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Characteristics of P h y l u m P o r i f e r a 1 Cellular level of organization no organs or tissues 2 Have UNIQUE flagellated collar cells called choanocytes that drive water throught the canals and chambers 3 Adults are sessile suspension feeders larval stages are motile 4 Body wall consists of 3 components Epidermis with incurrent pores has pinacocytes and porocytes Mesohyl middle layer a non cellular protein matrix containing spicules spongin and ameobocytes archeocytes totipotent turn to sperm inner layer with choanocytes 5 Skeletal elements consists of spicules made of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide and or spongin protein fibers 6 Ameobocytes are totipotent can develop into all other sponge cell types 7 Three body types not classes based on complexity degree of folding Characteristics of P h y l u m C n i d a r i a 1 Tissue level of organization no organs 2 Dipoblastic 2 tissue layers Outer epidermis derived from ectoderm Inner gastrodermis Derived from endoderm glea non cellular middle layer that provides support between 3 Meso two tissue layes 4 Radially Symmetrical and the primary body axis is oral aboral 5 Have specialized STINGINIG CELLS call cnidocytes that have unique organelles called nematocysts within them These nematocysts are like mini harpoons that can be ejected and used for ANCHORAGE DEFENSE AND PREY CAPTURE 6 The GVC gastrovascular cavity is saclike and had only one opening which serves and both mouth and anus In addition to its role in DIGESTION it also functions as a HYDROSTATIC SKELTON 7 Respiration and excretion take place via diffusion 8 Nervous system is a simple NERVE NET 9 2 body forms that may occur in the life cycle polyp sessile medusa motile 10 Typically planula larvae ciliate and motile Characteristics of Organ level of organization 1 Tripoblastic 3 tissue layers outer epidermis derived from ectoderm middle mesenchyme mesoderm Inner gastrodermis endoderm 2 Acoelomate no body cavity coelom Instead the body is filled with the middle cell layer called the mesenchyme PHYLU M 3 Bilaterally symmetrical and flattened dorsoventrally 4 Incomplete digestive system has only 1 opening gut is absent in parasitic cestoda 5 Cephalization concentration of sense organs and nervous system at the anterior end of the animal LADDER LIKE nervous system 6 Protonephridia flame bulbs cells are excretory and osmoregulatory structures 7 Monoecious hermaphroditic 8 Characteristics of P h y l u m NEMERTINA 1 Organ level of organization 2 Tripoblastic 3 tissue layers outer epidermis derived from ectoderm middle mesenchyme mesoderm Inner gastrodermis endoderm 3 Acoelomate no body cavity coelom 4 Bilaterally symmetrical and UNSEGMENTED 5 Complete digestive system has only 2 opening mouth an anus 6 CLOSED circulatory system 7 Has a PROBOSCIS that is surrounded by a cavity called a RHYNCHOCOEL and is dorsal to the gut 9 PROTONEPHRIDIA FLAME BULBS CELLS Excretory an 8 CEPHALIZATION Osmoregulation 10 most are DIOECIOUS Characteristics of P h y l u m ANNELIDA 1 Organ level of organization 2 Tripoblastic 3 tissue layers outer epidermis derived from ectoderm middle mesenchyme mesoderm Inner gastrodermis endoderm 3 EUCOELOMATE 4 Bilaterally symmetrical 5 DEVELOPMENT they are PROTOSTOMES COELOM DEVELOPS BY schizocoelous mode and the blastopore becomes the MOUTH EMBYRO HAS SPIRAL DETERMINATE CELL CLEVAGE 6 METAMERISM segments both internally and externally repeating INTERNAL systems are separated by SEPTA Tissue walls some annelids show TAGMOSIS 7 COMPLETE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM with regional specialization 8 CLOSED circulatory system with blood containing HEMOGLOBIN 9 PAIRD NEPHRIDIA excretion and osmo 10 Some dioecious and some hermaphroditic monoecious 11 polychaetes have free swimming trochophore larva P h y l u m CHORDATA 1 Organ level of organization 2 Tripoblastic 3 tissue layers 3 Deuterostomes entercoelous coelom formation indeterminate development radial cell cleavage 4 Bilaterally symmetric 5 Four chordate characteristics are present at SOME stage of development 1 Pharyngeal gill slits 2 Dorsal Hollow nerve cord 3 Dorsal notochord 4 post anal tail 5 endostyle some say 6 COMPLETE DIGESTIVE with regional specialization 7 CLOSED CIRCULATORY system with ventral contractile blood vessel or heart 8 Dioecious or hermaphroditic fertilization may be external or internal

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FSU BSC 2011L - Phylum Porifera

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