CCJ4938 Exam 2 Review Chapter 6 Juvenile Sexual Offenders Recidivism among JSOs Conflicting results in the extant research Meta analysis has shown that o Having previous offenses sexual and non sexual is predictive of recidivism o Older JSOs more likely to reoffend o JSOs who use threats or weapons more likely to reoffend o JSOs with male victims more likely to reoffend o JSOs with larger age gaps with victims older or younger more likely to reoffend Many JSOs will reoffend but offenses are non sexual Chapter 7 Commercial Exploitation of Children Child Pornography Depiction of sexually explicit behavior involving a minor under the age of 18 o As of 2003 when the PROTECT Act was enacted virtual and computer generated sexual images of children are also illegal Child pornography in Florida means any image depicting a minor under 18 engaged in sexual conduct Sexual conduct means actual or simulated sexual intercourse deviate sexual intercourse sexual bestiality masturbation or sadomasochistic abuse actual lewd exhibition of the genitals actual physical contact with a person s clothed or unclothed genitals pubic area buttocks or if such person is a female breast with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of either party or any act or conduct which constitutes sexual battery or simulates that sexual battery is being or will be committed A mother s breastfeeding of her baby does not under any circumstance constitute sexual conduct Dangers of Child Pornography Exploitation of children Children accessing pornography Child solicitation Appeal of Internet Child Porn o Access o Affordability o Anonymity The growth of pornography on the Internet results largely from three factors Communication with like minds These social networks can provide validation and justification Methods of Distribution Webpages and websites o Specific websites containing images of child pornography Webcams Email E groups Newsgroups o Provide images of abuse broadcast in real time which may also allow for interaction between the broadcaster and the audience o Distributors may send attachments of child pornography images in emails to individuals groups or subscribers to a particular site o Members can share pornographic images and exchange information about websites that contain child pornography o Forums to discuss sexual interest in children with others who have the same interests and provide photos for exchange Bulletin board systems BBS o Provide a forum for discussions about child pornography websites and advice to those seeking access to child pornography o Used to exchange pornography and locate potential victims They may be open or Chat rooms password protected Peer to peer o Allow for closed groups to trade images of child pornography o These are often with the more serious cyber sex offenders o Most heinous images Research Limited due to secrecy The most comprehensive empirical investigation into child pornography and use and users is the National Juvenile Online Victimization Study NJOV o 2 3 of offenders arrested for accessing or purchasing images on line non production o 1 3 arrested for production of images that were sold or exchanged o Most serious abuse involving preteens 83 children ages 6 12 39 children ages 3 5 19 children under age 3 o Offenders who used P2P networks had the most extensive collection of images and the most heinous images including images of young children under age 3 and images depicting sexual violence Typology of Cyber Sex Offenders Similar to general sex offenders in that they constitute a heterogeneous group of individuals o Higher levels of physical and sexual abuse than the general population Different from general sex offenders o White single and younger than general sex offenders o Higher level of education o More victim empathy o Fewer cognitive distortions o Lower levels of impulsivity higher self control o Lower offense convictions o Higher fantasy levels greater connection with fictional characters Browsers Private fantasizers o Accidentally see images but knowingly save o No networking or security strategies to avoid detection o Create digital image for private use o No networking or security strategies to avoid detection Trawlers o Seek out images on web through open browsers o May network o Employ few strategies to avoid detection Nonsecure collectors o Seek images in nonsecure websites or chat rooms o High level of networking o Few security strategies Secure collectors o Members of closed groups o High level of networking o Sophisticated security strategies Groomers o Develop online relationships with children o May send pornographic images as part of grooming but not the primary focus o May develop into abusers Physical abusers o Sexually abuse children o Pornographic images uses as part of abuse process but not focus o Previous groomers Producers Manufacturers o Record images to disseminate usually to networks Distributors o Disseminate pornographic images of children o More often financial motivation rather than sexual interest in pornography Victims of Child Pornography Little known about victims and their level of exploitation and victimization Often related to or acquainted with offender o Once on internet offender relationship dissolves Victims often not identified as part of investigation prosecution 90 white 73 female 55 prepubescent o 6 infants or toddlers Images range from suggestive poses to actual serious sexual abuse The younger the victim the more likely they were to be in images depicting sexual abuse Cross Over What is the rate of child pornography offenders that are also child sex abusers o The main reason for the difficulty in quantifying overlap is the low rate of official statistics for both child pornography and contact offending Many internet offenders have not been convicted of contact offenses Contact offenders who admit viewing child pornography have not been convicted of cyber offenses When both types of offenses are present it is difficult to determine chronology of the behaviors and therefore the risk that cyber offenders will begin committing contact offenses Most research is contradictory o 40 of cyber offenders are contact offenders o Most cyber offenders do not endorse sexual abuse of children o NO difference between cyber and contact offenders in pedophilia diagnosis o Contact offenders more likely to be diagnosed with pedophilia Regulation of Child Pornography Sexual Exploitation of Children Act 1978 o First federal
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