Mores are vital to society s welfare However they do change over time Vigilantism is when people band together to provide greater security that that which the CJ system provides The Guardian Angels are a youthful group of people that began patrolling NY subways to keep thugs from victimizing riders Law does not always reflect what is right and wrong but serves to protect special interests Ferdinand Toennies developed the gemeinschaft and gesellschaft Informal social control is more effective under gemeinschaft conditions Whereas formal social control is necessary under gesellschaft conditions Durkheim explained that with a greater population jobs will be broken down into more specific areas in which people can focus their efforts on one specific task Break down of a gemeinschaft causes people to interact in regards to social roles and causes more secondary relationships Decrease in normative consensus and an increase in deviant behavior Fire was a BIG concern night watch system was used for fires People did not like helping with the hue and cry because it was tiring staying up all night and then trying to run their business in the morning and make money People could pay others to take their place as the night watch But usually those available were the old poor and lames which led to shitty services To attract more people to policing they increased the financial incentive Highwayman Act for increasing citizen involvement in policing If you captured a criminal you were rewarded In addition you got to keep the criminal s belongings Also anyone who snitched was eligible for pardon Henry Fielding introduced the Bow Street Runner London Metropolitan Police Act authorized establishment of a government subsidized police force Sir Robert Peel was the Father of modern policing Peel s major concerns were that they did not carry guns only battons wear a distinctive uniform and to keep their activity productive and be out in public view Police was one way to maintain social control 1833 Philadelphia started a 24 man daytime watch 1838 Boston started one too By 1870 every major city had a full time police force Differences between England and US police several officers were killed infusion of politics into policing and some cities required you live where you work Due to inflation and unemployment there were worker riots and law enforcement seeked out distinct ethnic groups However outlaws tended to run through and destroy everything due to lack of formal social control Frontier people used traditional religious values as a guide for morality They had 3 levels the local elite the workers and the poor also known as criminals South Caroline Regulators captured outlaws and turned them into authorities for trial They were whipped and hung if found guilty California gold rush created an influx of people across the country The private sector of policing developed and thrived during this period due to inavailability of effective law enforcement Turning public safety into a business The Wickersham Commission fought coercive tactics and government favors done through law enforcement Also police got their jobs through favors Also lack of communication was bad for response times and clearance rates There were no entrance qualifications and most were stupid no job orientation and no training President Johnsons Commission Task of finding America s internal crime problem Also investigated the inner workings of the CJ system Pitched higher salaries better job conditions and an alternative entrance structure Emphasized need for new officers college educated supervisory personnel applicant screening and pre service training During civil rights demonstrations there was police brutality and angry mobs ran sacked everything Kerner Commission Officers were discriminating against blacks and the poor National advisory had several areas in need of improvement Police brutality and harassment equal protection regardless of economic status more grievance mechanisms and improving police personnel Police brutality is present when you subdue through use of force then abandon the person without arrest The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals formulate the first national cjstandards and goals for crime reduction and prevention at the state and local levels Main priorities prevent juvenile delinquency improve delivery of social services streamlining cj process and increasing citizen participation in crime control strategies A way of improving Require college better job trainging all cars and cops get a 2 way radio and a blueprint to guide in the selection of CJ executives Knapp commission examined local police corruption Mollen report NYPD cops arrested for drugs no disciplinary actions Goal was to explore corruption combat it and then strengthen anti corruption measures Cops were stealing robbing people and killings them Mollen put the blame on police subculture and collapse of corruption control He suggested various different ways to combat this and various issues The Christopher Report Rodney King first recorded police brutality struck 56 times 10 of the agency s members made up for 1 3 reports of use of force There were botch internal inquiries and they lacked appropriate discipline Use of force declined by over 1 3 from 1990 1995 However still lack of flagging officers who get overly violent in their encounters Introduction of pepper spray led to less batons and less injuries If local state governments cannot handle a situation then the federal government will step in and help Law enforcement is a combo of fragmented and decentralized agencies Each organization has its own goals and objectives and operate separately Special police departments usually have their own niche and typically serve a very narrow population Department of Homeland Security charged with protecting from terrorist attacks 5 sections counterterrorism border security emergency preparedness response and recovery immigration and cyber security FBI jurisdiction over all federal crimes not within another agency s purview DEA monitor airports and offshore activity as well as drugs Marshals federal courtroom security witness protection and relocation 3 of 4 federal law enforcement is in Homeland security or dept of Justice Most tend to be white males Protect residents at the state level state police and highway patrol Sheriff is usually the highest ranking constitutional officer in the county and they protect areas not
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