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Final Study Guide This is just an overview of each phylum along with looking over the final study guide review your drawings and personal notes Good Luck Studying Kingdom Protista 1 Classification Phylum Ciliophora Ciliata Phylum Sporozoa Apicomplexa including parasites Ex Plasmodium vivax Phylum Euglenozoa move via flagella Phylum Sarcodina Ameboa Psuedopodes fake foot Ex Difflugia Forminifera Arcella 2 Organization Unicellular Sometimes they form colonies 3 Embryonic Development N A 4 Symmetry No symmetry 5 Skeleton Support Have tests made of silicate and calcium Radiolarian have silicate test Foraminiferan have calcium tests 6 Movement Locomotion Ciliophora cilia Sporozoa no locomotion Euglenozoa flagella Sarcodina pseudopods 7 Sensory Nervous Phototaxis eye spots have nerve bundles that will detect pH change and light Chemotaxis 8 Digestion Feeding Autotrophic Heterotrophic eating other things Filter Feeders Intracellular Digestion food vacuoles and lysosomes Trichocysts Paramecium use this structure to capture prey Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis Amoeba s form of feeding 9 Excretory Osmoregulation Diffusion Contractile vacuoles 10 Circulation Diffusion Amoeba have cytoplasmic streaming 11 Respiration Diffusion 12 Reproduction Asexual Binary Fission and Budding Sexual Conjugation and syngamy Phylum Features Porifera 1 Classification Class Calcarea Spicules are composed of calcium carbonate All asconoid and syconoid belong to this group Class Hexactinellida Spicules are composed of silica Deep sea glass sponges All members of this class are leuconoid Class Demospongiae 80 of all sponges All members are leuconoid in body plan Occur in both marine and freshwater environments 2 Organization Multicellular Asymmetrical sessile filter feeders No true tissues and no embryonic germ tissues Cells specialize and can reorganize the sponge organism spicules and spongin which prevents collapse of canals and chambers Structural protein collagen lies in the intercellular mesohyle 3 Embryonic Development n a 4 Symmetry Asymmetrical no symmetry 5 Skeleton Support 6 Movement Locomotion Sessile Movement as larvae Cells move within sponge 7 Sensory Nervous N A 8 Digestion Feeding 10 Circulation 11 Respiration N A N A 12 Reproduction Sexual Monecious Dioecious Choanocytes filter feed line the inner wall of the spongocoel and move water through the body cavity by the action of the flagella They occur only in the radial canals Digestion is intracellular some large sponges can filter up to 1500 liters per day 9 Excretory Osmoregulation filtered water leaves the sponge through the osculum 1 When a stimulus is right specialized flagellated choanocytes become sperm and release into the water Broadcast Spawning 2 The release sperm enters another sponge and gets phagocytized by choanocytes which lose their collar and flagella become amoeboid and travel through the mesohyl to fertilize egg cells 3 Once fertilized they develop into PARENCHYMULA LARVAE the larvae exits the parent sponge swim for a few hours and settles and grows into a new sponge Asexual Gemmules Fragmentation Budding excellent powers of regeneration after fragmentation due to the totipotency of cells and the simple cellular grade of organization Gemmule a dense hardened ball of archaeocytes protected by collagen and spicules They are an adaption to allow overwintering in harsh conditions the formation of new sponges in the spring and Surface Area to Volume Volume r 2ph Sides 2prh As a sponge gets bigger then more volume per surface area more force required and less opportunity for taking in materials Walls need to get bigger to prevent buckling Asconoid Syconoid Leuconoid Asconoid sponges have the simplest organization Water enters through microscopic dermal pores into a large cavity spongocoel which is lined with choanocytes Choanocyte flagella pull water though the pores and expel it through a single large osculum increases surface area for filtering by folding the asconoid surface now instead of a flagellated atrium spongocoel they have flagellated radial canals elaboration on the syconoid plan further increases in surface area by subdividing flagellated canals into flagellated chambers More efficient water pumping system Pinacocytes outer sponge cells which help regulate the surface area of the sponge Mesophyl Matrix beneath the pinacoderm which is the skeletal support of spicules and spongin Porocytes surround cancel opening pore can contract to regulate water flow through the sponge Archaeocytes amebocytes amoebocytes totipotent cells move through mesophyl Ingest via phagocytosis and digest food transferred from choanocytes and transport nutrients to other cells In some sponges they develop into gametes Ecological Roles of Porifera structural elements filtration water chemistry refuge Phylum Features Cnidaria and Ctenophora 1 Classification Class Hydrozoa Both polyp and medusa stages mostly marine and some freshwater Siphonophores the ultimate superorganism a colony of specialized cooperative polymorphic polyps Hydrocorals aka fire coral huge number of nematocytes which cause severe stinging pain chills and nausea They secrete a calcareous skeleton resembling true corals Class Scyphozoa jellyfish conspicuous medusa alternates with inconspicuous polyp form Dioecious Gastrovascular Canal System Ropalium contains a statocysts for balance and sensing gravity and an ocellus o 4 gastric pouchs o radial canals o ring canals Surface exumbrella for photoreception Gastrovascular Cavity Gonad Class Anthozoa Sea anemones hard corals soft corals and sea fans Sea Anemone o GVC divided into chambers by septa o Siphonoglyph ciliated groove runs down sides of pharynx and maintains H2O current o Acontia threads with nematocyst and gland cells o Life cycle spawning release of gametes with external fertilization Diploblastic gastrula with ciliated larvae Two Smaller Classes lecture Class Cubozoa box jellyfish medusa is prominent tentacles at each corner potentially lethal Class Staurozoa split off from class Scyphozoa solitary polyp top of polyp resembles a small medusa octomerous 8 tentacles 2 Organization Tissue level 3 Embryonic Development Diploblastic Epidermis Gastrodermic Scyphozoa Development to Medusa o Planula o Scyphistoma o Strobila o Ephyra o Medusa 4 Symmetry Radial with oral and aboral ends 5 Skeleton Support Mesoglea gelatinous medium between two tissue layers Hydrostatic skeleton 6 Movement Locomotion Muscle tissue Longitudinal Circular

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