8 29 13 The War on Drugs Ch 2 outline From Dover s powder to The Devils Weed of The Fields The Early History of Drug Taking in America Drug abuse began sometime during the 18th century with Thomas Dover and a opium powder he developed called dovers powder By the latter part of the 18th century opium medicines were readily available The next drug to be introduced was created by German pharmacist Fredrick Serturner he created morphine in 1803 Shortly after that the hypodermic needle was invented revolutionizing drug administering forever There was an explosion of usage of opium and morphine by needle and about 3 million people were addicted during the latter part of the 19th century Triplex Liver Pills French Wine Coca and the Introduction of Cocaine to The United States Next came chewing coca leaves for their mild stimulant effects it was introduced to the world by Angelo Mariani he created a extract and put it in a wine he created called Vin Coca Mariani Across the ocean John Stith Pemberton of Atlanta was selling Triplex liver pills and Cough syrup and other products He created a new wine called French wine of Coca and the next year he made a new drink Coca Cola creating an entirely new category of drink the cola Once cocaine was made into its purest powder form it was given to soldiers and Sigmund Freud loved it and backed it totally and was used as a household cure for everything The Peculiar Legacy of Bayer Laboratories The company created and made alternatives to the already available morphine They crated codeine and other painkillers and began to market them with the name Heroin in German means heroic Used to get un addicted to morphine but was advertised as cough medicine Three phenomenon created this problem 1 The belief that heroin was non addicting 2 Drug was more potent and required less to get addicted 3 The medical community was not ready for or understand cross dependence in drug addiction Hucksters The Red Clause And The Emergence of Antidrug Legislation The red clause is a clause that appears in advertising contracts It is mutually agreed the type would indicate That this contract is void if any law is enacted by your state restricting or prohibiting the manufacturing or sale of proprietary medicines The steps leading up to the Emergence of antidrug legislation was a story written by a man who was working undercover in the meat industry in Chicago and let all the secrets out and how bad food was handled and it sometimes wasn t even the meat that it was supposed to be And it called for regulation of goods and packing this led to drugs being regulated as well and special taxes had to be paid and registered on them It was called the Harrison Act Snow Parties German War Propaganda And The Rise of the Criminal Addict Snow parties were parties with cocaine and heroine These were all shut down due to the Jones Miller Act it induced fines and put people in jail for anyone importing narcotics The time when drugs were made to be regulated by doctors is when the tables turned and addicts became criminals because they needed their drugs they were now addicted to and the whole home drug market went underground German war propaganda was claiming that there was a good portion of Americans addicted to drugs during WWI and the numbers were no where near close and actually showed a significant decline in use and addiction Marijuana The Evil Weed of the Fields Roadsides and Riverbeds Marijuana was introduced to America the same way as all the other drugs were it was pedaled out of the back of a wagon and sold as a medicine Pot was originally made into a tincture and was to be taken orally and not injected because it was insoluble and took a while to work It was also hard to gauge the dosage Therefore it was not a choice drug but still it had its devotees as a recreational drug At the beginning of the 20th century Mexico began to get their less potent Mexican ditch weed into the United States it was less potent that the hashish that was around already by the 1920s weed was visibly used by all minority groups Thought the 1930s state after state began to enact marijuana laws after news articles and propaganda made it look like the Devils Drug CHAPTER 3 EVERYBODY SMOKES DOPE DRUG USE IN POST WORLD WAR II AMERICA The 1950 s were thought of as a time of waist Caught up in the belief of the good life and moved out of the city to the suburbs leaving the cities to deteriorate In the wake of this the public transportation system was forgotten about and replaced with the new family automobile and also because of the new highways that were being built Racism was another problem that persisted from earlier years African Americans continued to face the legacy of Jim Crow In the south they were still gang beaten and lynched To compound the problem youth in the US faced an enforcement of conformity and other social issues As a result a teenage ethic emerged that made serious negative value judgments about the nature and meaning of life This along with other problems was festering in the 1940s and 50s resulting in one of the most revolutionary periods in history The 1960s was characterized by civil rights movements political assassinations and campus and anti war protests and inner city riots and the leap of drugs into everyday life No longer were drugs limited to the inner city There were a few causes for the change in drug use amongst the population the first was the technology advancement that was made in terms of how drugs were made and what drugs were being made and created The teenage ethic had began to take hold and the generation was just lazy and basically all smoked pot Timothy Leary called himself the high priest Of the new drug age he was an instructor at Harvard he was linked to Dr Albert Hoffman who originally created LSD Leary s downfall came when he told kids at a rally to drop out of school and follow him He recovered from that episode years later and became a well know speaker and eventually was diagnosed and died of cancer In retrospect the reason for the hysteria over Leary LSD and other phycadelics had been threefold The drug scene was frightening to mainstream society there was a stigmatized association of all drug users being hippies and third the drugs effects that were sometimes described as borderline mental illness By the 1960s most hallucinogenic drugs had been placed under strict legal control and the number of users were minimal FROM BLACK BEAUTY TO KING KONG In the
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