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TEST 5 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 11 12 13 Chapter 11 1 What is stress Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it 2 What is the difference between eustress and distress Distress carries negative results One can think of distress as the strain that develops as a person becomes more and more engulfed in his or her occupational role Eustress is the equivalent to good stress 3 What are the stages involved in the general adaptation syndrome It consists of three stages They are the alarm reaction resistance and exhaustion stages Alarm reaction stage where a stressful condition or event triggers the body to immediately respond to a threat by accelerating the production of certain hormones and chemicals Resistance stage here the body steps up hormone production to correspond to the level of threat or attack Exhaustion comes when the body finally runs out of fuel the physical reserves must recuperate or get replenished in order to rejuvenate the body 4 What are the four sources of police stress Items peculiar to the individual Friction that develops Conflict between the individual officer and the organization Tension between the individual and the environment 5 What is the circadian rhythm and how does it relate to the topic of police stress Sensitive set of inner clocks programmed to a 24 hour cycle which patterns all our physiological functions Shift work disrupts this rhythm Officers work seven or eight days in a row on graveyard shift The reward is a long weekend of two or three consecutive days off from work Most officers will not maintain the same sleeping pattern 6 How does the criminal justice system become stressful for police officers Many times officers finish a graveyard shift at seven in the morning but have a court case scheduled to begin at 9 o clock Because a subpoena is a binding court order officers have no choice except to appear at the appointed hour This causes no time to unwind in a usual way after a stint on the streets 7 How does the threat of danger relate to police stress The constant exposure to danger means that police officers must maintain a ready state of alertness In other words they scan their location continuously for any possible cue of an impending threat in order to prevent an attack 8 What is morbidity Refers to diseases and sickness 9 What is mortality Deals with the cause of death 10 How do morbidity and mortality relate to police stress Police officers have a shortened life span Death certificate examinations indicate that LEOs have a shorter life span than civilians Officers have higher death rates from cancer and heart diseases due to stress related job instances TEST 5 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 11 12 13 11 List three types of alcohol users Normal drinker consumes alcohol under typical circumstances Alcohol dependent person drinks daily but does not consider him or herself to be hooked on booze Alcoholic is the one who drinks excessively and finds that alcohol now dominates his or her life 12 How is police work stressful It is much more than a job It is vocation that extracts many sacrifices Also suicide the constant exposure to suffering seeing the atrocities that humans routinely perpetrate upon one another take a toll on the individual In addition marital tension because shift work requires spouses to make many personal and household adjustments Scheduling meals become difficult and even children are affected because the go days without seeing their parents because they are either on duty sleeping at court or working an off duty job 13 Explain how police stress is used to guide public opinion The physical danger associated with the mission of protecting law0abiding citizens also elevates the police to the position of being effective trustworthy and dedicated 14 What does stress management mean 15 How does stress inoculation work Refers to any attempt to control or to reduce the amount of stress a person experiences Teaches people to recognize the signs of oncoming stress and to counter with relaxation techniques 16 Why are officers reluctant to seek stress counseling They fear that somehow counseling records could surface and haunt them for the remainder of their careers Officers sense a lack of control since they are not billed directly for services rendered As a result many police officers find it more comfortable to hide their so called weaknesses from the agency What does the word policy mean Course of action set of principles on which to act Chapter 12 List two reasons why policy formation should not be left up to officers in the field It does not guarantee consistency between officers nor uniformity Bottom rung of organization ladder is de facto policy Give three reasons why agencies should devote time and energy to establishing policy guidelines Courts are not always proactive Covers areas not addressed by courts and legislation Avoid civil liability What is meant by deliberate indifference TEST 5 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 11 12 13 Customs and practices approved directives Courts will impose greater liability on the agency What could be the outcome if an agency does not have written policy guidelines The courts will look at the customs and practices that are present and treat them as if they constituted previously approved directives This approach usually subjects the agency to even greater liability and a correspondingly larger settlement award What is a mission statement Articulates overall agency policy woven into policy guidelines What basic considerations should go into policy development Adaptation to training Be workable in real world situations Be written in a positive manner Refer to or incorporate relevant laws Why is it important to have policy guidelines that address the area of secondary or off duty employment That way the officers will not overwork themselves and will not be more fatigued then they already are Also a second job may pose a conflict of interest What is the purpose of an Internal Affairs unit Monitor employee conduct for any policy or statutory violations that take place while either on duty or off duty Protect against any impropriety that can compromise the agency s reputation What type of activities does Internal Affairs monitor Citizen complaints Supervisory reports Use of force reports Misuse of equipment or damage Weapon discharges Failure to conduct a proper investigation Explain three ways in which an internal affairs complaint may be concluded Unfounded a determination that the

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FSU CJE 3110 - Test 5

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