Study Guide for Exam 2 CHAPTER FOUR Understand reciprocal relationships between infant and caregiver Shortly after birth infants become active in their reciprocal process Infants are especially responsive to caregivers voices and faces As early as 2 weeks infants are able to tell apart caregivers from strangers Turn taking exaggeration of facials and voice and vocalizing are KEY Eye gaze and stimulus response sequence at 3 months Rituals feeding diaper changing and game playing peekaboo by 3 4 months Caregiver child interaction can be disrupted Babies need a communicative partner to learn language What are phonetically consistent forms Phonetically consistent forms PCFs AKA Protowords Consistent vocal patterns Forms that will transition to words Accompanied by many gestures Baba for bottle for example What do preschoolers learn from others Expanded conversational skills Children form hypotheses about language rules Use the hypotheses to produce even more complex language Children with ID MR or LD may have difficulty Introduce and maintain topics for 2 3 turns Use Begin to consider listener need to know certain information Need to change conversational style when speaking to younger people Tell simple sequential stories Understand what happens during what age ranges in reference to language development up to 24 months School Age and Adolescent Language Means of communication changes with reading and writing development Metalinguistic skills Semantic and pragmatic development blossoms Use Refine conversational skills Narratives gain essential elements Content Definitions become more dictionary like Understand and use figurative language Form By age 5 use most verb tenses possessive pronouns and conjunctions Morphology Derivational suffixes and prefixes Sbm rev 9 22 15 Syntax Passive sentences reflexive pronouns compound complex sentences Adult Language Development continues but at slower pace Should continue to develop if no neuropathologies Specialized vocabulary Reflects work environment religion hobbies etc Be able to define intentionality and what it refers to Intentionality share goals through gestures Developed at about 8 to 9 months For the first time the child considers the audience or other person while talking Goal directedness in interactions primarily through gestures Know the difference between representation and symbolization Representation one thing stands for another Symbolization use of an arbitrary symbol such as a word or sign to stand for something Learning language is strongly related to cognitive abilities Define lexicon Lexicon An individual s personal dictionary of words and meanings Be able to define reformulation and know what it refers to Reformulation adult provides proper feedback and models for further growth Caregiver repeats the child s utterance in a more mature form reformulating it Ex Child Tommy come morrow my birthday Caregiver Yes tomorrow your cousin Tommy is coming to your birthday party Understand fast mapping Learning relational words and phrases Child infers the meaning from context and uses the word in a similar matter Enables children to use words that they don t fully understand yet What are metalinguistic skills Child considers language in the abstract makes judgments about correctness and creates verbal contexts Semantic and pragmatic development skills begin to blossom Reading and writing development is related What is intellectual disability characterized by Formerly called Mental Retardation MR now ID Characterized by o Substantial limitations in intellectual functioning o Significant limitations in adaptive behavior consisting of conceptual social and practical skills o Originates before age 18 o Severity based on IQ ranges from mild to profound Sbm rev 9 22 15 o 2 5 of population o Based on casualty and amount of home support living environment education age and mode of communication o Language is the single most important limitation Know what a Learning Disability refers to and how it comes about in a child Heterogeneous group of disorders o Difficulties in acquisition and use of listening speaking reading writing reasoning or mathematical abilities 3 of all individuals have LD but severity varies widely Three different types of learning disabilities 1 Language learning disability Primarily difficulty learning and using symbols Affects males more than females Six categories of characteristics Motor attention perception symbol memory emotion 2 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Underlying neurological impairment in executive functioning that regulates As a result these people are impulsive Are hyperactive and have attentional difficulties but do not manifest any other behavior characteristics 3 Dyslexia Difficulty comprehending or producing written symbols As many as 80 of those with LD have some form of reading problem Organization is inefficient so memory is less accurate and retrieval is slow Be able to specify how much of the population has a Learning Disability and within that how many have a language learning disability 3 of all individuals have a have LD 15 of children with LD struggle with motor learning and coordination More than 75 have a language learning disability LLD What else can be affected if a child has a language deficit Difficulty learning and using symbols These children will have trouble learning and using symbols for speaking listening Motor attention perception symbol memory and emotion are all factors but few reading and writing children exhibit all of these characteristics What is specific language impairment cognitive or perceptual deficits problems the rest of their lives reading and writing Language impairment in the absence of hearing oral structural or functioning Half of the 10 15 of children who have speech problems continue to have These children at risk to fail right from the start because no basic language skills for Sbm rev 9 22 15 3 Significant impairment in language functioning a Characterized by the absence of all other possible disorders b Language performance significantly lower than intellectual performance like LD c Exhibit some information processing and memory problems d Different neuroanatomical structure and function e More males than females have SLI Language Characteristics Difficulty with Extracting regularities from language Registering different contexts for language Constructing word referent associations Inappropriate use of language forms cause pragmatic
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