The Latino population mainly populated in California Texas Florida Arizona Illinois and New York Pan ethnicity the development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups as reflected in the terms Hispanic and Asian American Color gradient the placement of people on a continuum from light to dark skin color rather than in distinct racial groupings by skin color The borderlands the area of a common culture along the border between Mexico and the United States Maquiladoras foreign owned companies on the Mexican side of the border in the United States Remittances the monies that immigrants return to their countries of origin Hometown Clubs nonprofit organization that maintain close ties to immigrants hometowns in Mexico and other Latin American countries Transnationals immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin and settlement The Economic Picture Non Hispanic white s make more money than Hispanics In 2010 25 3 of Latinos were below the poverty level compared to 9 4 of Whites Latinos growing political presence Politicians are becoming more aware of the votes from the Hispanic population mainly focusing on Texas New Mexico California and Colorado Mainly the west coast but also in central to south Florida Cuban Americans o Immigration 3 significant influxes through the 1980 s 1st 100 000 2nd 340 000 through freedom flights 3rd 124 000 through freedom flotilla ships coming into Key West from Cuba o Marielitos people who arrived from Cuba in the 3rd wave of Cuban immigration most specifically those forcibly deported by way of Mariel Harbor The term is generally reserved for refugees seen as especially undesirable o Dry foot wet foot policy toward Cuban immigrants that allows those who manage to reach the United States dry foot to remain but sends those who are picked up at sea wet foot back to Cuba o The current picture compared to the rest Cuban Americans are doing well They have college completion at rates twice the amount of Latinos half of the households are married 73 have citizenship 22 have incomes over 75 000 Central and South Americans immigration has been sporadic they are a part of the brain drain which is skilled workers professionals and technicians who are desperately needed by their home country but they still migrate to the United States Repatriation the 1930 s program of deporting Mexicans due it being during the Depression American government was trying to find a way to eliminate unnecessary costs i e sending Mexicans back to Mexico in efforts to reduce welfare rolls and eliminate people seeking jobs Braceros contracted Mexican laborers brought to the United States during World War II Bringing in more than 80 000 Mexican nationals and they made up 1 11th of the farm works on the Pacific Coast Mojados wetbacks derisive slang for Mexicans who enter illegally supposedly by swimming the Rio Grande La Raza literally meaning the people the term refers to the rich heritage of Mexican Americans it is therefore used to denote a sense of pride among Mexican Americans today Cesar Chavez the best known Hispanic labor leader for economic empowerment who crusaded to organize migrant farm workers United Farm Workers UFW Created by Cesar Chavez This was difficult to create because they didn t have any saving to pay for organizing or to live on while striking The program made federal and state governments more aware of the exploitation of migrant laborers Chicanismo the Chicano movement stressed a positive self image and placed little reliance on conventional forms of political activity Followers of Chicanismo have been less likely to accept the standard claim that the United States is equally just to all An ideology emphasizing pride and positive identity among Mexican Americans Tracking the practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of test scores and other criteria Familism pride and closeness in the family that result in placing family obligation and loyalty before individual needs Life chances people s opportunities to provide themselves with material goods positive living conditions and favorable life experiences Islamophobia a range of negative feelings toward Muslims and their religion that ranges from generalized intolerance to hatred Hijab a variety of garments that allow women to follow guidelines of modest dress Muslim Islam has approximately 1 6 billion followers worldwide and is 2nd to Christianity Muslims make up about 23 of the world s populations compared to about 30 33 of Christians The religion is monotheistic based on a single deity and worship the same God Allah is the Arabic word for God and refers to the God of Moses Jesus and Muhammad Islam is guided by the teachings of the Qur an Koran which include teachings known as Sunnah Nation of Islam Created by Minister Louis Farrakhan Adopting along with the name used by the earlier group the more unorthodox to Islam ideas of Elijah Muhammad such as Black moral superiority Racial profiling any arbitrary police initiated action based on race ethnicity or national origin rather than a person s behavior Model or Ideal Minority group that despite past prejudice and discrimination succeeds economically socially and educationally without resorting to political or violent confrontations with Whites Yellow peril a term denoting a generalized prejudice toward Asian people and their customs
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