best described as emerging due to power and coercion a A norm is a standard of behavior they make social interaction and 4 Explain what a norm is routine predictable 5 What is a folkway A more a Folkways pertain to behavioral expectations that deal with minor norms a violation of this generally results in a very mild sanction ex various rules of etiquette A more is a normative standard that evokes a strong reaction if violated ex murder incest 6 What is deviant behavior a Deviant behavior is any action that exceeds social tolerance levels or oversteps the boundaries established by the folkways and mores 7 Give an example of an informal social control device Why is this device so powerful a Informal social control is actions taken by people to sanction behavior a positive informal social control rewards people for certain behavior making the Dean s list for good grades A negative informal social control device adversely affects the person whose behavior is not in compliance Ostracism is another powerful technique Groups will isolate the transgressor and refuse to involve that person in social activities Vigilantism occurs whenever people band together to provide greater security than that which the criminal justice system provides 8 Give an example of a formal social control device a The law and the criminal justice system Law in this sense refers to the criminal statutes that the legislative branch of government enacts 9 Distinguish a gemeinschaft from a gesellschaft society a Gemeinschaft is a small community with primary relationships parent and child and face to face interaction Gesellschaft is a large community with secondary relationships basically strangers and roles 10 What does the term primary relationship mean a Refers to the ability of people to behave in a close and intimate way each person knows the other party very well and has an emotional attachment to that individual parent and child husband and wife 11 What does the term secondary relationship mean a Social discourse between strangers or people who do not share a very close bond 12 What is anomie a Anomie refers to a state of normlessness It means that people no longer feel attached to the common conscience or accountable to others 13 What benefits accompany the transition from a gemeinschaft society to a gesellschaft society a As the population size grows and physical density increases a large number of people occupying a limited area results in more complexity This increased diversity is evident in an expanded division of labor The division of labor means that jobs become more specialized People work at a single task and acquire greater proficiency making them more self sufficient 14 What is a tithing Was it an informal or formal social control technique a It is a formal social control technique It is a subdivided tun units consisting of ten families every male over the age of twelve belonged to one the tithing was responsible for the behavior of all its members if one committed a crime the entire tithing was held accountable for that persons actions 15 What does the hue and cry mean a Chief tithing man rounded up all the other members and this posse would begin searching for the wayward individual when the tithing located the violator the members took this person into custody and either punished the crook or confined the deviant member until the authorities reached the tun 16 Connect the terms shire and reeve and explain what they mean a Shire county person in charge of this county was given the name shire reeve This term as well as the office and its duties was the forerunner of the sheriff 17 Describe the night watch system a Voluntary surveillance mechanism all the townspeople took turns watching over the city and guarding the gates against unwanted intruders If a fire broke out the person on watch would sound an alarm to awaken the citizenry and mobilize them against the threat 18 What did the Statute of Winchester in 1825 accomplish a It established the office of the parish constable A volunteer would assume this position for one year This person was responsible for coordinating the night watch system and making sure that all able bodied men took turn standing watch 19 What is entrepreneurial avocation policing a Private civilians perform law enforcement tasks on a part time basis and get paid for their productivity 20 Why were the thief takers an imperfect solution in the effort to control deviant behavior a They easily learned how to reap handsome sums of reward money through various combinations of lying and framing innocent persons 21 Who was Sir Robert Peel a The father of modern policing 22 Select any three principles in figure 1 1 and explain what they mean a Good appearance demands respect officers all wore uniforms b The distribution of crime news is essential making the public aware of crime that is occurring c The absence of crime will best prove the efficiency of the police when there is no crime the use of police will prove to be beneficial 23 What three major concerns did Sir Robert Peel have to resolve when forming the Bobbies a First this new police force was not armed Although these officers did carry short truncheons or batons they concealed these tools underneath their coats form public view The subtle emphasis here was on authority as opposed to brute force Peel wished to avoid angry confrontations between the public and his officers A second concern centered upon the issue of whether the police should wear a distinctive uniform On the one hand uniforms symbolize a military presence On the other hand they are distinct and noticeable increasing public trust and accountability The

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FSU CJE 3110 - Study Guide

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