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SYD 3020 STUDY QUESTIONS FOR TEST 2 Test 2 will have the same format as Test 1 fifty multiple choice questions The test will cover the second half of the semester including lectures 12 through 25 and the readings from February 25th through April 24th Your notes from these lectures the PowerPoint slides on BlackBoard and the assigned readings provide the answers to the Study Questions below Test questions will be drawn from this study guide and from the Daily Questions Mortality Health and Survival How does life expectancy differ from life span Lifespan is a constant a biologically determined upper limit Life Expectancy can be estimated for any age years of life remaining What is the relationship between life expectancy e0 and longevity Longevity varies across individuals and across populations Life Expectancy is the estimated amount for the years of life remaining Both are estimated values that vary based on how when and where we live which affects how we die and at what age What is the relationship between the life table and life expectancy Explain years of life remaining As an individual grows older the years of life expectancy decrease What country currently has the highest value for e0 What is this value overall not gender specific What is the current global value for e0 Japan 83 current global value is 70 Thinking generally how does life expectancy differ by sex That is who tends to live longer males or females Sometimes this general pattern doesn t hold in what kind of population does this happen Females tend to live longer than males In less developed countries there is more of a tendency for males to outlive females Explain the lazy J the age curve of mortality What causes its basic shape What influences its height All countries tend to have a high mortality rate at ages 1 but then these rates dramatically drop for ages 1 14 and then they steadily increase over time This gives the Lazy J curve its shape The older people get the higher the mortality rate At what ages is the risk of death highest At what age range is it lowest The age that death is rated the highest is at 100 years The age that the death rate is lowest is at ages 5 9 What is the IMR In what country is it lowest Why does the US not have the lowest IMR in the world even though we spend more on health care than other countries Infant Mortality Rate IMR is lowest in Japan US doesn t have the lowest because women in the US who don t have employer provided health insurance frequently don t have adequate prenatal healthcare In other developed countries and even in some poor countries all women get free or low cost prenatal and well baby care What is a country s cause structure of mortality Top causes of death Vary across historical periods social and demographic groups e g age sex race within populations Socioeconomic development across populations What is the source of data on numbers and causes of death in the United States National Vital Statistics Report CDC What is the ICD Who produces it Why is it important ICD International Classification of Diseases The WHO World Health Organization produces it It is important because it allows people to be aware of the leading causes of death among a population This allows people to take proper steps to keeping themselves healthy According to the CDC what are the two top causes of death in the United States considered across all ages Approximately what share of U S deaths is due to these two causes What is the top cause of infant death What is the top cause of death for children and young adults Heart Disease 24 6 and Malignant Neoplasms 23 3 47 9 The top cause of infant death is Drowning Birth Defects Kids Young adults is unintentional injuries 5 24 motor vehicle accidents Why do the leading causes of death in the U S vary by sex Because diseases affect genders differently and account for more or less of the mortality SYD 3020 Test 2 Study Guide Spring 2013 Page 2 Summarize epidemiologic transition theory ETT You should be able to identify the name of each of its stages life expectancy at each stage the approximate dates for each stage the prevailing causes of death at each stage and what led to the transition from one stage to the next What is the key assumption of the ETT Does the cause of death structure in low income developing countries support this assumption or contradict it 1 Much of ETT based on experience of developed world 50 of global population 2 ETT assumes sustained and irreversible transition with social economic development It supports it What does the experience of the former Soviet Union suggest about the underlying assumption of the ETT What about emerging diseases and drug resistant forms of existing diseases What is a mortality shock SYD 3020 Test 2 Study Guide Spring 2013 Page 3 About what percentage of Malawians are HIV positive How does this compare to the percentage infected in sub Saharan Africa more generally How about in the United States What does VCT stand for In Malawi 11 8 adults are HIV 69 of the 34 million HIV people live in sub Saharan Africa More than 1 1 million people are living with HIV in the U S VCT Voluntary Counseling and Testing About how many people lack access to sanitary facilities To clean water 780 million people do not have access to clean water 1 2 Billion people lack sanitary facilities Identify the following persons Jeanne Louise Calment Edward Jenner Abdel Omran Abdel Omran Founded idea of epidemiologic transition Described historical pattern of change in health and disease partly in response to socioeconomic modernization Jeanne Louise Calment Oldest living person 122 years Edward Jenner Pioneer of the smallpox vaccine Populations by Age and Sex What questions does the Census Bureau use on the decennial census to determine a person s age Why are demographers so careful to get good data about age Questions on Accounts characteristics distribution and lifespans Because of lifespans to figure out how old people are when they die how long they live and how much resources we use What is age heaping How is it related to digit preference Age heaping is when people round off their ages preferably to the numbers 5 or zero mostly in older ages Digit Preference is a Preference for certain numbers and a dislike of other numbers What is age composition Identify two measures of age composition Distribution of population across age groups Age composition is the number of persons there are at each age Two measures of age

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