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Study Guide for Exam 2 Chapter Five Understand reciprocal relationships between infant and caregiver o Eye gaze rituals and game playing by 3 4 months What are phonetically consistent forms o Consistent vocal patterns accompany many gestures a transition into words protowords baba for bottle What do preschoolers learn from others o How to respond to social cues Understand what happens during what age ranges in reference to language development up to 24 months o 3 Months Responds vocally to partner o 8 Months Begins gesturing o 12 Months First words spoken words fill intentions previously signaled by gestures o 18 Months Begins combining words on the basis of word order rules o 2 Years Begins adding bound morphemes o 3 Years More adult like sentence structure o 4 Years Begins to change style of talking to fit conversational partner o 5 Years 90 of language form learned o 6 Years Begins to learn visual mode of communication with writing and reading narratives o Adolescence Able to participate competently in conversations and telling of Be able to define intentionality and what it refers to o For the first time a child considers the audience or other person when attempting a potentially communicative act First happens primarily through gestures at 8 9 months then later by language Know the difference between representation and symbolization o Representation is the process of having one thing stand for another symbolization is using an arbitrary symbol such as a word or a sign to stand for something Define lexicon o Personal dictionary with words that reflect the child s environment by age 2 the toddler has an expressive vocabulary of about 150 to 300 words Be able to define reformulation and know what it refers to o Repeating the child s utterance in more mature form Understand fast mapping o The child infers the meaning from context and uses the word in similar manner What are metalinguistic skills o Enable a child to consider language in the abstract to make judgments about its correctness and to create verbal contexts such as in writing What is intellectual disability characterized by o Substantial limitations in intellectual functioning significant limitations in adaptive behavior consisting of conceptual social and practical skills and originating before age 18 Know what a Learning Disability refers to and how it comes about in a child o A genetic term that refers to heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening speaking reading writing reasoning or mathematical abilities These disorders are intrinsic to the individual and are presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction Even though a learning disability may occur concomitantly with other handicapping conditions or environmental influences it is not the direct result of those conditions or influences Be able to specify how much of the population has a Learning Disability and within that how many have a language learning disability o Approximately 3 of all individuals have LD and 75 of those have language learning disability difficulty learning and using symbols What else can be affected if a child has a language deficit o The characteristics of LD fall into six categories motor hyperactivity over activity attention ADHD perception symbol dyslexia memory short term retrival and emotion aggressive impulsive unpredictable withdrawn and or impatient What is specific language impairment o Late bloomers whose early language development is delayed 10 15 of middle class U S children often end up having LD What is affected by an autism spectrum disorder o Developmental rates and the sequence of motor social adaptive and cognitive skills responses to sensory stimuli speech language cognition and non verbal communication capacity to relate appropriately to people events and objects Define dyslexia o Children having particular difficulty in comprehending printed symbols or difficulty producing written symbols Define dysgraphia terms of coherence Define traumatic brain injury o A deficiency in the ability to write primarily in terms of handwriting but also in o Damage to the brain resulting from bruising and laceration caused by forceful contact with the relatively rough inner surfaces of the skull Know the most common form of injury in children o TBI Know what a good observation of a child would look like and what would happen o Children with TBI tend to be inattentive and easily distractible no cognitive organization difficulty seeing relationships making inferences solving problems struggle to formulate goals plan and achieve their ends or social inhibition acting out Chapter Six comprehension Know the definitions of phonological awareness phonics fluency vocabulary and o Phonological Awareness knowledge of the sounds and syllables and of the sound structure of words ability to notice think about and work with individual sounds in spoken words o Phonics learning of sound letter correspondence the relationship between the letters graphemes of written language and the individual sounds phonemes of spoken language o Fluency ability to read a text accurately quickly and effortlessly o Vocabulary words we must know to communicate effectively words spoken o Comprehension Refers to understanding of meaning of text What are a Speech Language Pathologists SLP roles and responsibilities for read reading and writing o Educated both teachers and parents in the oral language literacy relationship identify children at risk make referrals to good literacy rich programs recommend assessment and treatment in preliteracy skills when needed What causes a reading disability o Dyslexia hyperlexia extrinsic intrinsic factors What is a receptive language deficit o A child has difficulties understanding what is said to them What is an expressive language deficit o There are difficulties with verbal and written expression Be able to define decoding o Consists of breaking or segmenting a word into its component sounds and then blending them together to form a word recognizable to the reader What is literacy o Use of visual modes of communication specifically reading and writing Chapter Seven Define Aphasia impairment due to localized brain injury and affecting understanding retrieving and formulating meaningful and sequential elements of language o What population does aphasia occur in Adults o What is the most common cause of aphasia Brain damage o What are concomitant or

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