ANT Exam 3 11 15 2011 Class Notes and Slideshows Childhood Around the World CAW Films Locations Great Britain 28 Up Iran Children of Heaven Brazil Central Station Japan Nobody Knows India Salaam Bombay New Zealand Whale Rider What constitutes for a CAW Film 1 pre adolescent child as a central character child typical behavior is a continuing central feature easy for the viewer to engage with the character and to feel empathy director screenplay actors are NOT American o distinctive cultural traditions are expressed through personal experience artistically powerful diversity of world cultures is represented Why use commercial cinema for the class National film industries exist in a variety of countries that showcase distinctive Exceptional artistic ability is evident commercial cinema is competing for a world The power of the camera to focus attention reality that might escape everyday cultural perspectives audience notice is front and center live the experience The etic vs the emic commercial cinema has the power to enable the viewer to Cognitive Development Intelligence o Born a bundle of reflexes and not innately intelligent o Piaget says intelligence originates in the child Infants helpless Child 18 24 months is competent meaning he she will look for ways to solve problems and act proactively Different kind of ability at different ages a Sensorimotor 0 24 Months 1 Reflexive 1st month 2 Primary circular reactions 1 4 months infant does repetitive movements 3 Secondary Circular Reactions 4 8 months infants explores objects reach and grasp objects 4 Coordination of Circular Reactions 8 12 months look for objects that have disappeared I Object permanence understanding that objects exist when out of sight 5 Tertiary Circular Reactions 12 18 months relation among objects trial and error problem solving Intelligence 18 24 months symbols 6 I Symbols b Pre operational Period 2 7 years 1 Close to Barry Bogin s characteristics of a child 2 Understand object permanence 3 4 Pretend play 5 Mental problem solving Imitation c Concrete Operations 7 11 years 1 Bogin s Juvenile period 2 Understand conservation of mass that objects can change size and shape and stay the same volume d Formal Operations 11 15 years 1 Formalized operation explained in words even when object is not present o Cognitive Comparisons consistent across cultures 8 months vs 11 months at 6 months forgets about hidden objects 11 months can find it immediately but if his view is obstructed and is not allowed to immediately reach for the hidden toy will forget all about it 30 months vs 36 months A small dog is hidden in a doll house and a large toy is hidden in the same place in the exact replica of the doll house room At 2 5 years she cannot find it At 3 years finds it immediately Across cultures Conservation of mass experiments American and Tribal children have same answers around the same age Nativism knowledge that proceeds experience Cause and effect Categorize everything to better understand new ideas and objects Ex Know generally what a tree looks like so when a child sees a new kind of tree that can put it in the tree category and grasp its basic definition Numerosity Memory demonstrations that infants remember Social Learning o Post Piaget Infants children use other people to Figure out the world Get things done Special features of human brain allow learning from others Trevarthen learn via inductive interaction o Humans acquire intersubjectivity at 10 months o Capacity for joint patterns of awareness Triadic person person object network Free giving of objects reciprocal play Caretaker becomes an instructor New ability to cooperate and expect for their parents to teach them Bruner o Scaffolding adults bridges the gap between what a child can and cannot yet do o Unique to humans Chimps catching termites Barbara King found all animals except humans figure stuff out on their own through imitation or instinct not through being taught Chimps appears that baby chimps learn how fish for termites out of holes learning however they are just imitating How is Human teaching different Deliberate modeling Active encouragement Exaggeration of the movements involved in the task to make it more obvious and simplify the task with steps Video Example Human children expect adults to donate info Human children are biased toward learning from others Human children are cooperative from an early age o Help adults help them Humans imitate a learned action path to get the prize whereas chimps will take a shorter route if possible o Children are built to cooperate trust and copy o Expect that what an adult has taught them has reason and must be done the same way Culture Lev Vygotsky Children use parents as a tool Zone of Proximal Distance as the result of a child being in the proximity of a parent and is given their help and guidance the child will be lead to achievement learn via knowledge already codified by past generations language transmits culture Chimps v Humans Human prove there is a modification of behavior to enhance child s ability to learn Deliberate modification Video Human Ape Expectation of competition when food is involved children expect cooperation and help Human children cooperate and help others instinctively Video Story telling children get caught up in the stories as if they are real worlds totally enamored in it Scaffolding makes humans special Human knowledge is social collective child didn t invent it Tomasello and Call we learned it Power of cultural sharing and group living Human children are particularly good at learning culture o RECAP what distinguishes humans from other species Bipedalism hand power tool use Brain size cognitive versatility brainpower Speech language symbol power A change in the relationship among individuals the power of the group living and cultural sharing amplifies the abilities of the individual The transfer of culture across generations through teaching and learning is a major form of human cooperation no other species does this as well as humans o What is culture Behavior Shared by a group Acquired by learning Transmitted from one generation to the next Cumulative cultural evolution it builds of itself Culture is a mental infrastructure a system of shared meanings that guide perception and action Human culture special Quantity culture reaches over thousands if not millions of people vs only dozens in other animals Reach we add new kinds of behavior and products can be learned and shared
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