Do all drug users need treatment Chapter 5 No Natural recovery or self change or spontaneous remission is most frequent Exist in all relms of addictions gambling shopping cigarettes alocohol etc What is behavioral triage This approach to allocating treatment resources is when formal treatment is offered to all but only imposed on those who repeatedly use drugs after being warned of the consequences Do users have to hit rock bottom before they recover Many people do but rock bottom is relative from person to person Some people may consider the embarrassment of an arrest the bottom while for others it may be the loss of their job Tragically some users die on their way to the bottom and some repeatedly hit rock bottom each time reaching a new low What are the 12 Steps unmanageable 1 We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become 2 Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity 3 Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we 4 Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves 5 Admitted to God to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of understood Him our wrongs 6 Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character 7 Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings 8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to 9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so 10 Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly make amends to them all would injure them or others admitted it 11 Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out 12 Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs What is detoxification Both the after effects of long term drug binges and the withdrawal syndrome that comes on when physically dependent users desist can be profoundly unpleasant and sometimes even life threatening Is detoxification treatment What is methadone Detox is sometimes a prerequisit for treatment The purpose of detox is to manage the process of withdrawal while treatment aims at sustained behavior change A synthetic chemical that binds to the same receptors as heroin and other opiates It is longer acting than heroin so someone using methadone doesn t experience the rapid cycle of euphoria and crazing typical of heroin abuse Does methadone detox work Sometimes But most heroin users who get to the point of needing detox find that the tapering process has a limit Does methadone maintence work Usually Unlike most forms of drug treatment methadone maintence has little difficulty attracting and retaining clients Why is methadone controversial Methadone patients are just as addicted to methadone as they were to heroin And some say that it is a harder habit to kick Why not tighten up the rules in methadone clinics to require clients to abstain from drug abuse and diversion Some clinics are stricter than others but now that the removal of a client from a methadone program is seen as seriously life threatening clinicians are more reluctant to do it What is buprenorphine Commonly referred to as bupe is a semi synthetic opioid partial agonist Less powerful than full agonist like heroin or methadone What is heroin maintenance and is it treatment Just like methadone maintenance but with illegal street heroin It has been tried with apparent success Does substitution therapy work for illicit drugs other than the opiates No How well does treatment for stimulants such as cocaine and meth work Not well Very costly in the bigger picture with little return What is a Therapeutic Community Are a group based drug free approach to long term treatment most typically provided through residential treatment facilities or in prison treatment What is contingency management These are simply a program of positive and negative rewards The positive being more of an incentive and focus than the negative punishment being a deterrent Why is there a shortage of drug treatment While there are shortages in certain areas like residential treatment facilities for mothers addicted to drugs etc There really isn t an overall shortage because not every addict wants to receive treatment How do you treat a drug involved teen Most teens age out of using like delinquency But for the ones who continue treatment includes various intensities of outpatient and residential care How about just giving addicts the drugs they crave There are some programs that try this but it is still in the trail phase because many people would fight against it politically Chapter 6 Is it drugs that cause crimes or drug policies Both Drugs use leads to crime because it makes the users act irrational requires money to buy or they get involved with the violence that surrounds it Wouldn t legalization eliminate most drug crime Unpredictable It might be less crime initially but it would definitely increase the amount of users which will come with its own set of new problems Are there other ways that drugs cause crimes Yes drugs have indirect links to crime Ex Drugs can cause low school performance which has been linked to participation in crime How about offering drug treatment in place of prison Many places are doing this Arizona was the first and many states followed But not all treatment facilities are created equal and problems still arise Why haven t treatment diversion programs performed better Lack of funding and public political support Specialized courts that give offenders with drug possession charges the option to enter treatment or receive jail time What are drug courts What is HOPE Hawaii s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement And initiative for managing probationers using swift and certain sanctions Operates at lower cost than normal probation and mandated treatment Can HOPE solve the drugs crime problem Hawaii s experiment showed that a lot of those incarcerated might be successfully managed in the community Hope was able to improve the behavior of not only offenders with drug charges but also those on drugs when they committed their crimes How are drugs used in date rape Most of the time alcohol and or the drugs voluntarily consumed are the ones involved in date rape acquaintance rape Chapter 8 Do international programs offer a quick fix to
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