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Law Enforcement Final 12 13 14 Chapter 12 Stress No single one definition of stress Stress affects different people in different ways focus on one s perception only if the individual perceives that social demands cannot be adequately handled Burnout the situation in which what used to be a calling becomes merely a job loss of enthusiasm excitement and sense of mission in ones work Burnout when there is constant disjunction between job demands and worker resources as the gap gets bigger person becomes less effective Types of Stress Eustress good stress benefits realistic training modules shoot don t shoot simulation learn Distress negative results strain that develops as a person becomes more engulfed in their job role some people can adapt but eventually produces HARMFUL EFFECTS Service workers treadmill effect more they try the more the gap widens Stress Reaction Style General Adaptation Syndrome patterned response of reaction to stress 3 stages o Alarm reaction stage body responds to threat and increases production of hormones and chemicals stimulates sympathetic system heart and lungs increase heart beat breathing quick and shallow glands activate and produce fuel for the muscles adrenaline pumps body so it is in a STATE OF ALERT READINESS o Resistance stage increase in hormone production to keep up with level of threat situation doesn t stop body keeps making more until at PEAK alertness final spurt of energy o Exhaustion body runs out of fuel physically recuperate and get replenished proper nutrition sleep and relaxation typically this form Eustress people enjoy rest period Distress people just continue doing what they were doing So alarm stage dwindles and exhaustion stage happens earlier than optimal Police work may cease stress repairs stress reduces B6 diabetes C heart problems and Zinc fatal physical dysfunctions Sources of Police Stress 4 majors sources of police stress Intra Individual Sources Personality may be a factor anxiety prone laid back Stress depends on individuals perceptions and other internal factors o o Reaction to the same stressor may change o o Career goals and aspiration form stress expectations of promotion if work hard o Glass ceiling until someone higher up gets fired or quits COMPETITION o The interaction btw the sources of the stress how they are perceived and person characteristics determine whether coping or maladaptive behavior will result Inter Individual Sources Stress from interaction between people o o Because they come in contact with so many different people risk of exposure to medical conditions o AIDS checks periodically gloves with blood masks with CPR bio hazard disposal Susceptible to diseases or bacteria skin irritants lice impetigo o o Also not 100 acceptance of minority officers especially black female officers Organizational Sources Shift work because of rotating shift day evening graveyard fucks up diurnal day night o pattern human body has circadian rhythm for 24hr cycle with physiological functions hurts appetite and eating habits and makes PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT entire household needs to adjust Change to fixed permanent shifts so officers don t need to readjust HEALTHIER Vila and Kenney police fatigue 80hr work week o Equipment Poor and defective equipment Patrol car office problems stress o Citizen Complaints Regarding officer misconduct or disrespect Doesn t matter how petty it will be filed in personnel Cumulative effect on evaluations transfer request and promotion opportunities Environmental Sources o Community officers have negative feelings toward the public feel rejected by those they try to help Attempt to shield families from negative perceptions change clothing don t list numbers Hero seen as corrupt unfair and unfeeling o The CJS officers have to make schedules accommodate to subpoenas and court appearances Officers distrust CJS bc system emphasizes technical aspects rather than factual guilt Twilight zone outraged when system fails to punish criminals Cops are beaten at their own game because they don t know criminal laws court procedure Threat of arrest and punishment is devalued so officers find alternatives violence o Threat of Danger consistently remind officers of their vulnerability FBI Hall of Heroes honor fallen comrades walk through this daily Police should be consistently alert preoccupied with personal safety HAVE TO ACT STRANGE AND UNFRIENDLY Symbolic assailant young minority males in run down areas of town officer behaviors toward them might be due to past experiences Consequences of Police Stress Many agencies ignore that police officers are not superhuman and robots Sick time abuse Offices were impolite Mishandle discretion effects of stress Morbidity and Mortality Stress linkage Morbidity disease and sickness Mortality causes of death Look at patterns and certain characteristics Police work is SEDENTARY sit while driving filling out reports suddenly jump to answer call Body becomes overloaded with emotional states health problems Analyze death certificates patient s history physical remains autopsy if necessary cause of death birth place race age sex and last known occupation used to analyze morbidity and mortality patterns Fell Richard and Wallace look at death certificates and hospital records when seen as stress related or not POLICE OFFICERS HAVE SHORTER LIFE SPAN Officers more likely to die from stress related causes than other workers Leading cause of death circulatory or heart disease Non fatal disease stress induced disorders digestive tract maladies ulcers colon cancer Vena and Marshall look at people in NYPD for 5 years Officers higher death rate from cancer stomach types longer you were an officer more likely to have circulatory heart disease BEING A POLICE OFFICER INCREASE ODDS OF PREMATURE DEATLH FROM HEART DISEASE AND STOMACH CANCER Mortality rates link to dietary patterns fast foods high fat content gulp down food and caffeine hurt digestion stress adrenaline Alcohol Abuse Remedy for 2 work problems 1 Demands of the job like dealing with death or gruesome cases 2 Physical and social adjustments of shift work everyone else on human time Self medication 3 types 1 Normal drinker drinks on typical circumstances doesn t have cravings 2 Alcohol dependent person drinks daily doesn t consider self to be hooked drink too much belief that they can stop if they want to 3 Alcoholic lost self control drinks excessively alcohol dominates life Many young officers start drinking after especially

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FSU CJE 3110 - Law Enforcement Final

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