Violent Crime in America Exam 3 Study Guide This study guide is an outline of what will be covered on the third exam It in no way provides an indication of how successful your performance will be on the actual exam I am providing a study guide as a courtesy not a requirement to help direct your study efforts It is important to note that answering all of the questions on this study guide will not insure that your performance will be successful The exam will cover chapters 8 10 11 and 12 from the textbook lecture notes and classroom discussion This exam will not merely consist of recall but the application of course concepts The exam will have between 25 and 50 questions i e true false and or multiple choice and or matching and or short essay 1 What percentage of students reported that they had carried a weapon to school in 2005 a 4 11 2 Dr Stewart recently completed a study of school delinquency What did he find with regard to lowering delinquency in schools The complete citation for his study is Eric A Stewart 2003 School Social Bonds School Climate and School Misbehavior A Multilevel Analysis Justice Quarterly 20 575 604 a He found that i School attachment ii School commitment iii Belief in school rules iv Association with positive peers v Parental involvement b Were the most important factors to reduce school delinquency 3 From 1992 2011 what is the range of homicides for youth ages 5 18 in the U S at school What does this information tell us a Highest of homicides 1992 93 34 b Lowest of homicides 2010 11 11 c Range 34 11 23 d This information tell us that school homicides have been decreasing over the years maybe due to intervention 4 What is the riskiest time period for school violence a Between 3pm and 6pm because it is right after school before parents get home 5 Which kind of school has the highest amount of bullying a Middle school 6 How common are school homicides a Very rare fewer than 1 homicide per million students 7 Which kind of school has the highest amount of violence committed against teachers at school a Senior high 8 Does gender of teacher matter with regards to violence against teachers a Male professors are more often victims 9 Know the most common form of child maltreatment and the most frequent violent offense against a child a Most common form of child maltreatment Neglect b Most frequent violent offense against a child Simple Assault 10 Know the risk factors that predict intimate partner violence a Except for Japan and Ethiopia 15 19 year old women were at greater risk b Divorced or separated c Women with higher education suffer less intimate partner violence 11 Know the risk factors that predict injury for female victims of intimate partner violence 12 Know the common patterns for intimate partner violence e g race household income a Alcohol consumption b Availability of a firearm c Marital status d Etc marital status etc a Gender female more b Race black more c Age 16 24 d e Marital status separated or divorced more Income lower income more likely remain in abusive relationships a Cycle of Violence 13 Have a clear understanding of the cycle of violence and the reasons that women may i 1 Tension building phase occurs when communication breakdowns and leads to tension which escalates leaving the victim in constant fear of an outburst from their partner ii 2 Acting out phase an explosive incident that occurs when the abusive partner begins to dominate their victim verbally by threats hitting or attacking iii 3 Honeymoon phase is characterized by remorse apology and the apparent end of violence the make up phase b Reasons Women Stay i Battered women have become socially isolated and lose the reality check of friends ii Economically dependent on offender iii Patriarchal view that women are property of fathers and husbands who may treat them well or badly as they see fit 14 Have a thorough knowledge of the interventions for intimate partner violence that were covered in class a Sherman and Berk Minneapolis experiment i Arresting domestic violence suspects a deterrent ii Random assignment to 1 of 3 police responses iii Results support deterrent effect of mandatory arrest b Factors that reduce exposure i Higher divorce rate ii Lower marriage rates iii Greater economic independence of women c Factors that provide alternatives i Shelters ii Hotline iii Legal advocacy 15 Have a thorough understanding of the three major types of drug related violence a Pharmacological physiological 8 i Refers to the physiological effects drugs have on a person s body ii Very tough to link violence to pharmacological effects because of interactions Ex drug users drink a lot 1 No simple dose for dose relationship a Low and acute doses of alcohol more connected to violence than higher aggression b Higher doses of marijuana and opiates decreased c For amphetamines cocaine LSD PCP increased aggression occurs inconsistently and occasionally i Lead to sometimes bizarre or aversive behavior which might cause others to object and escalate the situation into violence Thus connection between drugs and violence may be due to social interaction b Economic Users need 2 i Violence occurs because users need money to keep the party going 1 Shoplifting 2 Prostitution 3 Robbery 4 Murder 1 Territory c Systemic Drug sales and transactions 39 i Related to drug sales and transactions 2 Enforcement of organizational rules 3 Battles with police 4 Retribution against organizational enemies 5 Protection of drugs and or dealers 6 Transaction violence 16 What did the ADAM program find with regard to drug use among male and female arrestees What was found with regard to overall drug use What were the most common drugs used by gender What was found with regard to drug use and offending a A similar amount of males 64 and females 63 tested positive for at least one illegal drug at time of arrest b Males were more likely to use marijuana and females more likely to use cocaine c 2 3 of arrestees test positive for at least one illegal drug arrestees more likely to d Arrestees for violent crimes tend to have lower rates of drug use than other use drugs arrestees 17 What is the range of drug related homicides from 1987 to 2005 What does this suggest a Most in 1993 23 180 b Least in 1999 13 011 c Range about 10 000 d Pattern Increase then peak and larger decrease e War on drugs f Drug related homicides have ranged from about 3 9 to 7 4 of the total homicide count from 1987 2008 18 What is the relationship between
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