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Key Terms Abraham Gottlob Werner and Neptunism Study Guide for Exam 2 Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism Abraham Gottlob Werner explained rock formations NEPTUNISM Neptunism proposed rocks formed from the crystallisation of minerals in the early Earth s oceans Catastrophism the Earth has been affected in the past by sudden short lived violent events possibly worldwide in scope Noah s Flood Uniformitarianism assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe James Hutton Charles Lyell had the Theory of the Earth that gave studies of how sediment was laid down where lava comes from and the earths crust was unstable Huttons earth left no room for creation or the Flood key scientists of the founders of the modern timescale o Promoted uniformitarianism o The opposistion was catastrophism o Geologist worked on a shorter time scale than today Lyell showed that fossil groups were not totally different and that some fossils found in one period were found in the next taking away speculation of catastrophe Lyell convinced the public that the earth was immensely old Lyells greates disciple was Charles Darwin The Principles of Geology 1830 Book was a uniformitarianist idea Darwin read the book and was convinced the Earth was very old J B Lamarck Georges Cuvier species do change extinction happens Giraffe cartoon Lamarck s vs Darwin s Georges Cuvier and Alexandre Brongniart pioneered fossil statigraphy Cuvier noticed instantaneous changes between fossil populations and attributed it to catastrophic earth movements and tidal waves Did not agree with Lamarck Against Evolution Professional in fossil record the reason why it may look as though species are changing is because we don t have the whole story Richard Owen outspoken opposition to Charles Darwin s theory of evolution by natural selection He agreed with Darwin that evolution occurred but thought it was more complex than outlined in Darwin s On the Origin of Species figured out homology different bones designed for specific tasks The Great Hippocampus Debate Huxley vs Richard Owen Robert Chambers and the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation People hated it The vestiges of the natural history of creation 1944 Tried to appeal to the middle class non science people to show species change Used evolution for political propaganda Thomas Malthus Charles Darwin observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease leading to what is known as a Malthusian catastrophe Darwin was a uniformitarianist Went against Church but was very hard for him Said that their cant be intelligent design The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man The origin of Species sold out in one day A turning point Darwin applies evolutionary theory to human evolution and details his theory of sexual selection The book discusses many related issues including evolutionary psychology evolutionary ethics differences between human races differences between sexes the dominant role of women in choosing mating partners and the relevance of the evolutionary theory to society Thomas Henry Huxley Won the Wilberforce Huxley debate Darwin s bulldog Wilberforce Huxley Debate at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Huxley fought for Darwin Huxley won The Great Hippocampus Debate do only humans have it Huxley vs Richard Owen followed Charles Darwin s publication of On the Origin of Species Uniqueness of humans Science in the eye of the public lots of dissection shown to public Darwin as judge Implications for race Alfred Russel Wallace He is best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution through natural selection Not rich but loved science Thought of natural selection ideas evolutionist used anatomical and embryological evidence to reconstruct the links between the major branches of the tree of life a leading proponent fo the recapitulation theory he and his followers also Huxley proposed hypothetical genealogies to explain the origin of all the vertebrate classes presented evolution as the underlying princliple of both nature and society welcomed the individualism of Darwins theory liked the theory of the inheritance of acquired characters Asked how the things darwin sees are passed down to generations Augustinian friar Discoverer of genetics Published Experiments on Plant Hybridization 1865 living organisms are fundamentally different from non living entities because they contain some non physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things not really accepted anymore Ernst Haeckel Herbert Spencer Gregor Mendel Vitalism Louis Pasteur germ theory micro organisms and spontaneous generation fermentation and pasteurization figured out the silkworm was eating silk and destroying silk industry found causes of disease Antoine Bechamp also came up with fermentation went on campaign against Louis Jean Joseph Henri Toussaint told doctors to wash hands sanitation children died from disease Auguste Comte Charles Babbage first philosopher of science father of sociology and positivism originating the concept of a programmable computer A father of the computer inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs Ada Lovelace known for her work on Charles Babbage s early mechanical general purpose computer the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine the world s first computer programmer Thomas Edison The american way Technology vs Discovery Tesla Karl Marx Luminiferous Ether Edison didnt like his ideas about electricity and would show people that electricity was bad Marx s work in economics laid the basis for the current understanding of labour and its relation to capital and has influenced much of subsequent economic thought Absolute Space The problem of light Suspended Theory Maxwell and the Ether light waves move through luminiferous ether Honeycombs and vortices used fluid mechanics Kelvin and the ether The Michelson Morley experiment Found the speed of light is a constant The earth is not moving through the ether Hans Christian Oersted Magnet and electricity experiments Realizes they have to do with each other Michael Faraday Brilliant Experimentalist Everything exists of Lines of force No void no atoms no fluids Didnt have math to back things up so used Maxwell James Clerk Maxwell Mathematician Maxwell s equations 4

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