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SYD 3020 Study questions for Test 3 Populations Growing Older Populations Growing Younger What questions does the Census Bureau use on the decennial census to determine a person s age Why are demographers so careful to get good data about age The Census asks for age and date of birth They are careful What is age heaping On surveys people round their age up or down to the nearest number that ends in 0 or 5 When the ages are graphed the distribution isn t smooth instead there are heaps over the ages ending in 0 and 5 What is a young population What is an old population A young population is a population that contains a large proportion of young people Old population contains a large proportion of old people What does a population pyramid tell us about a population If a population has a high youth dependency ratio what shape is its population pyramid Population pyramid tells us the age and sex distribution of a population If a population has high youth dependency ration it would have more of a pyramid shape How can you tell the difference between an old population and a young one using a population pyramid If a population is young it will have a pyramid shape If a population is old it will have and upside down pyramid shape What does the median age tell us Provide an example of a country with a low median age and an example of a country with a high median age What is the median age for the US Median age tells us the average age of the population Niger is an example of a country with low median age of 15 and Japan is an example of a high median age of 45 8 U S has a median age of 37 5 How are the three demographic variables related to age composition fertility Distinguish the total dependency ratio youth dependency ratio and aged dependency ratio What do these indicators tell us about the distribution of a population across age groups You should be able to interpret each measure and provide a substantive explanation of why they re important Total dependency ratio index the economic burden of the youth elder populations If the youth or olderly population increase it put more burden on the working age Total dependency ratio 100 of person age 0 14 of person age 64 and older of persons 15 64 Youth dependency ratio the economic burden of the youth population Aged dependency ratio the economic burden of the elderly population This affects social security and Medicaid What shape is the population pyramid of a population with a high aged dependency ratio How about a population with a high youth dependency ratio Population with high aged dependency rate is going to be shaped like a upside down pyramid with more concentration on top High youth dependency rate will be a pyramid with concentration on the bottom How is a population s sex ratio measured Provide the range of typical values for the sex ratio at birth males per 100 females Typical value for sex ratio at birth 104 6 How does the sex ratio change across the values of a population s age composition does it get bigger or smaller At what point in the age structure does a population s sex ratio begin to switch from favoring males to favoring females Sex ratio gets smaller across the values of populations age composition At age 45 sex ratio starts favoring females When was Social Security implemented and under which president What does pay as you go PAYGO mean What percent of their earnings do Americans pay towards Social Security and up to what dollar limit Social security was implemented in 1935 under FDR PAYGO is funding for social security through employment taxes as you go 6 2 percent of Americans earnings go towards social security up 118 500 limit What is the purpose of Medicare When was Medicare implemented and under which president Has it accomplished its goal of reducing poverty among the elderly Identify the two primary factors driving up the costs associated with Medicare Provides health insurance for persons 65 some disabled persons persons with ESRD Implemented by president Lyndon Johnson in 1965 No it has not reduced poverty Two primary factors driving up the cost associated with Medicare are increasing older population and increasing medical cost After retirement does the average person get more money less money or about the same amount of money that s he paid into Social Security and Medicare The average person get more money than they paid into the social security and Medicare What is the basic problem underlying the financial issues facing Social Security and Medicare Funds not keeping up with increasing cost What does the phrase legacy liability refer to Legacy liability is the increase in taxes on future generations of workers or the reduction in benefits for future generations of retirees caused by the increasing older population What are the options that the US has with respect to resolving the financial issues facing Social Security and Medicare What four solutions are implied by these options SYD 3020 Study guide for Test 3 Page 2 Workers save more and consume less in order to finance benefits for their Workers pay higher taxes and consume less in order to finance benefits for older Benefits for the older people are reduced so as to bring them in line with current tax retirements people and savings rates People work longer and retire later raising their earnings and total output Why is the speed of global aging accelerating Sustained low TFR Is the share of the population aged 60 and over higher in developed or developing regions Share of population aged 60 and over is higher in developed regions Will increasing migration slow down the rate at which a population is aging Explain No the age distribution of most national populations is not much affected by migration We only be able to see the effect at a local level only What can be done to reverse population aging Raise fertility What is population momentum How is it relevant to reversing population aging Population momentum potential for continued growth or shrinkage inherent in a population s age structure even after replacement level fertility is attained What is the population momentum factor How is it interpreted Population momentum factor Crude Birth Rate e0 A PMF 1 indicates positive momentum and further growth A PMF 1 indicates that natural increase is not contributing to population growth A PMF 1 indicates negative momentum and the likelihood of continued population decline Describe what happens to a population s age composition as the population moves

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