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The basics Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Mnemonic King Philip Cuts Open Five Green Snakes Dissection microscope Be able to label Compound microscope Be able to label o Phylum Protista Classification is traditionally based on locomotion o Flagellates whip like structures that propel the organism o Ciliates Specialized and short flagellae they cover large areas of the cell surface and are capable of very rapid movement o Sarcodina Amoebas Lack cilia or flagellae have pseudopodia They also may have tests shell like structures o Sporozoans Mostly lack locomotory structures have spore resting stage and are parasites of animals Classification groups o Five Phylum Euglenozoa Primary locomotory organelle is one or more flagella Most primitive protozoan group Reproduce asexually by binary fission Phytoflagellates Possesion of chloroplasts one or two flagella and starch or paramylum as the major anabolic product Zooflagellates Lack chloroplasts posses one to many flagella and store food as glycogen A B C Figure A Euglena genus of phytoflagellate Move by means of two flagellae One of the flagellae is short and hard to see while the other is long Figure B Stained Euglena Gracilis you will usually see them in numbers like this Figure C Structure of a Euglena Atostylata Termites Many Flagellae A Trichomonas Ciliata Numerous tiny flagellae called cilia Posses two types of nuclei a macronucleus controlling all vegetative functions and a micronucleus regulates reproductive activities Posses a functional mouth and associated oral structures of aboral zone membranelles AZM to facilitate feeding A B C D Figure A A labeled paramecium note the two nuclei Figure B Paramecium under a microscope 40x Figure C Stentor seen in lab know what this looks like Figure D A didinium voracious feeder on paramecium Apicomplexa aka Sporozoa The spore animals Entirely parasitic and posses no locomotor organelles A Plasmodium Amebas Also known as sarcodines Categorized by their ability to form temporary cytoplasmic extentions called pseudopodia false feet Amoebae secrete shells or tests within which they are enclosed Captures food by encircling and capturing them with its pseudopodia and then engulfs their prey using phagocytosis Also exhibits pinocytosis cell drinking Note the relatively few club shaped pseudopodia lobopods A B Images A and B are amoebas They are normally dyed like this on slides The testacida Shell bearing amoebae o These protozoans have a shell or test A B Figure A Difflugia Test is composed of foreign materials from the environment embedded in a cementing matrix Figure B Arcella Test is secreted by the cytoplasm The Radiolarians and Foraminiferans o Foraminifera Amoebae equipped with elaborately chambered shells of Calcium Carbonate Benthic organisms o Radiolaria mainly pelagic drift with currents Their bodies are spherical and extend pseudopodia through an internal skeleton of silica A B Figure A Foraminiferans Figure B Radiolaria Heliozoa Related to Radiolaria consisting of a distinct spherical form with stiff radiating pseudopodia Resembles rays of the sun They do not have a skeleton like the Radiolaria and Foraminifera Additional Information that may be useful Dinoflagellates Actively swimming single celled organisms Often take up forms of algae and become photosynthetic The Zooxanthellae that occur inside coral are a group of Dinoflagellates Rhizaria Amoeba like form with long thin pseudopodia and tests Include many abundant aquatic organisms Archaeplastida Includes plants and their close relatives Mostly non motile except for reproductive cells Important is Volvox Volvox Freshwater green algae Slime Molds include two different groups o Plasmodial Slime Molds Also known as gigantic amoebas Form large plasmodium body form and often web like in form IMPORTANT These exhibit a high SA V ratio o Cellular Slime Molds Model organism for evolutionary studies Unicellular and multicellular stages to life Multicellular life is formed through aggregation not cell division Phylum Porifera o Two skeletal components Spicules and spongin o Classified based on their spicule morphology which can be divided into three major classes Calcarea Produce three and four rayed CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate spicules Includes all three sponge architectures Asconoid Syconoid Leuconoid all marine Demospongiae secrete mostly silicious spicules 90 of living species mostly marine ONLY Leuconoid in form This category includes sponges that look like bath sponges Hexactinellida Silicious spicules Known commonly as glass sponges because of their 6 sided spiculues that join together to form cages A B Image A The 6 sided nature of spicules Image B The caged glass shape that comes from joining of the spicules o Excellent powers of regeneration after fragmentation due to the totipotency of cells and their SIMPLE cellular organization o Asymmetrical sessile filter feeders o ONLY cellular grade of organization o Totipotency ability for a single cell to divide and reproduce an organism o Choanocytes are used to filter feed and phagocytize engulf plankon and detritus o Reproduction broadcast spawning o Asexually Gemmules formation in freshwater demosponges Dense and hardened ball on archaeocytes very totipotent cell that are protected by collagen and spicules o Sexually Monecious Most sponges exhibit this type This form is where the sponge produces both egg and sperm cells Dioecious o Basic Architeture all sponge types o Choanocytes Collared cells that produce water flow through incurrent pores in the sponge wall ostia into canals and out the osculum top of cell collar portion Choanocytes have a collar of microvilli that filter and trap particules which allow them to get phagocytized by the cell body A B Figure A Basic structure of a chonaocyte know how to label Figure B Choanocytes acting as a wall in a sponge and the act of phagocytation o Asconoid Basic in out water flow o Be able to label all of these terms and note that the atrium of asconoid sponges are lined with choanocytes Figure B Indicates the very simple water flow indicated by the blue uprising arrow Figure C How an asconoid would look in their environment B mesohyle archaeocyte amoebocyte C o Syconoid created by simple folding of the asconoid surface Now instead of a flagellated spongocoel atrium they have flagellated radial canals Note the difference in water flow A B C o Leuconoid Elaboration of the syconoid plan with an even more increased surface area They

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FSU BSC 2011L - Phylum Protista

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