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ANT2416 08 26 2010 Motor ability behavior Profound changes during the first year of life size shown in velocity curve parallels profound change in Trends in motor ability 3 7 years old Increase in strength more muscle more bone less fat Increase in control precision coordination Locomotion balance pivot stop quickly new gaits hop skip gallop why age specific gaits Upper body throwing catching what about climbing Hands individual finger control Play is a major category of motor behavior for immature gorillas The costs of play Time and energy expenditure Accidental injury or death Increased risk of predation Delay of maturation Mother offspring play in two closely related species Other species cannot play this way because they do not have the kind of movement versatility found in chimpanzees and humans Characteristics of play Short sequences fragments of motor patterns seen in other contexts Repetitious Reordering Exaggeration uneconomical Rapid alterations of behavior No obvious immediate benefit Metacommunication this is play Some proposed benefits of play Practice for specific motor and cognitive skills Increase knowledge of the physical and social environment Bonding and cohesion Increase flexibility creativity innovation

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FSU ANT 2416 - Motor ability

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