STUDY GUIDE Fall 2013 CCJ 4662 K RUSSELL BROWN COLOR OF CRIME Please Note The following questions are derived from Kathryn Russell Brown s The Color of Crime Unless otherwise noted all statements should be answered according to Russell Brown s position These questions are not intended to provide an exhaustive review or summary of the information that you will be examined on This is supplementary material and should be used in conjunction with class notes discussions and a detailed reading of the chapters This study guide alone will not adequately prepare you for the exam Chapter one How does Russell describe media race isms Native American rarely featured in news stories or seen in the media generally including movies and situation comedies Asian American are infrequently featured in news stories and are sometimes represented as media players anchors and pundits Latinos are regularly discussed as news topics are featured as entertainers and athletes and are infrequently shown as having a seat at the media table Blacks are regularly seen as subjects and reporters of the news as entertainers and athlete and are frequently portrayed as media players Whites are the predominant face of the news and are featured in every aspect of news production as owners producers and subjects How does Russell describe the progress that the media has made in it portrayal of people of color African Americans during the inception of television when they did appear they were relegate to as stock stereotypical roles During the 1960s increasing numbers of Blacks appeared in television primarily as entertainers or professional athletes on shows In following decades there were blacks in lead roles such as Bill Cosby in I Spy Also blacks were also featured in mainstream Hollywood movies such as sounder As of 1980 we saw an exponential increase in the number of blacks featured in the media as sitcom start and major recording artist Individuals from which minority group are most likely to be victims of violent crime American Indians According to Russell what were the startling statistics on America Indians reported by the 2004 Justice Department study report Two times more likely to be victims of violent crimes e g Rape aggravated assault and robbery than African American What is the primary media talk about Native Americans according to Russell The primary media talk about Native Americans centers on gambling casinos or the issue of using Indian names and symbols for athletic teams and mascots How does Russell define the term Redskin Redskins refer to the early practice of hunting and killing Indians and offering their scalps as proof for payment of a bounty What is the Nike Air Native N7 feathers and arrowheads A shoe specifically designed for Native Americans The shoes feature According to Russell what percentage of American Indians in the US lives on reservations Based on the 2000 census Native Americans account for of the U S population Based on the 2000 census Native Americans account for less than 1 of the U S population of American Indians in the US lives on reservations Asian Americans account for of the U S population Which Asian sex is more prevalent in the media according to Russell 4 Females How does the media usually portray Asian American males and females The women are routinely drawn as the exotic objects of sexual desire This character typically comes with a host of other attributes petite physique sexual aggressiveness and docility Asian American men are typically portrayed as smart techno savvy geeks How are Tiger Woods and Keanu Reeves similar according to Russell Both of these individuals are Asian Although Woods has spoken openly on his Thai heritage it appears that many people recognize him as an African America Regarding Reeves it does not appear to be common knowledge that he has Asian roots What does Russell mean by her statement that Asian American has a monolithic meaning This one box fits all category reduces Asians to one massive group and obscures the fact that in addition to China Japan s and Korea there are numerous Asian countries including Vietnam Cambodia which are not interchangeable What is the model minority myth According to the model minority myth Asian Americans are hardworking smart and respectful of authority According to Russell Latinos make up of the U S population 14 Why are Latinos and other minorities frequently omitted from the official record Because there is a persistent focus on relationships between Blacks and Whites A contemporary example of this omission involves a PBS documentary of WWII produced by Ken Burns It was observed that the film made scant references to Latino veterans or their contributions to the war He agreed to feature narratives of their testimony and personal archives on camera Who is Bill Richardson New Mexico governor and 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Which ethnic group is second in line as the face of the feared American criminal Latinos How many Black newspapers are there today according to Russell Over 75 Black newspaper What is the relationship between rap hip hop and blackness Rap and Hip hop continue to provide keen insights into how Blackness is shaped presented and consumed The popularity of rap has created a more complex face of Black life Why is it both the best and worst of times for Blacks in mainstream media The represent a mixed bag of media images Since the 1980s African Americans have been a consistent a broad presence in the media as athletes actors comedians lawyers public figures journalist and even professors Whites are responsible in raw numbers for what percentage of total arrests and imprisonment 70 percent for total arrest and 40 percent of imprisonment How are the media images of blackness primarily depicted Through images of black males Especially through deviance What problems emerge when a racial group is not allowed to shape its own public image It will be shaped by other groups For instance it is not unusual to hear whit comedians make unflattering jokes about Asian Americans such as they drive poorly how they speak broke English and they work in nail salons and take out diners What is the myth of the criminal Blackman Criminal images of Black men however cause many of us to incorrectly conclude that most black men are criminals These images also make it hard for many people to believe that most crime is interracial involving an offender and victims who are the same race Regardless of race the
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