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Study Guide Test One Chapter One Define Communication Disorders an impairment in the ability to receive send process or comprehend concepts of verbal nonverbal or graphic symbol concepts Audiologist a professional whose distinguishing role is to identify assess manage and prevent disorders of hearing and balance Schooling needed Doctorate four year graduate training program After formal training they need additional clinical experience and pass national exam praxis Where do they work Schools outpatient clinics hospitals government agencies industry OSHA Who do they work with Individuals with auditory processing disorders and and select fit and dispense hearing aids and other amplification devices Who awards Certificates of Clinical Competence in Audiology CCC A ASHA and then state licensure Speech Language Pathologists a professional whose distinguishing role is to identify assess treat and prevent communication disorders Schooling needed Masters clinical experience praxis CCC SLP state licensure Who do they work with Those with communication disorders disorders of swallowing or those who wish to modify a dialect Where do they work Schools 1 2 hospitals outpatient clinics rehab centers skilled nursing facilities Speech Language and Hearing Scientists may be involved in basic research exploring the anatomy physiology and physics of speech sound production Schooling needed Usually have a doctoral degree Where do they work Universities government agencies industry What do they do Extend knowledge of human communication processes research centers and clinics and disorders Professional Aids individuals who work closely with SLPs or audiologists work only with supervision and are not permitted to perform certain tasks What is ASHA and what are its roles in communication disorders ASHA is a nonprofit organization of SLPs audiologists and speech and hearing scientists Its mission is to advocate on behalf of persons with communication disorders advance communication science and promote effective human communication Basic objectives of PL 99 457 Education of the Handicapped Amendments federal funds were provided to states that wanted to develop programs for disabled infants and toddlers from birth through age 2 then 3 5 An IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan must be written for each child with special needs IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act required free appropriate public education FAPE for children with disabilities ADA Americans with Disabilities Act mandated and improved access to buildings and facilities with ramps parking spots accessible restrooms and provided effective communication Chapter Two Define communication an exchange of ideas between sender and receiver involves message transmission and response or feedback Define speech acoustic representation of language Define language a socially shared code or conventional system for representing concepts Know the characteristics of language Know language components Grammar rules of language Linguistic Intuition the recognition of right and wrong grammar Generative each utterance is freshly created Dynamic languages change over time Phonology the sound system English consists of 43 Morphology involves the structure of words morphemes Form phonemes unique speech sounds like th are the smallest grammatical unit within a language free morphemes may stand alone as a word cats bound morphemes change meanings of original word and cannot stand alone s ex the subject goes before the verb Syntax pertains to how words are arranged in a sentence Know and understand 3 features of speech Content meaning or semantics which are pieces of meaning that come together to define a particular word girl and woman share semantic features of feminine Use pragmatics the purpose of our utterance that primarily determine its form and content driving force of how and why we use language let s go get something to eat vs eat Articulation refers to the way in which speech sounds are formed Fluency the smooth forward flow of communication influenced by rhythm and rate of speech Voice can gauge the age sex and emotion of a speaker Include pitch frequency how high or low loudness and quality Know different forms of non verbal communication Artifacts the way you look and way you have decorated your personal environment Kinesics the way we move our bodies body language Space and Time the study of physical distance between people as it affects communication proxemics Understand and provide examples of disorders of language speech and hearing Language processing disorders Phonology not producing word endings Morphology incorrect use of past tense Syntax incorrect word order run on sentences Disorders of form Disorders of content semantics language children and adults post stroke Disorders of use pragmatics interrupting conversation partner limited vocab difficulty understanding abstract difficulty staying on topic inappropriate responses Disorders of articulation circulation Disorders of Fluency Dysarthia caused by paralysis weakness poor Apraxia neuromotor programming difficulties Speech expression disorders Developmental Disfluency young children make Speech behaviors hesitations repetitions false starts and then revise their statements prolongations fillers stuttering Disorders of voice endocrine disorders can all affect voice quality Vocal abuse can result in hoarseness Disease trauma allergies and neuromuscular and Deafness Hard of Hearing Auditory Processing Disorders APD normal hearing but difficulty understanding speech Hearing reception disorders What are the basic classification schemes of communication disorders Reception hearing acuity and auditory processing Expression speech and language Etiology Time of onset congenital vs acquired Severity 17 of Americans have a communication disorder 11 have hearing loss 6 have a speech voice or language disorder Basic prevalence data of communication disorders across the lifespan Chapter Three Understand the biologic and speech functions of the Respiratory system biological functions are to supply oxygen to the blood and remove excess carbon dioxide from the body also serves as the generating source for speech production Laryngeal system Articulatory Resonating system Respiratory System Understand the divisions of the respiratory system Pulmonary Apparatus trachea lungs pulmonary airways Chest Wall Thorax rib cage wall bony structure that protects supports the passageways and lungs abdominal wall

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FSU SPA 2001 - Test 1

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