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History 3464 EXAM TWO MATERIAL o Early 1600s o Dutch eye piece Over the years magnificent and staining techniques have gotten better Around the same time as the telescope used same tools practically Day One of Notes Tuesday 2 12 13 Microscopes Robert Hooke o 1635 1703 o British o Micrographia Micrographia Antoine van Leeuwenhoek o 1632 1724 o Dutch o Animalcules animalcules Edward Jenner o 1749 1823 o British o Vaccination Oxford we don t know what he looks like Galileo was the first to get on the telescope figures the importance while Hooke got his hands on the microscopes and publishes a book Micrographia same thing as Gailieo in opposite direction o Feature good drawling not the first time we seen art and science come together He observed insects which even though they have been around forever now they get to see a Flea Tick Nat Fly eye Things human eyes cannot see This was very big Biggest and Most important thin slice of cork and saw the cells First to observe cells and coined the term cells First indication that living things are made out of cell Created more than 500 lenses in his time master craftsmen Made 25 functioning Microscope Clean drop of water under microscope and observed million of tiny things called Animalcules o What we call microorganisms o Could see they were alive this was huge Nothing alive smaller than an ant or a flea but NOW it expands our understanding our place in the universe Opens up an entire new world Microorganisms are every still mind blowing Lack of staining techniques that kept scientist from future discovery Bill Nile Video The boy was injected with puss from something the vaccine later the boy was injected with small pox and obviously didn t get it which showed success Realized Jenner Milk maids would get diseases called cow pox but he heard that these milk maids were all resistance to small pox He figured a less intense strain allowed the body to build resistance for the stronger strain Matthais Jacob Schleiden o 1804 1881 o German Botanist o Contribution to Phytogenesis 1833 everything about the plant is made out of cell Did not discover the nucleus of the cell he recognizes 1 All plants are made of cells 2 The nucleus plays important roles in the development of cells Theodor Schwann o 1810 1882 o German Zoologist o Accordance in the structure and growth of plants and animals 1847 What schleden did for plants Schwann did it for animals Both men were discovering cells by using the most up to date microscopes and staining both realized that Animals and plants are made up of the same exact sort of blueprint They did speak recognized this together Not everything is right Didn t know where they came from or where they were from Rudolf Virchow o 1821 1902 o German Pathologist o Disease is localized Research is focused on Diseases A person s body is composed of four humors and is in homeostasis and the sickness is determined from which four humors is out of wacky This dominated Disease for every But he said that disease is localized and said no to the four humors He explained cell division any looked at healthy and diseased cells He determined that cells can only originate from pre existing cells Principles of Cell Theory o All life is made of cells o All cells come from preexisting cells o Cells are the basic unit of life Redefined and better understood now but the three guys Schwann Schleden and Virchow came up with this Rise of laboratories Late 19th century o Natural can only be understood by laboratories Science wasn t always done this way until now Leads to the growth of university and graduate work Work place where specimens can be dissected Louis Pasteur o 1822 1895 o French o Pasteurization Biology chemistry physics jack of all trades kind of an individual 1850 1860s is when he work was done Wine is a huge thing in France and the wine producers ask Pasteur to research this problem and asked him why some batches goes bad They hired him It is not due to chemical reaction but through organisms were anaerobic lives without oxygen and they can get killed by heat Boasted the industry and eventually used for milk and now beer French wine benefited first than British beer Disproved officially spontaneous generation Germ Theory of Disease o The theory that all contagious diseases are caused by microorganism o Why is there microbial growth on the bottom not top The microorganisms from the air or environment can fall into the broth Re creating generation The long tubing thingy the microorganisms would get stuck somewhere in the tube so no growth would happen in the broth Came up with several guidelines in the 1870 1880s 1 Specific microorganism is always specific to a disease 2 If isolate it than it can be grown in a cultural if you transplanted it than the new organism will get the disease The microbe carriers the disease Most Agar mix of sugar and algae Professor write a book that was a useful guide to students 1858 First book now known as Gray s Anatomy First addition has 1500 hundreds pages and have been used by medical students every since 40th edition now Robert Koch o 1843 1910 o German o Koch s postulates Gray s Anatomy o Henry Gray o 1827 1861 o British Surgeon Florence Nightengale Alexander Fleming Thursday 2 14 2013 Genetics 1905 by Bateson Pangenesis o Study of how characteristics are transmitted from one generation to another Coin o Darwin had to explain how heritability works in his argument o Darwin s hypothetical mechanism for heredity Hypothesis that all the cells produce tiny particle gemmules no one has ever seen but assume exist but contain all the heredity information in the human body They migrate for the body and in the reproductive organs and that is his explanation Not Accepted wasn t and still isn t Gregor Mendel o 1822 1884 o Austrian Monk o Father of genetics o Mendel son of Austrian peasants Became a priest and continued his education begins work in 1856 studying Pea Plants How physically characteristics are passed down from one generation to the next Not a random choose pea plant saw it had a lot of physical characteristics like shape spherical or dented color yellow or green flower o Color as an example green plant with the other one First generation all green 1 Character traits to not blend not a greenish yellow color 2 Yellow strait disappears all together NEXT generation is with two green plants and one came out yellow 1 Proved characteristic trait yellow didn t disappear 2 Some units are dominant and recessive o

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